Annúminas v4 n1

- The Hart of Mirkwood by Ingrid Kallick (Yavanna)
- Dear Readers by the Editors
- The History of the AHA
- Ellada and Elrohir by LAurie "Finlaurië" Farkas
- A Cultural Exchange by Beverly Ann (Súlimë) Glielmi
- Illustration by Beverly Ann (Súlimë) Glielmi
- Starlight and Wine by Mary-Ursula Herrmann (Lothíriel)
- Illustration by Diane F. Fieli (Menelmacar)
- Elves and Egyptians by Darrell A. Martin
- Welcome to Lothlórien by Joyce "Éowyn" Kreuz
- Menel Information Excerpt
- Letters to Rivendell
- Sam's Ode by Molly (Elwing) Eckerling
- Calligraphy by Bob McCrea (Gandalf)
- Puzzle by Bob McCrea (Gandalf) and Renee (Arwen) Alper
- Elvish Message by Renee (Arwen) Alper
- Of the Galadhrim by Cheryl Madera (Melian)
Last modified: 09/21/11 by Urulókë