Letter Tags
Edith replies to Tolkien's Telegram of the same day in which he informs her of his success in gaining a Scholarship.
Edith sends an unsigned, printed Christmas card to Tolkien. It will be one of the last times they communicate before he turns 21 when he will write aski...
Wiseman writes to Tolkien on the news that Tolkien has become librarian at King's Edwards School. Wiseman will be sub-librarian and their friend Vincent...
Christopher Wiseman, Tolkien's childhood friend from King Edward's School (KES) writes to Tolkien thanking him for postcards sent to him from the Alps w...
Robert Gilson is very sad that Tolkien and a few others have left King Edward's School and he wonders if the T.C.B.S. will ever meet again.
Writing to Tolkien as Librarian of King Edward's School, Gilson points out that Tolkien has yet to return two books, one of which is the the first volum...
Christopher Wiseman writes to inform Tolkien that their friend and fellow T.C.B.S. member Vincent Trought has passed away after being ill.
Wiseman agrees to a T.C.B.S. meeting which will take place at Barrow's Stores. He suggests they meet on 22 March. He also suggests to Tolkien that he pl...
Wiseman writing to Tolkien gives news of himself and Rob Gilson who are both studying at Cambridge university.
Wiseman writes to Tolkien saying that he is envious that G.B. Smith had come to Oxford to study.
Edith replies to Tolkiens letter of January 3rd telling him she is engaged to a George Field, the brother of a school friend. She had accepted this prop...
Wiseman sends a postcard to Tolkien. Hammond/Scull note that it will be forwarded to Phoenix Farm, Gedling four days later 25 March.
The contents of this letter are not known, but Garth notes this as one of the letters where Gilson refers to his friends with made up names (sobriquets)
Rob Gilson replies to Tolkiens April letter informing him of recent results ( Gilson says that he does not know whether to congratulate or commiserate w...
Christopher Wiseman writes to Tolkien. Tolkien had injured his foot and Wiseman wishes him a fast recovery so that they can both take part in the King E...
Smith replies to a letter from Tolkien he received that morning. He asks Tolkien about buying furniture for his rooms when he arrives at Oxford for the ...
Gilson replying to Tolkien's long letter asks whether Tolkien could attend some dates, he asks if Tolkien can play tennis on 14 June, if he will be in B...
Gilson writes to Tolkien again asking if he can visit him on 14 June. He includes train times to Warwick from Marston Green. Hammond and Scull note in C...
Christopher Wiseman while visiting Grenoble in France writes to Tolkien asking him to visit Birmingham at the end of September and suggests a gathering ...
Hammond and Scull in Chronology note that a postcard from Gilson is forwarded to Warwick from Exeter College though no other details are known currently.
Christopher is envious that GB Smith has joined Tolkien at Oxford. Letter is tentatively dated based on context given by Garth in Tolkien and the Great ...
Rob Gilson writes to Tolkien that Christopher Wiseman isn't happy, and his poor health is preventing him from playing rugby.
Rob Gilson writes to Tolkien about Wiseman's troubles in Cambridge, remarking some members of the T.C.B.S have managed to help keep his spirits up with ...
Christopher Wiseman writes to Tolkien, remarking he misses the T.C.B.S members at Oxford (Smith and Tolkien).
Wiseman sends Tolkien a postcard congratulating him on his engagement, but is worried that this will pull Tolkien away from the T.C.B.S.
Gilson sincerely congratulates Tolkien on his engagement, but with mixed feelings due to Tolkien likely getting distracted from his friends.
Writing to Tolkien to offer his congratulations, Rob Gilson also asks Tolkien to attend a meeting of the T.C.B.S. next week. Tolkien would not attend th...
Wiseman asks Tolkien if he will be able to set aside a few days to join him in London during the Christmas vacation, noting that Gilson and Smith will b...
Wiseman writes to Tolkien, saying he fears the T.C.B.S. is drifting apart and does not have the same interests. They are now at Oxford and Cambridge and...
Wiseman wrote, crossing with Tolkien's letter of the same day (#TCGLetter1110) to say that Rob Gilson was free and can attend a T.C.B.S. meeting on 12 D...
Rob Gilson asks Tolkien to attend a meeting of the T.C.B.S. in Cambridge on the weekend of 6-7 March. The previous TCBS Council was so good Gilson despe...
Following Gilson's letter of the previous day (#TCGLetter1200) Wiseman also writes to Tolkien asking his to attend the T.C.B.S. meeting. He says that G....
