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New Additions to the House of the Wing

23 Dec, 2023 (edited)
2023-12-23 6:20:08 AM UTC

I'm fairly new to having an account here and haven't made a post yet about any acquisitions so I thought with the end of the year approaching it was as good a time as any to post one. These are my additions over the past 6 months. Nothing amazing and most folks here probably have all or most of these, but here they are.

Master of Middle-earth and the Ancrene Riwle are both 1st/1sts (thanks Berelach!)

The Proverbs of Middle-earth is signed and numbered by David Rowe (for those interested, he's offering to send signed/numbered books to anyone who messages him on Twitter and wants to pay him directly)

An Old English Grammar by Quirk and Wrenn - this is a 1955 1st edition. I think it may also be a first printing but haven't been able to confirm that yet. Not sure if anyone here has one and knows if there were multiple printings in 1955?

An Old English Grammar by Wardale - this is a 1931 3rd edition.

An Introduction to Old Norse by E.V. Gordon - this is a 1st edition, 5th printing (1954).

The heraldic device/sigil pins (plus Smaug pin and the Morgul blade pin) are a complete collection of the Tolkien enamel pins made by Pooka Works Studio on Etsy ( I actually just received them from a friend as a Christmas present. They are pinned to a simple sheet of printer paper just for the photo, but my eventual goal is to have them nicely arranged and framed in a display box.

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23 Dec, 2023
2023-12-23 1:33:25 PM UTC
Very nice haul there!
23 Dec, 2023
2023-12-23 2:18:22 PM UTC
Great acquisitions ! I like the pins !
23 Dec, 2023
2023-12-23 3:22:47 PM UTC
Wonderful pins and excellent OE related books. I think your Quirk and Wrenn is the 1st. See the printing history in the photo below in my 1965 reprint. I have included a few others in case you are interested.

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23 Dec, 2023
2023-12-23 4:07:29 PM UTC

orfewspearl wrote:

Wonderful pins and excellent OE related books. I think your Quirk and Wrenn is the 1st. See the printing history in the photo below in my 1965 reprint. I have included a few others in case you are interested.

Excellent, thank you! Great photos of your OE books. I have been looking for a good, affordable copy of Skeat’s Etymological Dictionary for a while.
23 Dec, 2023
2023-12-23 4:12:22 PM UTC
Here's another Sweet work on OE, from my library. (Unfortunately, a previous owner has written in it — in ink no less, not just pencil! — and even let tobacco ash fall on some pages, which still smell of it! But I still like it.)

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23 Dec, 2023
2023-12-23 4:21:02 PM UTC
That was very inconsiderate
23 Dec, 2023
2023-12-23 4:26:32 PM UTC

Aelfwine wrote:

Here's another Sweet work on OE, from my library. (Unfortunately, a previous owner has written in it — in ink no less, not just pencil! — and even let tobacco ash fall on some pages, which still smell of it! But I still like it.)

That is a lovely book, those old Clarendon books have a certain charm to them. Like most old books I guess

I saw this noted in Cilli's Tolkien Library a few weeks ago and lustfully wish a Tolkien Annotations series would be published.
23 Dec, 2023
2023-12-23 7:28:52 PM UTC

Aelfwine wrote:

Here's another Sweet work on OE, from my library. (Unfortunately, a previous owner has written in it — in ink no less, not just pencil! — and even let tobacco ash fall on some pages, which still smell of it! But I still like it.)

What an absolute gem. Thanks so much for sharing this with us!
23 Dec, 2023
2023-12-23 8:40:52 PM UTC
Astonishing sight ! 🥹
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