15 Oct, 2022
2022-10-15 3:00:07 AM UTC
Edited by Mr. Underhill on 2022-10-15 3:21:57 AM UTC
Edited by Mr. Underhill on 2022-10-15 3:22:27 AM UTC
Edited by Mr. Underhill on 2022-10-15 3:22:27 AM UTC
2022-10-15 3:00:07 AM UTC
Just finished it. Very disappointing episode to cap off a very disappointing season.
The good: Nori going off on an adventure with her Wizard friend, got strong There and Back again vibes. (Although the goodbye scene was like an hour)
The Bad: The Who's Sauron storyline finally came to a merciful end. With a weird wild goose chase involving said Wizard friend leading to Halbarand placing a cone of silence on both Galadriel and Elrond to say nothing about what they know. Also the show runners obviously haven’t read Osanwe-Kenta as Sauron entered Galadriel’s head without her consent.
The Ugly: The motivations of pretty much every book character. None feel like Tolkien’s creations. Gil-Galad is mean, Celebrembor is stupid, Galadriel is short sighted, Elrond is naive…the only characters I have liked are non cannon, Arondir, Nori, Adar.
The good: Nori going off on an adventure with her Wizard friend, got strong There and Back again vibes. (Although the goodbye scene was like an hour)
The Bad: The Who's Sauron storyline finally came to a merciful end. With a weird wild goose chase involving said Wizard friend leading to Halbarand placing a cone of silence on both Galadriel and Elrond to say nothing about what they know. Also the show runners obviously haven’t read Osanwe-Kenta as Sauron entered Galadriel’s head without her consent.
The Ugly: The motivations of pretty much every book character. None feel like Tolkien’s creations. Gil-Galad is mean, Celebrembor is stupid, Galadriel is short sighted, Elrond is naive…the only characters I have liked are non cannon, Arondir, Nori, Adar.
Mr. Underhill wrote:
Also the show runners obviously haven’t read Osanwe-Kenta as Sauron entered Galadriel’s head without her consent.
As the show-runners profess to be such lore-experts you would have thought they know about that, plus it is used in LoTR so they could use it.
Mr. Underhill wrote:
The motivations of pretty much every book character. None feel like Tolkien’s creations. Gil-Galad is mean, Celebrembor is stupid, Galadriel is short sighted, Elrond is naive…the only characters I have liked are non cannon, Arondir, Nori, Adar.
Exactly why I enjoyed the non-Tolkien characters more. Adar feels like Tolkien, Arondir feels like Tolkien. Galadriel feels like Amazon/
I have slept on it and hate a lot of yesterdays episode. I usually feel less critical after a sleep, not on this episode. I knew where it was all going but the misdirection at the start really winds me up as it is terrible story-telling