Their letters of 1 March and 2 March had gone unanswered so Wiseman and Gilson send Tolkien a telegram. They suggest, though not seriously, that if Tolk...
While at Magdalen College, G.B. Smith writes to Tolkien. Hammond and Scull note that Tolkien had sent Smith his poem on Eärendel, or the first part of ...
Wiseman and Gilson had reread one of Tolkien's letters, he includes comments from Gilson. It appears that Tolkien had written saying he had asigned hims...
Further to Smith's earlier letter (#TCGLetter1203) and Tolkien's assumed reply with typewritten verse (#TCGLetter1206), Smith replies that he has receiv...
Gilson writes to Tolkien explaining that he cannot keep weekends open for T.C.B.S. meetings and that he needs to know at once which weekends work best f...
Writing to Tolkien, Smith mentions that he has shown Tolkien's verse to H.T. Wade-Gery who is friends with them both. Wade-Gery enjoys Tolkien's poems a...
Wiseman replies to Tolkien saying he doubts he will be able to attend either 11 or 17 April meetings of the T.C.B.S.. These dates were proposed by Tolki...
Smith responds to the poems that Tolkien had sent him. Smith likes poems in the classical form, and doesn't understand Tolkien's wayward romanticism. He...
Wiseman has now moved to Cleeve Hill, Cheltenham and writes to Tolkien proposing 18 April for a meeting of the T.C.B.S. and suggests Tolkien organises i...
Gilson writing to Tolkien confirms he has received his poems safely, but is yet to read them. He confirms a meeting of the T.C.B.S. for 18 April, mentio...
Gilson writes that he has received the poems that Tolkien has sent him. Gilson ends up sending them along to Christopher Wiseman in a few weeks without ...
G.B. Smiths writes that he is unwell and says that Tolkien's letters offer him consolation, especially Tolkien's mentions of Smith's Newdigate Prize ent...
Hammond and Scull note that this letter repeats what Wiseman had said to Tolkien in his letter of 30 March. *The dating of this letter is noted as from ...
Replying to Tolkien's letter which arrived earlier on this day Wiseman replies saying he has notified G.B. Smith to request leave for next weeks T.C.B.S...
G.B. Smith writes to Tolkien, informing him that he is on sick leave and will not be able to attend the next T.C.B.S. meeting (18 April). He also mentio...
Wiseman sends a telegram to Tolkien asking what arrangements he has made for their 'council' (T.C.B.S. meeting) in Oxford as there is a problem which ha...
Wiseman had sent Tolkien a telegram earlier in the day asking for details of the arrangements he had made for the next T.C.B.S. gathering (#TCGletter122...
Rob Gilson is recovering at home in Marston Green on sick leave. He writes to Tolkien to say he will not be attending the 'Council of Oxford' (T.C.B.S. ...
Wiseman informs Tolkien that the 'Council of Oxford' is off. He also notes he has received Tolkien's poems, sent on to him from Rob Gilson. He is workin...
G.B. Smith replies to Tolkien that he is joining the 8th batallion and hopes to get Tolkien a place but he is not certain. He believes that Tolkien shou...
Wiseman gives Tolkien some feedback on his poetry. He and Gilson had been discussing it and Smith had said previously that he was impressed with it. Wis...
Writing to Tolkien, G.B. Smith confirms he is now with the 19th Battalion of the Lancashire Fusiliers. They are stationed at the grand Hotel, Penmeanmaw...
Writing to Tolkien, G.B. Smith says he has been reading the book (a Welsh grammar) Tolkien sent after Smith requested it in his letter of 14 May (#TCGLe...
Tolkien had asked G.B. Smith about being posted with Smith to his regiment and Smith replies saying that he should contact Colonel Stainforth of the 19t...
Replying to a letter from Tolkien (at this time I have no date for that letter but it is almost certainly to congratulate Tolkien that both of them had ...
Smith writes to Tolkien offering him advice on the equipment he will need for camp. A large portion of the letter is available to read in The J.R.R. Tol...
Smith makes mention of the volume of Georgian Poetry he had asked Tolkien to send him.
Smith informs Tolkien that Colonel Stainforth has offered him a place, he asks Tolkien to write to the Colonel. He again says he will try to get Tolkien...
The day after Tolkien's exam result (First Class Honours) was published in The Times, Smith sends a congratulatory note to Tolkien. He also (again) tell...
