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Guide to Tolkien's Letters
Winner of the 2019 Tolkien Society award for Best Website

13 Mar, 2024
2024-3-13 7:14:08 AM UTC
I have dreamed of a collection like this for years! I have spent countless hours reading and rereading the poems wherever they appeared. It has been a delight to go through LotR for example, anticipating the next poem to appear devouring the beauty of each stanza. I am over the moon at this announcement.

Personally, I would love to see a few gems from Tolkien when using the Anglo-Saxon poetic modes.

A deluxe version of this would be much welcome! I am very glad to hear that at least a boxed hard-backed set will be released.

13 Mar, 2024
2024-3-13 7:33:49 AM UTC
Yes a Deluxe edition of this we'll absolutely need... As well as for the Expanded Letters.. one day..
September couldn't come soon enough.
13 Mar, 2024
2024-3-13 9:09:49 AM UTC
Hope for some translations of this, but I would imagine it would be very difficult.
13 Mar, 2024
2024-3-13 3:00:14 PM UTC
Hammond/Scull have updated the page count to 1500 on their blog.
13 Mar, 2024
2024-3-13 3:08:47 PM UTC
Thanks for catching that, updated the article.
13 Mar, 2024
2024-3-13 9:28:56 PM UTC

Trotter wrote:

Hope for some translations of this, but I would imagine it would be very difficult.

If by this you mean translations into other languages... I would say this is highly unlikely. A full translation of this, if we were simply - and rather blindly - taking the number of ~1,500 pages into German this would bloom to about 1,700 in the German version. Multiply that by the suggested rate of the translator's union we would be in the range of well over 40K€ just to have it translated.

We do have one or two colleagues over here with both lyrical expertise AND knowledge of Tolkien. However, to catch every single possible mistake on this one would ask for way more editorial - and particularly proofreading - work than everything that has ever been published into German. If it happened I'd be very happy for the colleagues who get this job but I seriously doubt it.

I cannot speak for other languages; the Spanish-speaking market might have the numbers to do it. But anybody else?
14 Mar, 2024 (edited)
2024-3-14 4:57:42 PM UTC
I've been able to confirm that the US edition is coming (ISBN soon I promise!) and the target date is September 17, but that might change by a week one way or another as we get closer. It will be made at the same printer as the UK edition rather than printed directly in the USA.
14 Mar, 2024
2024-3-14 5:00:13 PM UTC

Olwe wrote:

I cannot speak for other languages; the Spanish-speaking market might have the numbers to do it. But anybody else?

Thanks for the German information, I know this is going to be a tough sell for non-English speaking markets no matter what. I think that a Brazilian Portuguese translation would be successful, at the very least, their Tolkien market is doing incredibly well.
14 Mar, 2024
2024-3-14 7:16:01 PM UTC
Oh my,yippee. That has made my day. I'm all breathless as I've only just seen.Wow. Yes,deluxe version please Harper Collins
14 Mar, 2024
2024-3-14 7:17:36 PM UTC
O,I so agree
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