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17 Apr, 2022 (edited)
2022-4-17 9:11:19 PM UTC
The Chads hope that you are having a wonderful Easter and that you left no egg unfound on your hunt ?
Season One is in the books and we couldn't be more thankful to all of you for helping us along this journey with our podcast. To wrap up season one, Jennifer Mellow and Diana Garett took us through two fantastic discussions on "Animal Stewards of Middle-earth" and "Mindful Meditation" We hope y'all enjoy!
Hosted by Chad High and Chad Bornholdt, this is a podcast for you! We may be based in Texas but this podcast is not just for Texans. On this podcast, fans of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien from all over the world can come on with us and others for discussions on topics of your choosing.
Anyone can sign up to come on and record an episode with us and other fans just like you, who are passionate about the Professor and his Legendarium.
Texas Tolkien Talk Podcast Website

Texas Tolkien Talk Podcast Two Newest Episodes
21 Apr, 2022
2022-4-21 6:45:44 PM UTC

Stu wrote:

I knew "Y'all" would be in the first 10 words when I clicked the link. It was number two.

Y'all can tell I once lived in Fort Worth.

"Y'all" is the "vous" of the South.
25 Apr, 2022 (edited)
2022-4-25 11:36:50 PM UTC
We were very happy to kick off our second season with a conversation with friend of the show Jordan Rannells. In addition to being the producer of the Prancing Pony Podcast, Jordan is a music producer, audiophile. He has been involved in some wonderful Tolkien related projects over the past couple of year (the Council of Elrond experience among them).
Here he talks about his new project. A Long Expected Soundscape. Fun stuff, give it a listen!

Texas Tolkien Talk Podcast Website ... oundscape-jordan-rannells
2 May, 2022
2022-5-2 6:36:22 AM UTC
Interesting question at the end of the current episode #249 - Down to the Crossroads, about 1 hour 15 minutes into the episode. ... 9-down-to-the-crossroads/

It's known that both Shawn and Alan are collectors of Tolkien books and books about Tolkien but if you had unlimited funds and if availability of items was not a limitation what non-text Tolkien item would you want for your collection?
8 May, 2022
2022-5-8 3:05:32 PM UTC
Mr. Underhill is a guest on the latest Prancing Pony Podcast

A new day begins, but doesn’t quite “dawn”, and Gollum leads the hobbits down to the cross-roads. They clearly aren’t in decent places anymore, with loud noises and orc graffiti keeping them all on edge (not to mention no decent tea house for miles). But a ray of sunshine at the right time and place reminds them that not all hope is lost. We discuss Sam’s actual pipe dream and the Gaffer’s old belief that where there’s hunger, there’s hope… but first, a new installment of our collecting segment Kingly Gifts, with guest Chad High.

Find Chad High online as Mr. Underhill on Tolkien Collector’s Guide, and listen to Texas Tolkien Talk wherever you get your podcasts. ... he-sunshine-of-your-love/
15 May, 2022
2022-5-15 12:57:30 PM UTC
In our latest episode we sat down with researcher Nancy Bunting and friend of the show Marilyn Pukkila (her third time on a panel!) to talk about Edith Tolkien, wife of JRR Tolkien. Nancy has recently co-authored a book titled The Galant Edith Bratt, which can be found in most online bookstores.
We asked Nancy about the contents of the book, and also the process of researching and writing such a book, both the challenges and successes. It was most certainly an interesting conversation.
We recommend reading Wayne Hammond and Cristina Scull's review of the book (link included below) before listening to the episode.

Episode 30: The Gallant Edith Bratt

Hammond & Scull's Review of the book

The Texas Tolkien Talk Podcast Website
1 Jul, 2022
2022-7-1 12:15:20 PM UTC
New podcast today! Just in time for the weekend, the Chads newest panel of Elf-Friends Tanya Plashkova & Jeff La Sala, take us through their topic The End of All Things: Thoughts on the Endings of Tolkien's Legendarium. Tanya also treated us to some readings from The Hobbit in Russian! It was a wonderful discussion, check it out!

Episode 31: The End of All Things: Thoughts on the Endings of Tolkien's Legendarium

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