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Organization: Angmar Malmö Tolkiensällskap (c/o Helen Lindelöf, Serenadgatan 29, 215 73 Malmö, Sweden (or) Helene Hansson Producentgatan 9, 215 82 Malmö, Sweden (or) Tommy Silverros, Kalendegatan 29B, 211 35 Malmö, Sweden).

Publication: Certhas Angmar [Swedish, 3-4 issues a year]. Subscription cost is 100 SEK.

Organization: Angmarrim Tiri (c/o Linus Svensson, Kalmarvägen 4, 270 11 Abbekås, Sweden (or) Tommy Silverros, Producentgatan 9, 215 82 Malmö, Sweden).

Publication: Angmarrim Tiri [Swedish, irreguar].

Organization: Arda-sällskapet (att. Anders Stenström, Stiernhielmsgatan 5 B, 753 33 Upsala, Sweden).

Activities: A freestanding organization the purpose of which is to publish Arda. It cannot be joined but does arrange secondary activities (none were held in 1993).

Publication: Arda [Swedish/English, irregular, none published in 1993].

Organization: Celemith Falas, Gotlands Tolkiensällskap (c/o Margareta Hoas, Skeppargatan 1, S-621 57 Visby, Sweden).

Publication: Och drake flyger [Swedish, irregular, not known if any were published in 1993].

Organization: Forodrim Stockholms Tolkiensällskap (c/o Carina Agebratt (Zimraphel, the Curator), Västra Allén 16, NB S-181 62 Lidingö, Sweden (phone: +46-8-766 63 72) (or) Forodrim, Stockholms Tolkiensällskap, Agnegatan 45, S-112 29 Stockholm (phone +46-8-650 09 35) [the address to the premises of Forodrim])

Activities: The Forodrim held monthly folkmoots, except in June and July; Mereth Girithron (the November Banquet) and Mereth Ennyn Laer (the Banquet of the Gates of Summer) are banquet folkmoots; smaller feasts were held in March (The New Year) and August (Forodrim's birthday). The yearly celebration of Tolkien's Birthday Party was held on 3 January was held. Middle-earth dress was compulsory for all of the above occasions. A parade was organized through Fornost Erain (Stockholm, Sweden) on the first day of the Gates of Summer (Ascension Day).

Additional information: In the absence of the King, the constitution is upheld and the Forodrim are governed by the Grand Council, under the Law of the Forodrim. There are three estates: Commoners, Knights/Dames, Princes/Princesses. Members are required to take names, not necessarily from the legendarium. The calendar is according to the New Reckoning; the Year XXII of the Forodrim began on 18 March 1993. The newsletter, Medlemsbladet, contains mostly society related material including reports from banquets and guild activities and information about future events. Most Medlemsblad include a summary of what the Swedish press has written about Tolkien and related matters. Guilds are not sub-organizations in the usual sense, i.e., more or less independent organizations geographically apart from the main society, but in reality the main fora of activity within the Forodrim apart from the the monthly folkmoots and the feasts, and catering for the various special interests of its members. Thus they have no addresses as such, apart from the home address of whoever happens to be Guildmaster at the moment.

Publication: Medlemsbladet [Swedish, 10 times per year]. Subscription cost is 140 SEK (Sweden), 200 SEK (world).

Sub-organizations: ("Fiefs")

Dorath Annûn (Tina Eastman, 2580 Tara Heights Circle, Augusta, GA 30906, USA)

Mithlond, Göteborg Tolkiensällskap (Helena Biander, Fyrklöversgatan 110, 2 tr., S-417 21 Göteborg, Sweden (phone: +46-31-65 48 85)).

Publication: Elostirion [Swedish, quarterly]. Subscription cost is 40 SEK.

Sub-organizations: ("Province Guilds")

Cor Liltalië (Helena Biander, Inågogatan 31B, 1 tr, 417 10 Göteborg, Sweden).

Cor Menelmacar (the guild is nowadays dormant).

Konst-och Hantverksgillet, the Arts and Handicraft Guild (vacant).

Mellonath Elbereth (Magnus Lundgren, Hökegårdsgatan 4 A, S-431 38 MÖLNDAL, Sweden).

Mellonath Merethrond, Ceremony and Theatre Guild (Johan Christer Welin, Vattentomsgatan 36, 424 37 Angered, Sweden).

Mellonath Minas Morgul, the Naughty Guild (Immanuel Johansson, Värslevägen 47, 436 43 Askim, Sweden).

Mellonath Naer Nen, the Beer Guild (Anders Lidén, c/o Hastéus, Eklandagatan 5, 5 tr., S-412 35 GÖTEBORG, Sweden).

Tol Nimfalas (Andy Armstrong, 423 Bideford Green Linslade, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire LU7 7TY, England (or) Mike Towers, Yew Tree Cottage, Bredenbury, Broomyard, Herefordshire HR7 4TJ, England).

Sub-organizations: ("Guilds")

Cor Oiotarion, the Photographers's Guild (Lars-Olov Strandberg, Ramsundsvägen 4, 161 54 Bromma, Sweden).

Activities: Takes photographs of all Forodrim activities and then shows them to people.

Cor Parmandilion, the Book Guild (Kjell Borgström, Götaforsvägen 12 NB, 124 30 Bandhagen, Sweden).

Cor Parneparmacor, The History Guild (the guild is nowadays dormant).

