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4 Jun, 2023
2023-6-4 12:34:34 AM UTC
In my opinion, one of the main issues is that the expectations were set too high by it being priced like a AAA game + the LOTR "brand". It looks like a PS3 game, so it should have had a more modest price tag.
30 Jun, 2023
2023-6-30 6:27:47 PM UTC
Daedalic has closed it's game development team (which cancels their next Lord of the Rings game, and likely ends all chances of a Switch port for Gollum) and will focus on publishing games developed elsewhere. ... entwicklung-stellenabbau/

9 Oct, 2023 (edited)
2023-10-9 5:57:08 PM UTC
This well-researched video does have English subtitles so you might have a look at it; explains pretty well why the game turned out to be a desaster.

Behind the curtain view of a gaming studio that bit too much off than it could chew - with all the usual side-effects such as crunch, people being underpaid, an understaffed project etc.

9 Oct, 2023
2023-10-9 6:19:26 PM UTC
A.I. program ChatGPT was used to write the apology for the bug-filled Lord of the Rings Gollum game, it’s been claimed.

In interviews with the German gaming outlet GameTwo (spotted by Knoebel), several former Daedalic staff members have spoken for the first time about what went wrong with the critically panned licensed game.

Following the release of Gollum, Daedalic apologized for delivering what it called an “underwhelming experience” with the final game. The company said “[we] deeply regret” that the game did not meet expectations, and pledged to improve it via future updates.

It’s now claimed that the apology was written with the AI software ChatGPT, according to two sources speaking to GameTwo.

It’s also claimed that developer Daedalic had no knowledge of the apology or its content prior to publishing and that it was handled entirely by publisher Nacon. ... game-apology-its-claimed/
11 Oct, 2023
2023-10-11 6:53:06 AM UTC

Olwe wrote:

This well-researched video does have English subtitles so you might have a look at it; explains pretty well why the game turned out to be a disaster.

Behind the curtain view of a gaming studio that bit too much off than it could chew - with all the usual side effects such as crunch, people being underpaid, an understaffed project etc.

I watched this with interest, we did not have much access to the game before our livestream, I had only played part of the first level and what I had played I thought was OK, and this came out in our talk around the game.

However, I did play it a bit more and got to the section in Mordor where Gollum is captured, and gave up at that point, completely unfinished section, terrible annoying game-play, which was so bad that I gave up completely playing it.

This does come out in the video and I do feel sorry for the developers, but the game should not have been released as it was.
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