G.B. Smith writing to Tolkien while he was visiting his Aunt Mabel at Abbotsford, Moseley, Birmingham suggesting, again, that he ask Stainforth what he ...
The War Office writes to Tolkien c/ o Father Francis Morgan at the Birmingham Oratory. This letter is signed by King George and Col. W. Elliot. He has b...
G.B. Smith wrote to Tolkien on or around 10 July 1915, he suggests the notice Tolkien would receive from the War Office would be the ‘gazetting’. To...
Christopher Wiseman writing to Tolkien, says that in June he had seen a notice that the Royal Navy wants mathematicians as instructors, and is now await...
Tolkien writes that he has been "gazetted". See #TCGLetter1273
Smith writes to Tolkien while he is at Abbotsford, Moseley, Birmingham (which will be forwarded to him at the Incledons, Barnt Green, on 15 July). He ad...
Christopher Wiseman writes to Tolkien while he is staying with his mother in Bromsgrove. He says he and Tolkien must spend some time together and his mo...
Smith had not heard from Tolkien so he writes to cheer him up. He thinks Tolkien will be safer in the 13th rather than the 19th with him.
While Tolkien is at Bedford for Army training R.W. Reynolds writes to him commenting on the poems Tolkien sent him. Among them were 'You & Me and the Co...
Smith feel "philosophick" about Tolkien's appointment to the 13th Lancashire Fusiliers, though he would like Tolkien to be able to transfer to Smith's u...
Likely in reply to a letter from Tolkien (currently unknown), Smith says that Tolkien can still try to be transferred once his training is completed. He...
Christopher Wiseman replies to a postcard from Tolkien (date currently unknown) and suggests he and Edith join him in London at their family home in Aug...
Reynolds writes to thank Tolkien who has sent him another poem. Tolkien in a letter (unknown) had asked for advice on publishing a book of poems. He sug...
Rob Gilson while at the 3rd Durham Temporary Hospital, Sunderland writes to Tolkien. It is forwarded from Exeter College to Whittington heath. He mentio...
Edith writes to Tolkien saying that 'A Song of Aryador' is her favourite poem. She wonders how h can write at camp.
Writing from the 3rd Durham Temporary Hospital in Sunderland, Gilson tells Tolkien that he has received a lot of mail from the T.C.B.S. members in the p...
R.W. Reynolds writes to Tolkien while he is at at Whittington Heath and thanks him for sending on some of his poems. He likes them, but also he offers s...
Gilson writing from Marston Green to Tolkien at Whittington Heath says he has sent telegrams to Christopher Wiseman and G.B. Smith to ask them to come t...
Wiseman writes to Tolkien to say that all four members of the T.C.B.S. can be in Lichfield, now described as the 'Council of Lichfield', on 25 September...
Gilson writes again to Tolkien about the Council of Lichfield
Gilson sends a telegram to Tolkien to say that he and Smith will arrive at 10.34am into Lichfield and will be at the George Hotel which will be their ba...
Smith and Gilson write to Tolkien on their arrival at the George Hotel saying they hope to see him there when they return after a short sightseeing outi...
Gilson is now stationed at No. 2 Camo, Sutton Veny with his battalion and writes to Tolkien saying that he and G.B. Smith believe that he should send hi...
Smith who is visiting Bath with Rob Gilson to make plans for their 'Council of Bath' writes to Tolkien on the matter and proposes 23 October as a possib...
Further to #TCGLetter1290, Smith writes to Tolkien saying he believes Tolkien should write to Hodder and Stoughton or Sidgwick & Jackson. He asks Tolkie...
Smith who is currently at No. 6 Camp, Codford St. Mary writes asking Tolkien to confirm as soon as possible if he will attend the 'Council of Bath' meet...
Rob Gilson writes to Tolkien from No. 3 Camp, Sutton veny while Tolkien is at Brocton Camp, Staffordshire that he is likely to be sent ot he front soon....
Smith writes to Tolkien while he at the Wiseman' house in London after hearing that Tolkien unfortunately cannot attend the next council. Edith has been...
Wiseman writes to Tolkien to give him updates on the previous weekends events with the T.C.B.S. He remarks on Trought's paper on the Romantics, noting t...
Gilson was the last of the T.C.B.S. to write to Tolkien with his report of the gathering the previous weekend. He was very sorry that Tolkien could not ...
