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13 Oct, 2021
2021-10-13 8:46:40 PM UTC
Came yesterday, haven’t had a chance to dive in yet.

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13 Oct, 2021
2021-10-13 8:49:03 PM UTC
Is this now a POD Pb?
13 Oct, 2021
2021-10-13 9:05:47 PM UTC

Khamûl wrote:

Is this now a POD Pb?

Yes, it is. And still $60 per issue (list price from the publisher, more for international). I've wavered back and forth on whether these are a good use of shelf space, and have ended up with all issues (though I got three or four years secondhand, because I stopped for a while).
13 Oct, 2021
2021-10-13 9:23:03 PM UTC
Yeh, had same dilemma maybe ten years back. Again (& I'm sounding like a broken record playing across several threads here!) just a deeply disappointing product as a book. I've got older issues I really should read too.
13 Oct, 2021 (edited)
2021-10-13 9:46:01 PM UTC
Yes, I remember being confused many years back when I received a Paperback in the post rather than the usual hardback (had ordered the latest issue and price was same as previous year).

Was very disappointed to pay $70 (international) for a paperback copy which obviously did not match on the bookshelf with the reasonably attractive hardback volumes.

I stopped buying a few times only to either order backissues subsequently or find a new copy on Ebay.

Anyway - Vol 18 is currently in transit........

Very mixed feelings overall on buying this every year.
14 Oct, 2021
2021-10-14 12:58:27 AM UTC
Just arrived...

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14 Oct, 2021
2021-10-14 1:17:00 AM UTC
Academic publishers target libraries, not individuals, for sales. That's their calculation, and that's why my (co-)own Tolkien's Legendarium is so absurdly expensive (and not what I would myself have chosen). Given that, look at tables of contents (when released) and reviews (when published) before buying, unless you are yourself a hardcore Tolkien academic.
14 Oct, 2021
2021-10-14 3:55:59 AM UTC

Stu wrote:

Just arrived...

I like Uncorrected Proofs
14 Oct, 2021
2021-10-14 6:55:32 AM UTC

remy wrote:

Very mixed feelings overall on buying this every year.

Yet, one keeps buying...
14 Oct, 2021
2021-10-14 8:49:38 AM UTC

Aelfwine wrote:

Academic publishers target libraries, not individuals, for sales. That's their calculation, and that's why my (co-)own Tolkien's Legendarium is so absurdly expensive (and not what I would myself have chosen). Given that, look at tables of contents (when released) and reviews (when published) before buying, unless you are yourself a hardcore Tolkien academic.

Indeed. My issue/disappointment is not with the content but rather the format it in which it is issued.

I would have far preferred if they raised the price to $90 or $100 and kept the Hardcover binding rather than issuing it as a Paperback.

And if they are targeting libraries: would they not be better served issuing it in hardcover.
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