Books and other printed materials >> TCG Review - The Collected Poems of J.R.R. Tolkien edited by Christina Scull and Wayne G. Hammond
Findegil wrote:
Thank you, all, for a fine review. Nothing is perfect, of course, and everything to do with Tolkien always continues to spark thoughts: hence our first pages of addenda and corrigenda,
Wayne & Christina
Thank you both. Addenda and corrigenda are like Christmas for me so I am excited to dig in.
Congratulations to you both on this publication.
Well done the four of you for your sterling work. You all deserve a gold star and a tick.Well done guys. Wayne & Christina,you both deserve a mithril star and a honorary badge. Hell no,you deserve a silmaril each to go upon your brows alongside Christopher's but you might need to prise the one off Carl's forehead for his editorial work on 'The Nature of Middle-earth' for only three Silmarils were crafted. Thank you both and may I echo the congratulations to you both on this publication. Oh and thank you James for the great resource to use for the poetry and thank you Chris Smith and Harper Collins. That is a lot of thank yous but it's not every day,every year,or every decade that there is such a significant Tolkien publication. One more thank you to do....thank you Professor John Ronald Reuel Tolkien for writing your poems and I'm confident that you would highly approve of this publication,Christopher too. Magnificent. 'Monumental' even.
I got my set yesterday, and for what it's worth, my spines are more or less the same colour, with probably only the tiniest amount of difference in hue (ordered through Amazon UK, delivered to Canada).
Very happy!
Very happy!