Rob Gilson writes saying that he had last heard from Tolkien was the letter shown him by G.B. Smith in London and he hopes that both he and Edith were f...
G.B. Smith, who is in the trenches in France, writes to Tolkien asking for the long letter Tolkien promised in his last postcard to Smith.
G.B. Smith writing to Tolkien, thanks him for various letters and commenting on Oxford Poetry 1915 and 'Goblin Feet'. Smith and Wade-Gery agree that the...
Rob Gilson replies to Tolkien's letter about some problems Tolkien is having. Gilson remarks on ‘the extra blackness of your fate in these dark days�...
Wiseman writes to Tolkien at Brocton Camp. He has been posted to the HMS Superb. He has received 'Kortirion among the Trees' from Gilson (#TCGLetter1302...
Rob Gilson writes informing Tolkien that he will be leaving for the front on 8 January.
G.B. Smith writes to Tolkien while he is at Brocton Camp praising him for his poem 'Kortirion among the Trees' saying that "it is a great and a noble po...
Writing to Tolkien, Dora Owen, who has read 'Goblin Feet' in Oxford Poetry 1915, asks Tolkien if she may include it in a collection of fairy poetry she ...
Dora Owens replies to Tolkien's letter thanking him for sending her several poems. Among them are 'The Trumpets of Faerie', 'The Princess Nî', 'A Song ...
G.B. Smith writes to Tolkien at Brocton Camp, thanking him for the letter he wrote to him. Wayne Hammond and Christina Scull note that "Tolkien probably...
Christopher Wiseman writes to Tolkien, praising his poem 'Kortirion among the Trees', which the original of is enclosed. Wiseman that "of course" Edith ...
G.B. Smith writes to Tolkien at Brocton Camp, he talks about what friendship with the other T.C.B.S. means to him. Wayne Hammond and Christina Scull not...
G.B. Smith writes to Tolkien at Brocton Camp, suggesting that he sends 'Kortirion among the Trees' to a publisher. He has mentioned the poem to R.W. Rey...
Writing to Tolkien at Brocton Camp, Christopher Wiseman defends an opinion he made on 'Kortirion among the Trees'. He says that Tolkien is interested in...
G.B. Smith sends Tolkien a part of his poem 'The Burial of Sophocles'.
Wiseman writes to Tolkien on the subject of his (Tolkien's) writing. He notes that he is happy that he has (apparently) set Tolkien off on work on his "...
G.B. Smith sends Tolkien the second part of his long poem 'The Burial of Sophocles' after he sent a portion earlier that month. He asked that Tolkien po...
Father Francis replies to Tolkien's letter congratulating him and Edith of their upcoming wedding. He says he should like to do the ceremony himself at ...
Rob Gilson writes to Tolkien at Brocton Camp, offering his best wishes, prayers, and blessings for his and Edith's impending marriage.
Reynolds writes, thanking Tolkien for sending him a copy of 'Kortirion among the Trees'. He likes it very much and would like Tolkien to send him more o...
G.B. Smith writes to Tolkien at Brocton Camp. He says it is a long time since he has heard from Tolkien. He also mentions, but cannot yet comment on a l...
Tolkien's brother Hilary writes to him with news from his own part of the war effort in France. He mentions that in the England they have had terrible w...
Christopher writes Tolkien a long letter, said by Wayne Hammond and Christina Scull to be a "long letter written in stages" from 14, 17, 26 March and 16...
Hilary writes to Edith. It has been some time since his last letter and Edith has now moved from Warwickshire and he does not know her new address. He h...
Following Tolkien's request for leave, requested on 8 May (#TCGLetter1328), they say that leave is not being granted at present, but then the order is s...
While at Brocton Camp, Tolkien receives a telegram from Smith who is at West Bromwich and on leave until 29 May. He wonders if they could meet.
Smith, in another telegram says that he will come to Great Haywood for Saturday afternoon and stay the night.
Smith sends Tolkien another telegram care of Edith's landlady, Mrs. Kendrick, to inform him of his time of arrival via train.
Smith writes to thank Tolkien for hosting him, describing it as a "splendid two days". This letter is held at the 'Tolkien Papers, Bodleian Library, Oxf...
Tolkien is informed by telegram that he is to join the British Expeditionary Force in France. He must first report to the Embarkation Staff Officer at F...
