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Tolkien Activities 1993 - Czech and Slovak Republics

Organization: Spolecenstvo, klub J.R.R. Tolkiena (Michal Bronec, Horackova 1208, 140 00 Prague, Czech Republic)
  • Activities: The group is very informal. They have parties, go walking in the woods, and poetry readings.
  • Publication: Bard [Czech, irregular, none published in 1993]. Subscription cost is unknown.

Organization: Spolecnost pratel dila pana J.R.R. Tolkiena

  • Activities: The Czech Tolkien Society (The Society of Friends of the Work of J.R.R.Tolkien) was founded in Brno (the second largest city in the Czech Republic) in 1992 - on the date of the 100th anniversary of Tolkien's birth. We hereby present some information on these activities. The most important Society's activity seems to be the publishing of the magazines: The newsletter called The Palantír provides news on the current activities within the Society, reports of the events past and announcements of those under way, and brief articles on J.R.R. Tolkien's work and people connected with him. Thorin, the literary journal of the Society, comprises mostly the translations of passages from J.R.R. Tolkien's books unpublished so far in this country, specialized articles on Middle-Earth (including both translations and original work), reviews of the Professor's and other fantasy books and the members' own writing. It regularly includes a chapter from Basic Quenya textbook. In addition, the members of the Society, who come from different parts of both the Czech and Slovak Republics, have the opportunity to gather at regular meetings four times a year. These are: the Celebration of the Destruction of the Ring in the end of March; outdoor game motivated by The Lord of the Rings in June; the Bilbo and Frodo's Birthday in September; and last but not least, the Congress of the Czech Tolkien Society in the beginning of December in Brno, held as a part of the annual SF&F fans' meeting Dracon. The principal aim of the meetings is to enable close personal contact of the members; however, many enjoy the interesting lectures, exciting games and thrilling fencing tournaments held on these occasions, as well as the pompous feasts. The members of the Society are also allowed to make use of its library. It comprises all the official (and a number of unofficial) Czech publications of Tolkien's work and majority of the important writing by and about J.R.R. Tolkien available in English. In large cities, regular member's meetings are held (at places called after the English model, the smials). The other activities of the C.T.S. include maintenance and distribution of the address-list of the members, publishing of additional material, contact with the Czech publishers of Tolkien's books, the Tolkien Society in the UK and the Mythopoeic Society in the USA and work towards greater general knowledge about John Ronald Reuel Tolkien's work in the Czech Republic.
  • Publications: The Palantír [Czech, quarterly]. Thorin [Czech, quarterly]. Subscription cost is $7 or by exchange.

This content was originally written by Hildifons Took (Sumner Hunnewell) more than a decade ago, and is reprinted here with permission. Please see Tolkien Fannish and Scholarly Activities and Publications for 1993 for the main article page.

Tolkien Activities 1993 - Addenda of groups not listed for 1992.

Last modified: 07/13/20 by Urulókë
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