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Fun find in new acquisition

10 Jan, 2023
2023-1-10 6:46:08 AM UTC

Last week I received a copy of the 5th printing (December 1965) of the Ballantine Hobbit. Inscribed on the first page was 'Christmas 1966 | Love, Dad', and between pages 90 and 91 I found a little surprise: an Eastern Air Lines Air Shuttle ticket (image below) for the trip between New York and Washington. Most surprisingly, the fare is $17.14, the tax .86, and the total $18.00. This was apparently the price as late as 1969 (note the 1-65, for a January 1965 printing of the ticket), so the Reader, we can take it, made it to page 90 or 91 at least once over the course of around three years.

Has anyone else found such little surprises in books they've received? I always enjoy finding such things.

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10 Jan, 2023
2023-1-10 7:53:35 PM UTC

oxonianus wrote:

Last week I received a copy of the 5th printing (December 1965) of the Ballantine Hobbit. Inscribed on the first page was 'Christmas 1966 | Love, Dad', and between pages 90 and 91 I found a little surprise: an Eastern Air Lines Air Shuttle ticket (image below) for the trip between New York and Washington. Most surprisingly, the fare is $17.14, the tax .86, and the total $18.00. This was apparently the price as late as 1969 (note the 1-65, for a January 1965 printing of the ticket), so the Reader, we can take it, made it to page 90 or 91 at least once over the course of around three years.

Has anyone else found such little surprises in books they've received? I always enjoy finding such things.

Wonderful! I think this is my new favourite thread as I also greatly enjoy finding such quirky things - yes, even if they involve something being written or glued onto an FFEP (please don't kick me off the forum for saying that!!)

It's not as much fun as that plane ticket, but I have a 1st/3rd FOTR (A&U) where someone saw fit to glue this article between the Contents and the start of the Prologue, which even I'll admit was borderline vandalism...

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10 Jan, 2023
2023-1-10 10:26:13 PM UTC
What an odd thing to do, posting an article about bequests in there. I suppose the reader was interested—as many were at the time—in the Silmarillion information. Fortunately no one had to wait 'many years' for it!

Another fun thing I found as a bookmark in another book (I forget which one, or I'd pull it out and take a picture of it, too) was a ticket for the Bay Area Key System, a set of electric railed streetcars and buses that connected San Francisco and the East Bay. The rails were still visible on some streets in the hills of Berkeley when I lived there, and my ticket was punched for the line there. The streetcars were discontinued in 1948 and the transbay trains in 1958—the victory of the oil industry. I knew some people who used the system and they said it was much more convenient and quicker than the contemporary BART (Bay Area "Rapid" Transit) and buses. The streetcars went up into the neighborhoods, so you could just hop on and ride on over to SF without transferring. Those were the days!
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