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Guide to Tolkien's Letters


Mentioning 'swann'

(38 letters match)


19 February 1966
Claire Howard to J.R.R. Tolkien

Tolkien received a letter from an American, Mrs. Claire Howard. Writing from New York she mentions a local FM radio station had an hours reading from Th...
23 February 1966
J.R.R. Tolkien to Donald Swann

Writing to Donald Swann Tolkien mentions a BBC2 broadcast that he will sadly miss. Tolkien mentions he has succeeded in his battle with Ace noting that ...
9 March 1966
J.R.R. Tolkien to Donald Swann

Tolkien opens this letter to Donald Swann inviting him to his party and mentions Christopher having an accident which has damaged his leg. He remarks th...
11 March 1966
J.R.R. Tolkien to George Sayer

Tolkien writes to his friend George Sayer regarding his preferred version of The Lord of the Rings should Tolkien have one sent to him.
17 March 1966
J.R.R. Tolkien to Donald Swann

Writing to Swann, Tolkien gives him an update on plans for Swann's recital at Merton during the Tolkien's Golden Wedding celebrations. He gives some det...
21 March 1966
J.R.R. Tolkien to Donald Swann

Tolkien writes to Swann, mentioning details about recital, press photographs, dinner afterwards, etc. Tolkien has laryngitis.
28 March 1966
J.R.R. Tolkien to Donald Swann

Tolkien writes to Donald Swann who had visited the Tolkiens. He and Edith were unwell at the time. A copy of this letter is held at the Wade.
13 May 1966
J.R.R. Tolkien to Joy Hill

Tolkien thanks Joy Hill for sending various packets including fan mail. He would like to attend a Donald Swann concert and asks for seats. He says, rega...
29 August 1966
J.R.R. Tolkien to Donald Swann

Tolkien replies to Donald Swann to wish him well for his and Flanders' tour of the U.S. and give shim an update on his and Edith's health. He explains t...
26 September 1966
J.R.R. Tolkien to Swann and Flanders

Western Union Telegram to Swann and Flanders at the Wilbur Theatre Boston wishing them a very successful first night and US tour. The Telegram is dated ...
October 1966
J.R.R. Tolkien to Donald Swann and Flanders

No details of this letter are known. It is held at the Wade.
14 October 1966
J.R.R. Tolkien to Donald Swann
 Carpenter #289c

Donald Swann had written to Tolkien expressing interest in his poem 'Errantry'. Tolkien replied that was interested in his suggestion but wondered if it...
13 November 1966
Donald Swann to J.R.R. Tolkien

Swann reports to Tolkien that he has been "deluged" by fans after opening night in Boston.
18 November 1966
J.R.R. Tolkien to Donald Swann

Tolkien invites the Swanns on the 20th December. The might be able to borrow the piano at a neighbor's house. He writes about melody. A photocopy of the...
29 December 1966
J.R.R. Tolkien to James S. Marsh

Tolkien writes to Mr Marsh about his collaboration with Donald Swann for the book The Road goes ever on and on.


11 January 1967
J.R.R. Tolkien to Janet Swann

Tolkien writes to Janet Swann about restaurants in the vicinity of his home. He is not a big fan of Oxford eateries. Edith is not responding well to art...
16 March 1967
Donald Swann to J.R.R. Tolkien

Donald Swann writes to Tolkien, they talked about Elvish, songs, scripts for their book, and Tolkien mentions that is trying to complete his translation...
20 March 1967
J.R.R. Tolkien to Donald Swann
 Carpenter #294b

Tolkien writes to Donald Swann including more material for his project. He thanks Swann for not cursing him. He has had long delays and while trying to ...
21 March 1967
J.R.R. Tolkien to Donald Swann

Tolkien sends background material for The Road Goes Ever On. He includes Galadriel's Lament and Chant written out "in a fair Elvish book-hand, rubricate...
22 March 1967
J.R.R. Tolkien to Donald Swann

Tolkien writes to Donald Swann offering transcripts of the Lament and Chant in Elvish script. This letter is held at the Wade.
22 March 1967
J.R.R. Tolkien to Donald Swann
23 March 1967
Alina Dadlez (of GAU) to Mario Ubaldini (Casa Editrice Astrolabio)

Alina Dadlez of GA&U sends Mario Ubaldini a countersigned copy of the contract for the Italian translation of the Lord of the Rings, noting they have re...
12 April 1967
J.R.R. Tolkien to Donald Swann
 Carpenter #295a

Writing to Donald Swann on the matter of their book, The Road Goes Ever On, Tolkien provides much on the contents of the book, noting that the commentar...
19 June 1967
J.R.R. Tolkien to Donald Swann

Tolkien thanks Swann for the book cover and compares the "T" rendered there to various occurrences from genuine manuscripts. A photocopy is held at the ...
Mid 1967
George Allen & Unwin to Press

Press release from GA&U about Smith of Wootton Major, The Road Goes Ever On and the vinyl record The Poems and Songs of Middle-earth.
12-13 July 1967
J.R.R. Tolkien to Donald Swann
 Carpenter #295b

Tolkien does not like the calligraphy being made by Samuel Hanks Bryant as filler for blank pages in The Road Goes Ever On. Tolkien objects to Swann usi...
30 December 1967
J.R.R. Tolkien and Edith Tolkien to Donald Swann

Tolkien apologizes for his delay in replying, due to poor health, and he asks Swann and his wife to visit in January. Tolkien says that "doing nothing a...
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