Amon Hen no. 32

- Edited by Steve Wood
- undated (May 1978)
- Reprinted by kind permission of The Tolkien Society - all rights reserved.
- Cover - Lucy Matthews
- 2 - Editorial
- 3 - 'Fegalund harping to the Men of Bëor' - Lucy Matthews
- 4-6 - Memories of Tolkien - Alan Hindle
- 7 - In Search of Gold - Michael Henry
- Book Review - The Wife of Bath by Vera Chapman - Jessica Yates
- 8 - 'The Way to the Cross Roads' - Eleanor Clayforth
- 9 - Eleanor Clayforth - Steve Wood
- 10 - Report from Fantasycon - Jessica Yates
- Report from the States - Jessica Yates
- 11-14 - Brummoot 1978 - Jessica Yates
- 15-18 - Members' Letters
- 19 - Jessica's Corner - Jessica Yates
- 20 - Back Cover
Last modified: 02/28/10 by Urulókë