Letter Tags
Tolkien has received a letter from Arthur Ransome, who wonders about the use of the word "man" in The Hobbit, as well as a few other letters from reader...
Tolkien notes his pleasure at receiveing letters from readers. He mentions his mythology and remarks that he has nearly finished a second book on hobbit...
Tolkien expresses gratitude for the note from Stanley Unwin and discusses the progress of the sequel to The Hobbit that he has been working on since 193...
Tolkien sends a small consignment of "The Ring," consisting of the last two chapters that have been written and the end of the Fourth Book. The hero is ...
Tolkien writes to Leila Keane and Patricia Kirke, he discusses his progress with The Lord of the Rings, and the fortunes of his family. The letter was a...
Tolkien expresses delight at the prospect of publishing "Farmer Giles of Ham" but cites academic commitments as a hindrance to providing more material p...
Lewis writes to Tolkien after reading The Lord of the Rings, giving Tolkien high praise and feedback. The entire letter is published in volume two of Le...
Touching on poems about dragons, Beowulf, and fellow Inkling C. S. Lewis. This letter to Prof. Henry Bosley Woolf thanks him for sending a copy of a pap...
Tolkien writes about his use of languages in the book and explains the challenges faced in creating maps for The Lord of the Rings. He discusses the dis...
Christina Scull and Wayne Hammond in a blogpost posted an extract of a letter to Nevill Coghill which can be read at
Tolkien responds to a reader's extensive analysis and questions about The Lord of the Rings. Amongst many topics, Tolkien discusses the unique fate of H...
Tolkien shares insights into the origins and inspirations behind his writing, particularly focusing on The Lord of the Rings. He discusses the evolution...
Tolkien writes about the radio adaption of The Lord of the Rings. He specifically criticizes the portrayal of events around Tom Bombadil and Goldberry. ...
Tolkien expresses his intent to review the "Story-Line" provided by Zimmerman for the animated film adaptation of The Lord of the Rings. Tolkien indicat...
After receiving the script sent from Morton Grady Zimmerman Tolkien replies with (in parts) stinging criticism. He opens by apologising for sounding irr...
Christopher Fettes had written to Tolkien asking why he referred to both Tom Bombadil and Treebeard as the "oldest beings in Middle-earth". In Tolkien's...
Tolkien’s commentary on Åke Ohlmarks’ introduction to the Swedish translation of The Lord of the Rings.
Tolkien writes to his Aunt Jane about publishing Tom Bombadil.
Tolkien suggests a book about Tom Bombadil as "an interim amusement" that wouldn't cost too much. He suggests Pauline Baynes as illustrator.
Rayner suggests that Tolkien include additional poems with 'Tom Bombadil' not just from The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.
Tolkien has been asked to provide more poems to go with 'Tom Bombadil' as the book is too small according to GA&U. He notes that he believed a small vol...
Allen & Unwin agree to publish The Adventures of Tom Bombadil.
Rayner tells Tolkien that he has sent the Tom Bombadil poems to Pauline Baynes to get her thoughts.
Tolkien sends some poems that he is considering for The Adventures of Tom Bombadil. A lecture he gave on fairy stories at St Andrews consolidated his vi...
Tolkien notes the evolution of the The Adventure's of Tom Bombadil,
Pauline Baynes, who had illustrated Farmer Giles of Ham, had expressed herself willing to provide pictures for The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, and had b...
Rayner Unwin sends Tolkien a specimen page for The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, and estimates the book would be a total of 64 pages.
Tolkien submits additional poems for possible inclusion in the 'Tom Bombadil' book - 'Firiel', 'The Trees of Kortirion', 'Shadow-Bride' and 'Knocking at...
Tolkien discusses progress with The Adventures of Tom Bombadil. Chronology contains additional material quoted beyond what appears in Letters. The origi...
Writing to his aunt, Jane Neave, and in a newly published portion of this letter Tolkien says that fan mail keeps arriving, some of it is interesting an...
Pauline Baynes, who was illustrating The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, pointed out that the typescript of the title poem described Tom as wearing a peacoc...
Tolkien says that as Rayner knows, The Adventures of Tom Bombadil began, with his Aunt Jane. he asks that a complimentary copy be sent to her and charge...
Tolkien discusses The Adventures of Tom Bombadil and a printing from 'an "organization" - similiar to the Reprint Society' of The Lord of the Rings. Thi...
The Adventures of Tom Bombadil was published on 22 November. Additional quotes and context appear in Chronology than what is in Letters. The original le...
