Amon Hen Vol. 120

Reprinted by kind permission of The Tolkien Society and Neil Loughran - all rights reserved.
- Cover Picture: Untitled (Gandalf on Shadowfax) by Neil Loughran
- Cover Lettering by Tony Curtis & Maggie Percival
- Editorial by Mike Percival
- Behind Glass Doors by Annie Haward
- Reviews by Rikki Breem
- Artwork: The Death of Thingol by Tom Loback
- Mastermind - Introduction
- Mathom by Gwyneth Morgan
- Artwork: Dwarf Smith by R.M. Evans
- Mastermind - The Questions
- Where Eagles Dare by Valerie Anand
- Artwork: Gwaihir by Rob Brown
- An Occurrence in Hobbiton by Philippa M. Lang
- Artwork: Luthien and Huan before Tol-in-Gaurhoth by Ruth Lacon
- Small Press
- Annie's Allsorts by Annie Haward
- Artwork: Crossing the Silverlode by Denis Gordeyev
- Mastermind - The Answers
- Tolk Folk
- Additional Calligraphy by Tony Curtis, SST, Sarah Mackie & Kirsty Beck
Last modified: 03/10/20 by Urulókë
Amon Hen Issues
Amon Hen Issues