Mellonath Athelas (the guild is nowadays dormant).

Mellonath Bralda, the Beer Guild (Maximilian C. Schwinghammer, c/o Löwenhielm-Hendrikse, Karlbergsvägen 63, 113 35 Stockholm, Sweden).

Mellonath Daeron (the guild is nowadays dormant).

Mellonath Dorwinion, the Wine Guild (Stefan Litsenius, Ormingeringen 48A, 1 tr., S-132 33 SALTSJÖ-BOO, Sweden).

Activities: Makes and drinks wine.

Mellonath Dúnedain, the Rangers' Guild (Kaj Hahne, Högalidsgatan 50 ÖG NB, 117 30 Stockholm, Sweden).

Mellonath Eledhrim, the Elven Guild (Anders Blixt, Hägervägen 16,S-122 39 ENSKEDE, Sweden).

Mellonath Éorl, the Rohan Guild (the guild is nowadays dormant).

Mellonath Fëanor, the Crafts Guild (Johan Andersson, Kvamvägen 26, 7tr, 175 41 Järfälla, Sweden).

Mellonath Galabargian, the Game Guild (Johan Andersson, Kvamvägen 26, 7tr, 175 41 Järfälla, Sweden).

Mellonath Gléowine, the Music Guild (Ola Johansson, Stockholmsvägen 57, 2tr, 122 32 Enskede, Sweden).

Activities: Acting; writes, produces and performs plays for the banquets.

Mellonath Hirgon, the Publishing Guild (Bengt Wåhlén, Mantalsvägen 35, S-175 43 JÄRFÄLLA, Sweden).

Publication: Palantírien [Swedish, irregular, none were published in 1993].

Mellonath Hithlain, the Sewing Guild (Anna Frimodig, Sagovägen 9, 175 70 Järfälla, Sweden).

Mellonath Istarion, the Wizards' Guild (vacant).

Mellonath Ithil (the guild is nowadays dormant).

Mellonath Mearas, the Horse Guild (the guild is nowadays dormant).

Mellonath Metusalem, the Oldsters' Guild (Jörgen Peterzén, Bäckbornas väg 13, 3 tr., 161 63 Bromma, Sweden).

Mellonath Morgoth, the Naughty Guild (Hans Brüggener, Kapellvägen4, S-131 36 NACKA, Sweden).

Mellonath Narvi, the Drawing Guild (Ylva Spångberg, Disponentgatan 3, 1tr, 112 62 Stockholm, Sweden).

Mellonath Periannath, the Hobbit Guild (Ola Johansson, Stockholmsvägen 57, 2tr, 122 32 Enskede, Sweden).

Mellonath Rumil, the Correspondence Guild (the guild is nowadays dormant).

Mellonath Seregon, the Fighting Guild (Ewiz Ehrsson, Becksjudarvägen 41, 1tr, 131 36 Nacka, Sweden).

Activities: Live-role playing and fighting with padded weapons. This is also a separate society of its own as well as Guild. About 50% of its 100 members or more are also members of the Forodrim.

Mellonath Terpsicore, the Dance Guild (Eva Spångberg, Ålgatan 11, NB, S-133 44 SALTSJÖBADEN, Sweden).

Activities: Medieval dancing.

Mellonath Torog, the Troll Guild (Håkan Liljegren, Axel Johnssons väg 8, bv, S-182 31 DANDERYD, Sweden).

Mellonath Údin, the Discussion Guild (the guild is nowadays dormant).

Mellonath Vaire, the Weaving Guild (the guild is nowadays dormant).

Mellonath Yôzâyankilin, the Númenorean Guild (Carina Agebratt, Västra Allén 16, nb, 181 62 Lidingö, Sweden).

Palarranar, the Geography Guild (the guild is nowadays dormant).

Silmarillicor, the Guild of [Precious] Stones (Marie Sjödin, Höglidsvägen 10 A, S-135 50 TYRESÖ, Sweden)

Värdhusvärdarnas, the Food Guild (Jens Gustagsson, Vibblabyvägen 40, 175 41 Järfälla, Sweden).

Värdshuset then stegrande ponnyen, the Inn Guild (Jenny Stendahl, Hagsätra Torg 42, 3 tr., S-124 73 BANDHAGEN, Sweden)

Organization: Forodrim Híni (Niclas Criborn, Lidners plan 16, 112 53 Stockholm, Sweden).

Publication: Medlemsbladet [Swedish, irregular, unknown if any were published in 1993]. Subscription cost is unknown.

Other information: The organization disbanded in 1994.

Organization: Haradrim (Jörgen Städje, Ormingeringer 55b, 132 33 Saltsjö-boo, Sweden (phone: +46-8-715 95 99)).

Publication: Hirgons Snugga [Swedish, irregular]. Subscription cost is unknown.

Organization: Midgårds Fylking, Uppsala Tolkiensällskap (c/o Jonas Blomberg, Folkungagatan 22 B, S-753 36 Uppsala (phone: +46-18-24 05 42)).

Publication: Månrunan [Swedish, unsure if any were published in 1993].

This content was originally written by Hildifons Took (Sumner Hunnewell) more than a decade ago, and is reprinted here with permission. Please see Tolkien Fannish and Scholarly Activities and Publications for 1993 for the main article page.

Tolkien Activities 1993 - Addenda of groups not listed for 1992.

Last modified: 09/28/06 by Urulókë
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