Mr. Elliot-Howard had written to Tolkien telling him of his adventures travelling around the world with his copy of The Lord of the Rings.
Tolkien opens this letter by apologising for his delay in replying to a letter from September, and that his secretary had typed up a note but he felt a ...
A reply to a sympathetic letter of Professor Przemyslaw Mroczkowski in Kraków. Tolkien hopes that his friend has recovered from an operation, though To...
Eileen Elgar wrote to Tolkien asking for information about The Silmarillion. Included in his reply was a nine page manuscript, with genealogical tree il...
In this letter Tolkien replies that he has received David's Tom Bombadil Part 1 in English runes and remarks that it is "very correct". This letter was ...
Tolkien drafts a reply to a letter from a reader on the subject of Tom Bombadil and Treebeard. He says that Tom Bombadil is best left a mystery. He give...
Guide to Tolkien's Letters
Tom Bombadil
(42 letters match)1937
16 December 1937
J.R.R. Tolkien to Stanley Unwin
Carpenter #19
Tolkien has received a letter from Arthur Ransome, who wonders about the use of the word "man" in The Hobbit, as well as a few other letters from reader...
15 March 1942
J.R.R. Tolkien to John Kettle
Tolkien notes his pleasure at receiveing letters from readers. He mentions his mythology and remarks that he has nearly finished a second book on hobbit...
7 December 1942
J.R.R. Tolkien to Stanley Unwin
Carpenter #47
Tolkien expresses gratitude for the note from Stanley Unwin and discusses the progress of the sequel to The Hobbit that he has been working on since 193...
29 November 1944
J.R.R. Tolkien to Christopher Tolkien
Carpenter #91
Tolkien sends a small consignment of "The Ring," consisting of the last two chapters that have been written and the end of the Fourth Book. The hero is ...
9 January 1945
J.R.R. Tolkien to Leila Keane and Patricia Kirke
Tolkien writes to Leila Keane and Patricia Kirke, he discusses his progress with The Lord of the Rings, and the fortunes of his family. The letter was a...
30 September 1946
J.R.R. Tolkien to Stanley Unwin
Carpenter #106
Tolkien expresses delight at the prospect of publishing "Farmer Giles of Ham" but cites academic commitments as a hindrance to providing more material p...
27 October 1949
C.S. Lewis to J.R.R. Tolkien
Lewis writes to Tolkien after reading The Lord of the Rings, giving Tolkien high praise and feedback. The entire letter is published in volume two of Le...
9 May 1951
J.R.R. Tolkien to Henry Bosley Woolf
Touching on poems about dragons, Beowulf, and fellow Inkling C. S. Lewis. This letter to Prof. Henry Bosley Woolf thanks him for sending a copy of a pap...
25 April 1954
J.R.R. Tolkien to Naomi Mitchison
Carpenter #144
Tolkien writes about his use of languages in the book and explains the challenges faced in creating maps for The Lord of the Rings. He discusses the dis...
21 August 1954
J.R.R. Tolkien to Neville Coghill
Christina Scull and Wayne Hammond in a blogpost posted an extract of a letter to Nevill Coghill which can be read at
late September 1954?
J.R.R. Tolkien to Peter Hastings
Carpenter #153
Tolkien responds to a reader's extensive analysis and questions about The Lord of the Rings. Amongst many topics, Tolkien discusses the unique fate of H...
7 June 1955
J.R.R. Tolkien to W. H. Auden
Carpenter #163
Tolkien shares insights into the origins and inspirations behind his writing, particularly focusing on The Lord of the Rings. He discusses the evolution...
30 November 1955
J.R.R. Tolkien to Molly Waldron
Carpenter #175
Tolkien writes about the radio adaption of The Lord of the Rings. He specifically criticizes the portrayal of events around Tom Bombadil and Goldberry. ...
8 April 1958
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Carpenter #207
Tolkien expresses his intent to review the "Story-Line" provided by Zimmerman for the animated film adaptation of The Lord of the Rings. Tolkien indicat...
9 June 1958
J.R.R. Tolkien to Forrest J. Ackerman
Carpenter #210
After receiving the script sent from Morton Grady Zimmerman Tolkien replies with (in parts) stinging criticism. He opens by apologising for sounding irr...
J.R.R. Tolkien to Christopher Fettes
Christopher Fettes had written to Tolkien asking why he referred to both Tom Bombadil and Treebeard as the "oldest beings in Middle-earth". In Tolkien's...
