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22 Oct, 2011
2011-10-22 9:32:46 PM UTC
Congratulations to your uncle!
What a lucky find. :)
22 Oct, 2011
2011-10-22 9:44:42 PM UTC
I didn't, at first, read who opened this thread & thought "lucky b^$tard" (--excuse the language; it's what I thought!) But then I went back & noticed it was Trotter that posted it. You've got to be kidding!? You already have a Tolkien signature, so don't be greedy. garm, Beren --you can both beat it too, as you have plenty already! Is this for real Trotter?

22 Oct, 2011
2011-10-22 9:59:50 PM UTC
Oh, tush! - one can never have too many... besides, you can always try for the Johnson Society menu. A very pretty piece
(it also has the sig. of H.F.B. Brett-Smith, Tolkien's fellow member of the 'Cave'; he's also the bod who gave CS Lewis his Viva Voce in 1919). So, two for the price of one!

22 Oct, 2011
2011-10-22 10:15:27 PM UTC
Yeh, it's in pencil though; which just isn't quite what you'd like. Besides, I don't want two for the price of one. I'd prefer one (Tolkien) for the price of half of one; which would be a half, of whatever that price was!

22 Oct, 2011
2011-10-22 10:36:40 PM UTC
Here's a story, which only collectors would appreciate - you know how Jarrolds messed up the printing of the 2nd imp. of FotR? Yes, you do! Back in December '54.

Well, one of the things they did was to switch the places of the contents page and the 'Ring verse' page. Which favoured a book dealer I know - several years ago he popped into a 2nd hand bookshop and picked up a copy of this edition, marked £10.00. He flicked through, and was astonished to find Tolkien's signature under the Ring verse, which in the 2nd imp. comes after the foreword, instead of opposite the copyright page, as in every other impression! Hence the shop-owner didn't spot it when he checked the book's date.

Talk about luck!

So, my friend walks nonchalantly up to the counter; the bookshop owner asks, 'Are you a dealer?' (my friend did have rather a lot of other purchases with him). He answered 'Yes' - and got 10% off!

Talk about a lucky break...
22 Oct, 2011
2011-10-22 10:38:04 PM UTC
Khamul - heh -how do you know what I like? as a matter of fact, I do like pencilled signature(s). When I can get 'em.
22 Oct, 2011
2011-10-22 10:48:46 PM UTC
There's a thread for this kind of heartwarming story...

22 Oct, 2011
2011-10-22 10:51:34 PM UTC
Here, you posted while I was posting! I didn't mean you personally, I really meant "one" --& ideally. Although, not having any Tolkien signature(s), I'm not sure what I like either; or you, as you state.

23 Oct, 2011
2011-10-23 12:06:27 AM UTC
Khamul - yes, you also posted while I was typing my earlier post about the 2nd imp. FotR. I didn't mean you personally; I was 'talking' to the group at large.

Things like this will happen, in a busy thread such as this is.

23 Oct, 2011
2011-10-23 12:48:23 AM UTC
A busy thread! That's..... amazing here.
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