Trotter wrote:
Kilmessë wrote:
I didn’t realize ‘Peoples’ was part of The History of LotR, I thought that was just the four.
There are not really any books that were designated The History of the Lord of the Rings by Christopher Tolkien, but five of the volumes contain information about the development of The Lord of the Rings and are often marked as such today.
Return of the Shadow was subtitled on the jacket "The History of the Lord of the Rings Part One" upon initial release. The following three volumes had the same billing internally but not on the jacket (which is odd).
Whether that billing (and subsequent lack of subtitling the jacket) was a Christopher or Publisher decision I have no insight into. I can't imagine he would have countenanced the subtitling it if he didn't agree with it though.
Trotter, the Index I ordered came as an older book a few days ago. I contacted Harper Collins about the fact that if they show a new design, that really is what they should sell. I’ve now had a reply today saying they will send the new cover to me, and to not bother sending the old design back. Now that’s service. I’ll donate the other somewhere 🙂
All of the thumbnails for the new volumes have been updated to reflect the new covers at Blackwells. They have been pretty consistent in the past when the cover on their site is updated, that is the one you will get.
Did you have somewhere already picked out 

Huan wrote:
Trotter, the Index I ordered came as an older book a few days ago. I contacted Harper Collins about the fact that if they show a new design, that really is what they should sell. I’ve now had a reply today saying they will send the new cover to me, and to not bother sending the old design back. Now that’s service. I’ll donate the other somewhere 🙂
That’s fantastic! Really looking forward to getting this new Index that has the sigils on it. It was the inspiration for my arrangement of my Tolkien pins (still awaiting placement in a display box). Though I prefer the specific arrangement I put together:

Beautiful! All the volumes are here. Trotter, would you mind share with us the impression numbers of the new ones which we haven’t seen yet? I think the info we currently lacking are HoMe #3, #4, #5, #8, #10 and #13 index
ahsnait wrote:
Beautiful! All the volumes are here. Trotter, would you mind share with us the impression numbers of the new ones which we haven’t seen yet? I think the info we currently lacking are HoMe #3, #4, #5, #8, #10 and #13 index
#3 Impression 37
#4 Impression 39
#5 Impression 37
#8 Impression 30
#10 Impression 31
#13 Impression 19