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TCG Letter #62 / Carpenter Letter #47

J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin
7 December 1942
Tolkien expresses gratitude for the note from Stanley Unwin and discusses the progress of the sequel to The Hobbit that he has been working on since 1938. He mentions the challenges posed by his busy schedule but hopes to complete the work in the upcoming vacation. Tolkien shares concerns about the length and tone of the sequel, indicating it is not strictly a juvenile tale. He queries the feasibility of considering such an epic given the present circumstances and inquires whether it would be better to wait until completion or share a considerable portion now. Additionally, Tolkien mentions the burning of The Hobbit and inquires about the possibility of compensation. He proposes the idea of a volume containing shorter fairy stories and verses, suggesting Farmer Giles of Ham as a potential inclusion along with others like 'Tom Bombadil'.
The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien (1981), p. 58, p. 437 (Carpenter notes)
Cartas de J.R.R. Tolkien, pp. 91-2, p. 622 (notas de Carpenter)
Silke Anzinger, "Von Troja nach Gondor.Tolkiens „The Lord of the Rings“ als Epos in vergilischer Tradition," in Vestigia Vergiliana: Vergil-Rezeption in der Neuzeit edited by Thorsten Burkard , Markus Schauer and Claudia Wiener. (2010) pp. 363-401. p. 370 note 25

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