Amon Hen Vol. 125

Reprinted by kind permission of The Tolkien Society and the named cover artist(s) - all rights reserved.
- Cover: Untitled by SST
- Editorial by Amanda Fingleson
- Wanted! One Bookings Officer
- Artwork: "It fell off the back of a Nazgul, guv, honest it did!" by John Ellison
- The Numenorean and Gondorian Colonies by Jason Finch
- Annie's Allsorts by Annie Haward
- Silver Jubilee Design Competition
- AGM Arrangements
- Artwork: Legolas by Andrew Fiddy
- Poem: Legolas by Donella Peters
- Fantasy Convention News
- The Rules of 'Golf' by Ian Collier
- Cryptic Quiz Answers by Paul Cockburn
- Artwork: Eowyn and the Lord of the Nazgul by Andrew Fiddy
- Poem: Cirdan's Words by Andrew Wells
- Crossword by Dave Loboda
- Letters to the Shire
- Small Press by Jenny Coombs
- Behind Glass Doors by Annie Haward
- Artwork: Balrog by Andrew Fiddy
- Poem: Farmer Giles of Ham (competition winner) by F.E. Mackie
- Additional Artwork by: Ian Collier, "PW" (?), Steve Lines and Howard J. Bates
Last modified: 03/10/20 by Urulókë
Amon Hen Issues
Amon Hen Issues