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J.R.R. Tolkien: A Descriptive Bibliography

26 Jan, 2023
2023-1-26 8:53:46 PM UTC

Hi all,

So I've been searching for a copy of the Descriptive Bibliography from 1993 (Hammond and Anderson), which I believe is out of print, right?

I get the feeling at this point that I may be waiting a long (long) time to see one appear for sale

If my pessimism (nasty word) is warranted, I'd be interested to know if the Companion and Guide by Christina Scull and Wayne Hammond contains (even to a modest extent) the kind of bibliographical detail which I understand is found in the out of print work?

Thanks in advance for any pointers!
26 Jan, 2023 (edited)
2023-1-26 10:11:42 PM UTC
Yes, the Descriptive Bibliography is out of print. There were 4 impressions issued, so if you're not picky about getting a 1st you might be able to find one sooner.

The Companion and Guide does have a checklist of published writings starting on Pg. 1463-1548 of the 2nd edition, about 90 pages of material. But it's not nearly as detailed or extensive as the stand alone Descriptive Bibliography. I have included an image of the table of contents of my copy for reference.

5058_63d2fa945b720.jpg 2016X1512 px
27 Jan, 2023
2023-1-27 5:28:08 AM UTC
Many thanks Mr. Underhill, that's very useful. I'm not concerned at all about the impression number, so perhaps I won't give up hope just yet!
27 Jan, 2023
2023-1-27 5:34:41 AM UTC

Predictable Matt wrote:

Many thanks Mr. Underhill, that's very useful. I'm not concerned at all about the impression number, so perhaps I won't give up hope just yet!

P.S. I wrote this on my phone and my auto-correct insisted that your name is "Mr. Undersell"
28 Jan, 2023
2023-1-28 3:51:25 AM UTC
It took me a few years to find my copy...but it is very much worth owning. I hope you find one soon.
28 Jan, 2023
2023-1-28 6:59:34 AM UTC

orfewspearl wrote:

It took me a few years to find my copy...but it is very much worth owning. I hope you find one soon.

Thank you! Yes it certainly seems it will be worth the wait.
29 Jan, 2023
2023-1-29 5:22:36 PM UTC
There's one for sale on Catawiki at the moment (seems to ship worldwide). A first impression also. It is an auction. ... riptive-bibliography-1993
29 Jan, 2023
2023-1-29 6:06:59 PM UTC
Predictable Matt, it might be worth your while to contact Oak Knoll Books in New Castle, Delaware ( Although the Bibliography isn't presently listed in their web inventory, it couldn't hurt to ask if there's still a copy in the warehouse. They officially declared my later Arthur Ransome bibliography OP but still have copies of that.

Wayne Hammond
29 Jan, 2023
2023-1-29 7:11:57 PM UTC

Findegil wrote:

Predictable Matt, it might be worth your while to contact Oak Knoll Books in New Castle, Delaware ( Although the Bibliography isn't presently listed in their web inventory, it couldn't hurt to ask if there's still a copy in the warehouse. They officially declared my later Arthur Ransome bibliography OP but still have copies of that.

Wayne Hammond

Many thanks Wayne for the suggestion, I'll certainly give that a try.

31 Jan, 2023
2023-1-31 9:50:05 PM UTC

remy wrote:

There's one for sale on Catawiki at the moment (seems to ship worldwide). A first impression also. It is an auction. ... riptive-bibliography-1993

Sold for a staggering €380 (excl. fees)!
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