Smith writes to Tolkien on his return to France, "attached 11th Lancashire Fusiliers, 25th I.B.D., 25 A.P.O. (S) 17, B.E.F." to say that he is sorry Tol...
Upon his return from a night working party, Gilson replies to Tolkien's letter noting that he is cheered to hear from the T.C.B.S. This is the last lett...
G.B. Smith writes, wishing Tokien well "in all that may happen to you within the next few months, and may we live beyond them to a better time". This le...
Smith sends Tolkien a 'field postcard' noting that he is "quite well".
Smith writes to Tolkien, he has seen the newspaper and Rob Gilson is named among the dead. He had died on 1 July but had originally been named among the...
Cary Gilson, Rob Gilson's father, writes to Tolkien and likely includes a memorial card for Rob who had been killed at the Battle of The Somme in early ...
Smith writes to Tolkien offering praise for his poem, 'The Lonely Isle'.
Smith writes to Tolkien, and likely includes a letter from Christopher Wiseman on the news of Rob Gilson's death. Smith has underlined parts and Tolkien...
Smith thanks Tolkien for his letter, he thinks that "there are still a great many sober men and true..." This letter is among the 'Tolkien Papers, Bodle...
Robert Cary Gilson, Head Master of King Edward’s School and father of Rob Gilson, replies to Tolkien's letter of sympathy sent on the death of his son...
Smith writes to Tolkien having not received Tolkien's letter of 12-13 August . he has been unable to sleep for thinking about Rob. He remarks that maybe...
Smith having received Tolkien's letter of 12-13 August replies disagreeing with Tolkien's notion that the T.C.B.S. has ended with Gilson's death. He als...
Mrs. Weatherhead, the mother of a soldier killed in action during WW1 writes to Tolkien to ask if he has any news about her sons death.
G.B. Smith writes asking Tolkien to send him a field postcard. He notes that he has not heard from Christopher Wiseman but has had a letter from R.W. Re...
Hilary, writing to his brother gives news of his time near the front lines. They are resting currently. He had heard from Edith a few days ago. He has b...
Smith writes to Tolkien, he encloses a letter from Christopher Wiseman. Wiseman had sent to Smith, the letters written by him and Tolkien during the win...
Smith writes to Tolkien pointing out that he has not heard from him in quite some time.
Captain E. Munday, Adjutant of the 11th Lancashire Fusiliers, writes to Tolkien, in reply to his letter to Lieutenant-Colonel Bird. He says that while i...
G.B. Smith's mother replies to Tolkien's letter giving her news. She will pass this letter on to her son.
Smith replies to Tolkien's earlier letter. He is relieved to hear that Tolkien is "still alive". Tolkien is at this time recovering at 3 South General H...
Wiseman who is currently serving on HMS Superb replies to Tolkien's letter, he wishes he could visit but leave for Naval personel is strictly limited an...
In a follow-up to his letter of 16 November, Smith notes that had forgotten to say that his mother would be very happy to source any books which Tolkien...
Wiseman writes to Tolkien on politics, and the war. Thanking Tolkien for his letter and more of his poems. He says that R.W. Reynolds thinks that Tolkie...
Christopher Wiseman writes to Tolkien, G.B. Smith has died. Smith was injured by shrapnel on 29 November. He wrote to his mother saying that his wounds ...
G.B. Smith's mother writes to Tolkien giving some details of Geoffrey's final days. She asks Tolkien if he could send to her copies of her son's poems a...
G.B. Smith's mother replies to Tolkien thanking him for the poems of her son's. She tells Tolkien to keep the originals.
Reynolds replies to Tolkien's letter, he notes that he has had a letter from Smith's mother too in which she says her son had wished for his poetry to b...
Wiseman apologizes for his not writing sooner, he says that he had been trying, and this was the fifth attempt. He remarks that he is happy that Tolkien...
G.B. Smith's mother writes to Tolkien thanking him, and Reynolds for their help in the matter of her son's poetry. Tolkien is currently staying at his A...
Wiseman writes to Tolkien in reply to an earlier letter from Tolkien, in which Tolkien had replied about the "epic" Wiseman suggests he start on. Wisema...
Smith’s mother replies to Tolkien's letter of sympathy to thank him.
Christopher Wiseman sends a telegram to Tolkien to say that will visit him on 18 April.
Wiseman writes a follow-up letter to his telegram , he is on leave and will visit Tolkien and Edith on 18 April. Tolkien had replied with a telegram say...
