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Folio LoTR illustrations - interesting newspaper snippet

18 May, 2022
2022-5-18 9:39:21 PM UTC

Reproduced from this LT thread ( post 500 -- which is in turn reproduced from an eBay listing.

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19 May, 2022 (edited)
2022-5-19 2:50:06 AM UTC
Is there a version of LOTR illustrated by Queen Margrethe currently being published (other than the FS version)? Did she also illustrate other Tolkien books?
19 May, 2022
2022-5-19 5:54:26 AM UTC

Morinehtar wrote:

Is there a version of LOTR illustrated by Queen Margrethe currently being published (other than the FS version)? Did she also illustrate other Tolkien books?

I don't think so (to both questions). I was under the impression that it was only that one Danish edition that had her original illustrations.
19 May, 2022
2022-5-19 12:08:11 PM UTC
This LOTR version from FS is "Illustrated by Eric Fraser and Ingahild Grathmer" and currently available:

I'm not a fan of their binding design, but I might get this if it's the only way to have an official version with Queen Margrethe's illustrations.
19 May, 2022
2022-5-19 12:28:04 PM UTC

Morinehtar wrote:

This LOTR version from FS is "Illustrated by Eric Fraser and Ingahild Grathmer" and currently available:

I'm not a fan of their binding design, but I might get this if it's the only way to have an official version with Queen Margrethe's illustrations.

Drawn by Eric Fraser. I think the original Danish edition had her original drawings, rather than the re-drawings.
19 May, 2022
2022-5-19 1:20:11 PM UTC
Sadly I think even the Danish one according to the box-set I have also just has the Eric Fraser redrawings. I have certainly never been able to identify any differences. The cover of one version of the Tolkien Ensemble Songs and Poems CD is the only place I've seen anything that might be one of her originals


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19 May, 2022 (edited)
2022-5-19 1:33:05 PM UTC
Seven of her original chapter headings are reproduced in Maker of Middle-earth, page 107 (figure 14).
19 May, 2022
2022-5-19 2:17:36 PM UTC
My understanding is that her original art was included in the booklet included with the CD set "The Lord of the Rings: Complete Songs and Poems" by the Tolkien Ensemble.

I wonder if anything was included in the catalogue of the recent exhibition "The Faces of the Queen"

The catalogue can be found here, but I haven't order it.
19 May, 2022
2022-5-19 3:35:28 PM UTC

Urulókë wrote:

Her original art is reproduced in Maker of Middle-earth.

Thank you for this information!

Searching the web I found this: ... s-herre-1-3-5711905004806

I know nothing of this edition. The website doesn't mention Eric Fraser, but the book might include a note in the copyright page. I suppose there's no way of knowing without inspecting an actual copy.
19 May, 2022
2022-5-19 3:46:17 PM UTC
The publisher's information for this series only mentions Ingahild Grathmer, and from what I recall in discussions here in another thread, it does reproduce her original drawings and not the redrawn ones that Folio used.
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