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13 Mar, 2023
2023-3-13 6:26:42 PM UTC
Here are some recent additions. Thanks for having a look.
Tom Bombadil 1st US 1st Printing
Finn and Hengest 1st US 1st printing
Giddings 1st edition 1st impression
Farmer Giles 1st UK 2nd impression 1957
Kilby 1st edition 1st printing
Morgoth's ring 1st UK 1st impression
LOTR Omnibus US 1991
Roverandom 1st UK 1st impression
Return of the shadow 1st edition UK/
Rayner booklet /99
Smith of Wooton Major BCE
Smith ofWooton majo 1990 Ist print 1 out of a toal of 1000 copies frinted
Smith of Wooton Major 1st UK edition 1st Impression
Farmer giles of Ham 1st UK edition 2n impression 1957
Treason of Isengard 1st UK edition 1st impression
Ki 1st lby Silmarillion 1st UK edition 1st impession
Roverandom 1st US edition 1st impression

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13 Mar, 2023
2023-3-13 6:47:52 PM UTC

orfewspearl wrote:

Here are some recent additions. Thanks for having a look.

Great haul. I especially love the American covers to 'The History of the Lord of the Rings' and seeing your Part 1 made me realise that I need those in my life.
14 Mar, 2023
2023-3-14 6:14:32 PM UTC
I just want to give a shout out to Dunedain for his immense professionalism, incredible craft and for his all around kindness. His slip case he made for my new set (it took him just a week) to get the measurements, get it crafted and get it out to me in perfectly measured, wonderful condition. He is surely a joy not just to talk to but also to work with. This isn't the first time, and it won't be the last.

Thank you so much for giving my set a new, beautiful home. A slip case seems a minor thing in the grand scheme of things, but to me it is truly remarkable what his beautiful cases can do.

And yes, those are moisture packets. Don't make fun of me please, I live in Florida so I have to do several things to keep the humidity below 60% sadly!

Again, thank you Dunedain. You are truly an asset and friend to the community.

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14 Mar, 2023 (edited)
2023-3-14 6:47:21 PM UTC
This is a real beauty indeed !
Congrats Dagoth and Bravo dunedain, wonderful !
14 Mar, 2023
2023-3-14 7:03:05 PM UTC
The art of Dunedain benefits many here. That's a beautiful slipcase.
14 Mar, 2023
2023-3-14 9:55:14 PM UTC
Thank you gentlemen, I appreciate it. I've attached a couple of photos of a notebook made for me by a long time good friend. We actually grew up together and started kindergarten together. Been a long long road! He is a custom leather worker, making everything from purses to gun cases. The difference with his work, the leather is hand carved! Not just embossed or stamped, but actually carved. Amazing, but I certainly appreciated the Dragon on it.

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15 Mar, 2023 (edited)
2023-3-15 2:28:40 AM UTC
Thanks! Tiny Turtle I also like those covers a lot.
15 Mar, 2023
2023-3-15 3:33:23 AM UTC
Lots of great acquisitions, everyone!

dunedain that carved leather notebook looks fantastic. ?
16 Mar, 2023
2023-3-16 7:12:06 AM UTC
Another new arrival. I have been looking for this one for a while. I have been interested in Tolkien's scholarly work for many years. I enjoy readingh middle English and so this one was a must.

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18 Mar, 2023
2023-3-18 11:39:21 AM UTC
John Howe's wonderful poster of Smaug which was used for the 1991 Grafton Hobbit

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