Writing to Tolkien, Wiseman returns the manuscripts of G.B. Smith's verse noting that does not think the book should be "Opera Omnia", suggesting it sho...
Christopher Wiseman returns G.B. Smith's poems to Tolkien and notes a suggested order for them. He again suggests that only the best of his verse be inc...
A letter from an unknown department to Tolkien at Thirtle Bridge Camp, Withernsea. No details are known currently.
A letter from an unknown department to Tolkien at "R.E. Signal Depot, Dunstable, Bedfordshire". No details are known currently.
A letter from an unknown department to Tolkien at "R.E. Signal Depot, Dunstable, Bedfordshire", redirected to Thirtle Bridge Camp, Withernsea. No detail...
Tolkien had written to Wiseman after hearing of the death of his mother. Wiseman congratulates Tolkien on the news that he and Edith are expecting a chi...
Hilary writes to Tolkien giving updates on his current circumstances. He asks him to send his wishes to Edith. He will write to her, but not for a few d...
Edith had given birth to their first child, John, on 16 November but she had a difficult time. Tolkien could get leave for a few days and Aunt May write...
Reynolds writes to Tolkien offering congratulations on the birth of his and Edith's first child. He thanks Tolkien for a parcel, and for including his p...
Tolkien had written a letter, or talked with Marjorie Incledon about the art critic John Ruskin in connection with his Ishness paintings. Mary Incledon ...
From 25 July, Edith writes to Tolkien from 1 Blenheim, Parade, Pittsville. No details are known of how many letters but we can be fairly certain that sh...
Further to #TCGLetter1600, 'The Ministry of Labour, Appointments Department, Officers’ University and Technical Classes (OUTC), Professional and Busin...
Wiseman is on leave in London and has received a letter that Tolkien had sent to him more than seven weeks earlier. He has been informed that Tolkien is...
Wiseman apologizes that he was unable to visit Tolkien in Oxford but he has now to return to HMS Monarch afterwhich he will take up his teaching post at...
On 7 July, Tolkien was examined at the Medical Board and was declared unfit for general service but was fit for 'home service'. He is ordered "to return...
Tolkien is informed by the Ministry of Pensions that he has been awarded a pension of £35 a year, for the period 16 July to 6 December 1919. An enclose...
Tolkien had informed the Ministry that he was still suffering from disability and they write to direct him into a hostel (or colony) for treatment. They...
C.T. Onions writes to Tolkien to say that he will hopefully see him and Edith on 19 August in Oxford. They will be there to conclude business on their m...
Tolkien receives proofs of the Clarendon Chaucer text and begins correcting them.
Sisam replies to Tolkien's letter and agrees with his changes but asks if he could try to keep any changes to punctuation, mainly due to costs. He discu...
Writing to Tolkien, Sisam says that he is patiently expecting the completed Clarendon Chaucer and asks Tolkien to look over some corrections for his A M...
Gordon writes to Tolkien on various matters. Tolkien will reply to this letter informing Gordon that he retiring from the project. What Gordon says that...
Sisam replies to Tolkien giving him dates to return the Clarendon Chaucer. He wants the glossary by end of year, 31 December at the latest and the notes...
Kenneth Sisam writes to Tolkien, enclosing the manuscripts for his glossary, and tells Tolkien to leave out "easy words". He had written that day to Gor...
Sisam writes to Tolkien, reminding him that he was meant to have handed in his notes on the Clarendon Chaucer by the end of January.
Kenneth Sisam sends Tolkien an advance copy of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, noting that some changes will be made. Oxford University Press will add ...
Either from Kenneth Sisam or the OUP, Tolkien is sent proofs of his glossary for the Clarendon Chaucer]/i]. George S. Gordon had corrected some galley p...
Lascelles Abercrombie writes a testimonial in support of Tolkien's application to the vacant seat of Rawlinson and Bosworth Professorship of Anglo-Saxon...
M.E. Sadler writes a testimonial in support of Tolkien's application to the vacant seat of Rawlinson and Bosworth Professorship of Anglo-Saxon at Oxford...
Joseph Wright writes a testimonial in support of Tolkien's application to the vacant seat of Rawlinson and Bosworth Professorship of Anglo-Saxon at Oxfo...
Lewis Richard Farnell writes a testimonial in support of Tolkien's application to the vacant seat of Rawlinson and Bosworth Professorship of Anglo-Saxon...
