7 Apr, 2023
2023-4-7 9:46:54 PM UTC
It's been an interesting year so far for Tolkien book releases, and there's more coming, so we kick off our 2023 season of videos with a quick overview. Hope you enjoy!
7 Apr, 2023
2023-4-7 11:20:20 PM UTC
Great to see the TCG youtube season 2 kick off, and it reminded me how much I'm waiting for my 'Battle of Maldon' to arrive.
Uruloke of course came the closest to picking the right number one spot. The Hobbit is probably my least favourite legendarium text ranking behind such offerings as 'Mims Klage'...it's good to say that here on the forums for the sake of personal safety. If we ever do a TCG meet up at something like Oxmoot I will keep very quiet about that particular opinion.

8 Apr, 2023
2023-4-8 8:41:59 AM UTC
northman wrote:
Uruloke of course came the closest to picking the right number one spot. The Hobbit is probably my least favourite legendarium text ranking behind such offerings as 'Mims Klage'...it's good to say that here on the forums for the sake of personal safety. If we ever do a TCG meet up at something like Oxmoot I will keep very quiet about that particular opinion. 
You are entitled to your own number one spot, would be a bit dull if it was the same for everyone

8 Apr, 2023
2023-4-8 10:31:28 AM UTC
If I can propose an improvement, that would be to propose the chaptering of your video, for the followers can access directly to the part about the book they are interested in.
(BTW, I love the new green colors of the buttons :) )
8 Apr, 2023
2023-4-8 10:46:29 AM UTC
Nice video, chaps. Thank you ?
9 Apr, 2023
2023-4-9 1:14:18 AM UTC
Great video. As for the Battle of Maldon, it is among my top favorite Tolkien releases in the last several years. The organization and editing are superb. The content is fascinating, and I hope that many more people become interested in Anglo-Saxon literature as a result. This book makes the point I think that Tolkien's imaginative world and his serious scholarship are not mutually exclusive.
9 Apr, 2023
2023-4-9 4:04:07 AM UTC
Druss wrote:
If I can propose an improvement, that would be to propose the chaptering of your video, for the followers can access directly to the part about the book they are interested in.
(BTW, I love the new green colors of the buttons :) )
Glad you like the new buttons! Trying to improve the usability of the site here and there.
I did go back into the video description and add chapter shortcuts for the topics we covered. I usually do that, but am a bit rusty (and late!)