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31 Dec, 2007
2007-12-31 3:42:34 PM UTC
As 2007 draws to a close, I would be remiss if I did not send a great, big "THANK YOU" to all who have supported my quest during this and previous years. I can not see how any year could top 2007. With the support (and keen eyes) of many, I have now been able to catalog 51 new/previously unknown (to me, anyway!) calendars and collect an astonishing 47 of them!!! As the total number of calendars/variants now stands at 270, adding 51 to the 219 that I knew of at the end of 2006 is an increase of 23%.

Of course, one of those calendars was the Heren Istarion calendar which worked on. It was great to work with Ted Nasmith and Jef Murray and my daughter to create it. I am very pleased with the comments that buyers have sent (all most positive).

Also, I note that there are 100 posts in this thread and that the views have now gone over 10,000. The posts I can understand as I write something here at least once/month. But the number of views? While I am gratified by the number, I find it hard to believe that many find this subject as interesting as I (or at least of enough interest to check in). Therefore, I will attribute it to the many supporters "out there" who are looking out for me and keeping me informed. For this, I am very grateful.

I hope that 2007 was good to you and that 2008 will be even better!

Away from The Green Hill Country,

1 Jan, 2008
2008-1-1 2:58:22 PM UTC
Wow that sounds like a great collection!

I only found out a couple of weeks ago that there were literally dozens of them all going so far back!


3 Jan, 2008
2008-1-3 12:31:06 PM UTC
A happy eleventy-sixth to the Professor!
3 Jan, 2008
2008-1-3 12:37:35 PM UTC
The Professor!!
3 Jan, 2008
2008-1-3 2:08:58 PM UTC


9 Jan, 2008
2008-1-9 2:58:12 AM UTC
Happy New Year, All!

Updated the Calendar of the Month on my website:

Hope you enjoy this one (a current favorite!) At the risk of spoiling the surprise but with the ability to favor those awaiting their copy of the HI calendar (and perhaps entice a few more orders), it is the 2008 Heren Istarion calendar in all its glory (illustrations and calendar pages alike!)

Away from The Green Hill Country,

20 Jan, 2008
2008-1-20 3:11:52 PM UTC
Added the 2008 Sociedad Tolkien Española calendar to the catalog at:

Hope you enjoy it.

Away from The Green Hill Country,


p.s. - Anyone here a member of S.T.E. or have a good contact with them? I would like to ask them how many of these were printed and assign an accurate rarity scale ranking to it. Thanks all!
6 Feb, 2008
2008-2-6 3:38:18 AM UTC
I (finally) updated the Calendar of the Month feature for February on my website:

You can now find 13 illustrations with a common theme: the 1977 centerfold by the Bros Hildebrandt and 12 by Colin Williams. In order to do any more of such "theme" Calendar of the Month features, I am going to have to go through all of my calendars and compile a list of each illustration . . . no small task as I have collected about 240 of the 271 calendars that I have been able to catalog! Wish me luck!

Thanks all for visiting.

Away from The Green Hill Country,

13 Feb, 2008
2008-2-13 5:01:13 AM UTC
Added a new calendar to the catalog (and my collection): the Pocket (France) "Calendrier 2008 Collector." It has a single Tolkien-related illustration within: "The Fellowship of the Ring" by John Howe. It was a bonus for purchasing Pocket books at Christmas.

Away from The Green Hill Country,

23 Feb, 2008
2008-2-23 2:43:36 PM UTC
Discovered a new (previously unknown to me) Tolkien calendar: "Calendrier 2002 Tolkien". Issued in France (curiously, I think it is a Pocket issue as was the preceeding entry) and a unique format in my collection. Find it in the 2002 or French sections at:

Away from The Green Hill Country,

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