Amon Hen Vol. 111

Reprinted by kind permission of The Tolkien Society and Howard J. Bates - all rights reserved.
- Cover: Untitled by Howard J. Bates
- Editorialby Tony Curtis
- There And Back Yet Again by Brin Dunsire
- The Gift by Angela Surtees
- Reviews by various contributors
- Small Press by Debi Haigh-Hutchinson
- Letters
- The Ballad of Good Old Bilbo Baggins by Sergei Shmelev
- Artwork: The Black Emperors by Mark Allaby
- Bhssshreee by Madawc Williams
- Report: The Sixth Annual Tolkien Society Seminar by Amanda Fingleson
- The Origins of Hobbits by Richard Crawshaw
- Mathom by Gwyneth Morgan
- Tolk Folk
- Poem: Frodo Gamgee's Song by Judith A. Cawell
- Debi's Dabblings by Debi Haigh-Hutchinson
- Bilbo's Farewell Party: SR 1401 by Jeff Stevenson
- And Finally... by Tony Curtis
- Additional Calligraphy and Artwork by Kirsty Beck, Kay Woollard, Ian Collier, Ted Nasmith, Martin Roe, SST, Judith Cawell, Marian Haas, Neil Loughran & Bryan Glenet
Last modified: 03/10/20 by Urulókë
Amon Hen Issues
Amon Hen Issues