J.R.R. Tolkien: The Art of the Manuscript' at Marquette University shows how he created 'Lord of the Rings' a page at a time
https://eu.jsonline.com/story/entertai ... ns-lord-rings/7841566001/
https://eu.jsonline.com/story/entertai ... ns-lord-rings/7841566001/
My copy arrived today. Quality paper, quality binding (sewn), quality scans of the archived material.
I believe the print run on these is pretty limited, so I would order sooner rather than later if you're not able to attend in-person.
I believe the print run on these is pretty limited, so I would order sooner rather than later if you're not able to attend in-person.

Fliss said Tolkien’s handwriting "could be absolutely beautiful," but some of his working manuscripts on display are less so.
"I would challenge some of the visitors to try to make out what he’s saying," he said.
I completely agree with that statement

https://www.wpr.org/lord-rings-fans-ne ... -r-r-tolkiens-manuscripts
I received my copy today in the mail, which was a nice surprise.
I would highly recommend it--lovely book.
I would highly recommend it--lovely book.
From the Haggerty newsletter, this is written by Susan Longhenry, Director and Chief Curator:
It's been a remarkable fourteen days at the Haggerty Museum of Art. The exhibition J.R.R. Tolkien: The Art of the Manuscript opened to the public on Friday, August 19. Both weekends since have been almost completely sold out, and every weekday has seen a steady stream of visitors. As gratifying as it is to see so many people in the Museum, it's even better to observe the impact that this exhibition has on them. Last Sunday I spent an hour as a Gallery Attendant in the Tolkien exhibition. During that time I was struck by how long visitors were spending in the gallery, and--especially--by how deep their engagement was with each object. Perhaps best of all is the "glow" (to quote one of the Museum's staff members) that many visitors have on their faces upon exiting the exhibition. Tolkien's world is, without a doubt, a very special place. I hope to see you there soon.