Newspaper with a report of JRRT's Andrew Lang lecture
12 Jun, 2023
2023-6-12 7:47:01 AM UTC
2023-6-12 7:47:01 AM UTC
So being somewhat besotted with On Fairy-Stories, and always looking out for older newspapers, journals and the like with pieces about Tolkien, I was rather excited to pick up a copy of The Scotsman from 9th March 1939 - this has a short piece about the 11th Andrew Lang lecture, delivered by Tolkien the previous evening. A nice little piece of history.
Note how the brief bio that opens the piece makes no mention of The Hobbit.
(I understand that this article, and a longer one from the St. Andrews Citizen on 11th March 1939, were reprinted in Flieger and Anderson's 2008 edition of On Fairy-Stories)
Note how the brief bio that opens the piece makes no mention of The Hobbit.
(I understand that this article, and a longer one from the St. Andrews Citizen on 11th March 1939, were reprinted in Flieger and Anderson's 2008 edition of On Fairy-Stories)