Allen Mawer writes a testimonial in support of Tolkien's application to the vacant seat of Rawlinson and Bosworth Professorship of Anglo-Saxon at Oxford...
George S. Gordon writes a testimonial in support of Tolkien's application to the vacant seat of Rawlinson and Bosworth Professorship of Anglo-Saxon at O...
E.S. Craig, University Registrar at Oxford writes to Tolkien offering his congratulations on his successful application to the chair of Rawlinson and Bo...
E.S. Craig replies to Tolkien's letter . He says that Tolkien should be able to work both Leeds and Oxford during the Michaelmas term. He includes a sch...
In their J.R.R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: Chronology, Wayne G. Hammond and Christina Scull note that "Tolkien resumes correspondence with R.W. Reynol...
Cecil Lewis of Lincoln College writes to Tolkien in regard to Tolkien's entry in the Year's Work in English Studies. He notes that "On page 43 you sugge...
C.S. Lewis writes to Tolkien. He has sat up all night reading the Lay of Leithian and is delighted with it. He has yet to finish but Hammond/Scull note ...
Blackwell's Rare Books description
Sisam writes to ask Tolkien if he would be interested to be part of an edition of the Ancrene Riwle.
Sisam replies to Tolkien's letter and approves of Tolkien's intention to try to finish the Clarendon Chaucer.
After Tolkien had criticized to Kenneth Sisam, the lack of progress on the Clarendon Chaucer and bemaoned the fact that his notes had not been returned ...
Sisam replies to Tolkien explaining that the Clarendon Chaucer should have less notes than in a typical 'school' edition, suggesting that notes should b...
Kenneth Sisam forwards on a letter from a correpsondent who had asked about a possible connection aliri, a Middle English word, and aleary which appeare...
Robert Chapman replies to a letter from Tolkien, encouraging him to finish the Clarendon Chaucer.
R.E.M. Wheeler writes to Tolkien on the news that the Society of Antiquaries will publish a report on the excavations at Lydney Park, Gloucestershire. W...
Wheeler replies to Tolkien's letter with thanks for his note. He suggests that Tolkien retain his note on 'Nodens' for the time being while he (Wheeler)...
Mawer replies to Tolkien's letter on Lydney. He says that he himself has looked into the name but has not been able to come to any concrete conclusions.
Wheeler writes asking Tolkien to return the 'Nodens' proof as the publisher is asking for it. But later on the same day, the note arrives as Tolkien had...
Wheeler writes a second letter to Tolkien thanking him for sending the proof note on 'Nodens'. In July 1932 Tolkien’s note 'The Name ‘Nodens’' is ...
Sisam replies to Tolkien's letter on the subject of the Old English Exodus and its possible influence from Gallican Psalters. The contents of the letter...
Writing to Tolkien, Chapman offers to help with typing and urges Tolkien to get the Clarendon Chaucer off his mind. He believes that a Beowulf edition, ...
Kenneth Sisam writing to Tolkien on the subject of a collation of relevant Latin texts in the psalters. Tolkien in reply, #TCGLetter1768, will mention h...
A member of the Convents of the Sacred Heart writes to Tolkien to acknowledge that they have received his poem 'Firiel'.
Tolkien's B.Litt. student, and later close friend, Elaine Griffiths, sends Tolkien references to a manuscript he had asked her to prepare on the Ancrene...
Little is known of this letter to Tolkien from his friend and supporter R.W. (Raymond Wilson) Chambers but a fragment found in The Fall of Arthur is of ...
Father Francis Morgan dies on this date. Tolkien is then informed formally by the Birmingham Oratory. Priscilla Tolkien believes that her father could n...
During the autumn of 1935, the Early English Text Society invited Tolkien to prepare an edition of the Ancrene Riwle (MS CCCC402). Tolkien will reply th...
Wayne Hammond and Christina Scull note that the Oxford University Press sends to "Simonne d’Ardenne, and possibly Tolkien, proofs of An Edition of the...
Mabel Day, Secretary of the Early English Text Society, writes Tolkien a letter asking that he confirm his interest in the Ancrene Riwle in writing as r...
Tolkien is asked by GA&U if he wishes to working on a revision to John R. Clark Hall's Modern English transaltion of Beowulf and The Fight at Finnesburg...
Mabel Day replies to Tolkien's two letters from January, . She notes that she has sent the first to A.W. Pollard, and explains some of the policies of t...