23 February 1961
J.R.R. Tolkien to Allen & Unwin
Carpenter #229
Tolkien’s commentary on Åke Ohlmarks’ introduction to the Swedish translation of The Lord of the Rings.
4 October 1961
J.R.R. Tolkien to Jane Neave
Carpenter #231
Tolkien writes to his Aunt Jane about publishing Tom Bombadil.
11 October 1961
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Tolkien suggests a book about Tom Bombadil as "an interim amusement" that wouldn't cost too much. He suggests Pauline Baynes as illustrator.
2 November 1961
Rayner Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rayner suggests that Tolkien include additional poems with 'Tom Bombadil' not just from The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.
15 November 1961
J.R.R. Tolkien to Jane Neave
Tolkien has been asked to provide more poems to go with 'Tom Bombadil' as the book is too small according to GA&U. He notes that he believed a small vol...
15 November 1961
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Carpenter #233
Allen & Unwin agree to publish The Adventures of Tom Bombadil.
18 November 1961
Rayner Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rayner tells Tolkien that he has sent the Tom Bombadil poems to Pauline Baynes to get her thoughts.
22 November 1961
J.R.R. Tolkien to Jane Neave
Carpenter #234
Tolkien sends some poems that he is considering for The Adventures of Tom Bombadil. A lecture he gave on fairy stories at St Andrews consolidated his vi...
23 November 1961
J.R.R. Tolkien to Pauline Baynes
Tolkien notes the evolution of the The Adventure's of Tom Bombadil,
6 December 1961
J.R.R. Tolkien to Pauline Baynes
Carpenter #235
Pauline Baynes, who had illustrated Farmer Giles of Ham, had expressed herself willing to provide pictures for The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, and had b...
12 January 1962
Rayner Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rayner Unwin sends Tolkien a specimen page for The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, and estimates the book would be a total of 64 pages.
5 February 1962
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Tolkien submits additional poems for possible inclusion in the 'Tom Bombadil' book - 'Firiel', 'The Trees of Kortirion', 'Shadow-Bride' and 'Knocking at...
12 April 1962
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Carpenter #237
Tolkien discusses progress with The Adventures of Tom Bombadil. Chronology contains additional material quoted beyond what appears in Letters. The origi...
18 July 1962
J.R.R. Tolkien to Jane Neave
Carpenter #238
Writing to his aunt, Jane Neave, and in a newly published portion of this letter Tolkien says that fan mail keeps arriving, some of it is interesting an...
1 August 1962
J.R.R. Tolkien to Pauline Baynes
Carpenter #240
Pauline Baynes, who was illustrating The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, pointed out that the typescript of the title poem described Tom as wearing a peacoc...
2 November 1962
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Carpenter #241a
Tolkien says that as Rayner knows, The Adventures of Tom Bombadil began, with his Aunt Jane. he asks that a complimentary copy be sent to her and charge...
14 November 1962
J.R.R. Tolkien to H [Humphrey]. Cotton Minchin
Tolkien discusses The Adventures of Tom Bombadil and a printing from 'an "organization" - similiar to the Reprint Society' of The Lord of the Rings. Thi...
28 November 1962
J.R.R. Tolkien to Sir Stanley Unwin
Carpenter #242
The Adventures of Tom Bombadil was published on 22 November. Additional quotes and context appear in Chronology than what is in Letters. The original le...
12 February 1963
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mr. Elliot-Howard
Mr. Elliot-Howard had written to Tolkien telling him of his adventures travelling around the world with his copy of The Lord of the Rings.
16 December 1963
J.R.R. Tolkien to Baronne A. Baeyens
Tolkien opens this letter by apologising for his delay in replying to a letter from September, and that his secretary had typed up a note but he felt a ...
20-26 January 1964
J.R.R. Tolkien to Przemyslaw Mroczkowski
A reply to a sympathetic letter of Professor Przemyslaw Mroczkowski in Kraków. Tolkien hopes that his friend has recovered from an operation, though To...
5 March 1964
J.R.R. Tolkien to Eileen Elgar
Carpenter #255
Eileen Elgar wrote to Tolkien asking for information about The Silmarillion. Included in his reply was a nine page manuscript, with genealogical tree il...
17 May 1967
J.R.R. Tolkien to David Best
In this letter Tolkien replies that he has received David's Tom Bombadil Part 1 in English runes and remarks that it is "very correct". This letter was ...
?Late 1968*
J.R.R. Tolkien to ?Unknown
Tolkien drafts a reply to a letter from a reader on the subject of Tom Bombadil and Treebeard. He says that Tom Bombadil is best left a mystery. He give...