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Organization: Variag (Alina Nemirova, Pobedy-avenue, 66A-110, Kharkov 310204, Ukraine).

Activities: Role-games club. Participated in two Tolkien Games in the Ural Mountains and on the River Volga (both in August). The traditional Elvish New Year was celebrated in November in Kazan, Russia (nobody knows why it is November, but such is the tradition). About 120 persons were present: journalists, translators, and other fans from 11 cities. A seminar was held, a masquerade and a sword competition. Regular meetings are held at members' homes and in Kharkov [Ukraine] University.

Publication: Zacharovannye Ostrova [The Enchanted Isles] [Russian, unsure if any issues were publsihed in 1993].

Organization: ? (Donetzk University, Ukraine).

Activities: The group was organized in 1993. They write verses, songs and play role playing games.

This content was originally written by Hildifons Took (Sumner Hunnewell) more than a decade ago, and is reprinted here with permission. Please see Tolkien Fannish and Scholarly Activities and Publications for 1993 for the main article page.

Tolkien Activities 1993 - Addenda of groups not listed for 1992.

Last modified: 09/28/06 by Urulókë
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