15 Aug, 2008
2008-8-15 8:44:56 PM UTC
I Was going through some assorted textiles I had purchased recently and found an Irish Linen map: There and Back Again a Map of
Bilbo's Journey Through Eriador and Rhovanion Bottom left hand Corner says Irish Linen Copywright 1971 George Allen and Unwin LTD Design JRR Tolkien/Pauline Baynes Bottom Right Jonelle. I would love any Information on this Map as I have an interested buyer but no clue of Its worth Please Help.
15 Aug, 2008
2008-8-15 8:54:26 PM UTC
o wow... count me in as interested buyer as well... I know exactly what this is and where it comes from, why it was made and how rare it is! I own one such map already and would honestly be very interested in obtaining another one...
Please mail me at
[email protected] .
So... now about the explanation. This is the Pauline Baynes map and this piece is known as the rare Pauline Baynes / Tolkien Middle Earth Tea Towel. This Tea Towel was 1st commissioned in 1971 and distributed to personnel of George Allen & Unwin, on a celebration (don't remember exactly what it was about). But it is clear Tolkien was there, since I read in an (unpublished) letter he himself had received such a teatowel at the 'party' or 'meeting' and was very happy with it.
Don't know if it was ever mass produced after that, but don't think so. It is Irish linen and very high quality overal.
15 Aug, 2008
2008-8-15 8:57:53 PM UTC
Hi Miranda (and Beren),
I'm also very interested - mostly for the Guide though! Could either of you provide scans/images of this so I can officially add it to the database?

15 Aug, 2008
2008-8-15 9:28:27 PM UTC
don't see any images... still I did sent some to Rowns myself, if you sent yours also, then he could add it. Anyways, Miranda, I'm very interested in the towel!
15 Aug, 2008
2008-8-15 9:30:13 PM UTC
If you don't have any photo tool program like IrfanView32 then maybe just upload here
http://imageshack.us/ and give us a link
15 Aug, 2008
2008-8-15 9:42:11 PM UTC
Yes, I have a 1Meg limit for file-size in the discussion boards - big images can easily exceed that - if you email it to me (
[email protected]) I can post it.
And talk to Beren, he's very interested in buying your towel!

16 Aug, 2008
2008-8-16 12:18:47 AM UTC
I am sorry But Trying to upload Picture again I went in and made it smaller so hopefully it will let me insert it so you can see it.
16 Aug, 2008
2008-8-16 2:12:22 AM UTC
Rowns and Beren
Here Is a few more pictures. What would you consider a fair price for this?? If you could also send any information to my e-mail address would be great. Thanks for everything.
[email protected] Miranda

16 Aug, 2008
2008-8-16 2:41:26 AM UTC
Sorry if you could please send any information to
[email protected] it would be excellent.
Thanx again
20 Aug, 2008
2008-8-20 8:14:13 AM UTC