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The Rings of Power Exclusive: Everything You Need to Know About Celebrimbor

28 Jun, 2022 (edited)
2022-6-28 8:56:29 AM UTC

The Rings of Power Exclusive: Everything You Need to Know About Celebrimbor

It’s nuts to think that a character like Celebrimbor is so critical to The Lord of the Rings lore and yet Tolkien barely touched on him in his books. Though Tolkien did once write, in a letter to his publisher, of welcoming the idea of other creatives coming in the future and elaborating on the worlds that he created.

Well, Tolkien strewed plenty of seeds ready to be gathered up and sown — allowing the team behind Prime Video’s new landmark Middle-earth based series The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power to grow a new screen adventure from his writings. Celebrimbor is one such kernel, the regal Elf who is both mentioned in The Lord of the Rings and features in Tolkien’s appendices – the source material which inspired The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. The character is responsible for both crafting the three Elven Rings and keeping them out of Sauron’s reach.

Celebrimbor’s story is a fascinating one – and one which the new show is set to explore and build on in some depth. We can’t wait – and if you’re a Tolkien fan you probably can’t either. But wait we must, at least until the show premieres in September. So, before then, we’re bringing you tantalizing exclusive first-look images of the character of Celebrimbor as he will appear in The Rings of Power, alongside an overview of the character as outlined by Tolkien — and an in-depth chat with actor Charles Edwards, who plays the pivotal Elf, shedding new light on the role Celebrimbor plays.

Celebrimbor and Elrond
28 Jun, 2022
2022-6-28 9:09:51 AM UTC
I think elves should look younger and better looking. Immortality isn't much use if you look like you are in your late 50s...
28 Jun, 2022
2022-6-28 9:39:55 AM UTC

Stu wrote:

I think elves should look younger and better looking. Immortality isn't much use if you look like you are in your late 50s...

I tend to agree, elves are ageless, not middle-aged.
28 Jun, 2022
2022-6-28 10:19:18 AM UTC

Stu wrote:

I think elves should look younger and better looking. Immortality isn't much use if you look like you are in your late 50s...

I agree. I wonder if my perception of what elves should look like is too affected by PJ's films, but I think they did a good job with that.
28 Jun, 2022
2022-6-28 12:50:09 PM UTC
I too was slightly taken aback at first seeing how Celebrimbor looks, but experience has taught me to reserve my judgement of characters, story, etc. until I’ve watched the show.

Frodo is supposed to be a 50 year old man when he sets out, not the fresh-faced rosy-pink-cheeked boy we got in Elijah Wood; and yet I can’t imagine any other Frodo than him. ☺️

Indeed some of the characters of the Amazon show too may not, at first glance, fit the look we’ve envisioned in our minds while reading the books based on Tolkien’s descriptions of them, but they could in fact be portrayed perfectly well in the show.

So I’ll wait and see how the show affects me overall before getting either excited or disappointed.
28 Jun, 2022
2022-6-28 3:55:28 PM UTC
The pictures seem to be associated with this article.

The Rings of Power Exclusive: Everything You Need to Know About Celebrimbor
30 Jun, 2022
2022-6-30 5:08:36 AM UTC
Apart from the last picture, which was labelled as

Halbrand and Galadriel

Halbrand is played by Charlie Vickers ( and on first looks this appears to be Elrond and Galadriel, Elrond is played by Robert Aramayo (

No idea who Halbrand is so could be one of the candidates for The Lord of Gifts.
7 Jul, 2022 (edited)
2022-7-7 11:06:59 PM UTC
Well Halbrand (if that photo isn't mislabeled) and Galadriel certainly seem to have closed some measure of intimate distance between them in that photo.

If he is the Lord of Gifts, that might imply that Galadriel plays the part of the fury scorned, since she is apparently “full of **** and vinegar”.

I hope not.
8 Jul, 2022
2022-7-8 12:08:29 AM UTC
The photo is mislabeled, that is Elrond and Galadriel.

Here is Halbrand from an official set photo released by Amazon Studios today - long hair and a beard, not short hair and pointy ears:

1_62c77577397a5.jpg 2000X1333 px
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