A.W. Pollard replies to Tolkien's letter, which Mabel Day had forwarded to him. He explains to Tolkien that while he sees advantages to reproducing the ...
A.W. Pollard writes to Tolkien to inform him that Robin Flower has been asked to head up the Ancrene Riwle editions at the EETS and that Tolkien's speci...
Mabel Day sends Tolkien some possible corrections and ammendations for his A Middle English Vocabulary. She notes that she believes that Tolkien and Rob...
Writing to Tolkiem, Simonne d'Ardenne asking how his recovery is coming along after his injury. She will update him on her viva once she knows a date an...
C. A. Furth writes to Tolkien on the matter of the Clark-Hall edition of Beowulf. GA&U are keen for Tolkien to edit a new edition, or suggest a likely c...
Reverend Adrian Morey writes to Tolkien, informing him that he has found an Anglo-Saxon version of the Lord's Prayer while at the British Museum. He ask...
Some time in 1936, Aurelius Pompen had written to Tolkien asking if he and his family could take a paid guest for Michaelmas term, 1936.
Gordon writes to Tolkien as he had said nothing about the marking system for examinations. He goes on to note that he has read Seinte Iuliene. He is ups...
Gordon replies to Tolkien's letter asking about the vivas which will be held in London on 12 June. Wayne Hammond and Christina Scull note that Tolkien "...
The BBC writes to Tolkien for permission to broadcast a portion of his translation of the Middle English poem Pearl. Tolkien will reply on the same day ...
Re. Adrian Morey writes to Tolkien. Tolkien had advised him to write an article on the 'Our Father' prayer in Anglo-Saxon, but Morey says that he has de...
Simonne d'Ardenne writes to Tolkien to say that once she has finished her latest article, on the Brussels Cross, she will send it on to him to read. She...
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien to acknowledge receipt of the typescripts for the Hobbit. He also asks Tolkien to see his translation of Pearl, which th...
Stanley Unwin sends to Tolkien the contract duplicate. This is noted by Hammond/Scull as the final step for accepting the Hobbit for publication and on ...
Further to her visit to see Tolkien, Susan Dagnall sends Tolkien a revised specimen page of The Hobbit and asks him to write a short blurb for GA&U to u...
Susan Dagnall, at George Allen & Unwin, gives Tolkien feedback from the production department about adjustments that will need to be made to the five pr...
C. A. Furth of GA&U writes to Tolkien on matters of his illustrations for The Hobbit. His drawings are admirable and blocks for them are being produced....
Susan Dagnall of GA&U writes to Tolkien asking if he can keep one day free, either 13 or 14 February, for her and C. A. Furth to visit Tolkien to discus...
Susan Dagnall writes to Tolkien, correcting a misstatement in her previous letter . Thror's Map will have to be used as an endpaper due to costs, but no...
Chambers writing to Tolkien tells him that he must not "delete a single word from" his Beowulf lecture. The letter from Chambers is found in Oxford, Bod...
GA&U send to Tolkien a set of proofs for the Hobbit.
C. A. Furth of GA&U writes to Tolkien to inform him that the 'fine lines' in The Trolls illustration have broken when reproduced, but that there is no r...
GA&U sends to Tolkien the remaining proofs of The Hobbit and ask that he restricts any corrections to those unavoidable. They further ask that he try to...
GA&U return to Tolkien the typescripts of Farmer Giles of Ham and Roverandom.
Replying to Tolkien's letter, Furth confirms that Tolkien will receive proofs of the corrected portions for The Hobbit. Tolkien is warned that the corre...
In reply to Tolkien's letter, C.A. Furth writes to say that the printers have decided to revise the whole of The Hobbit. Tolkien should receive some of ...
In two batches, Tolkien receives the proofs for The Hobbit. Exact dates are not known but does follow approximately to C. A. Furth's letter of 31 March ...
Oxford University Press provide Tolkien with proofs for his essay Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics. Tolkien delivered the lecture on 25 November 19...
C.A. Furth writes to Tolkien. He makes mention that the margins around the Hobbit illustrations will be adjusted before the final printing and apologize...
Furth writes to Tolkien to say that the red will have to be removed from The Hobbit jacket and the sun will have an outline to highlight it. This letter...
C. A. Furth informs Tolkien that a US publisher is interested in publishing The Hobbit and they would like to add four colour illustrations to the book....
In reply to Tolkien's letter asking about the US publisher interested in The Hobbit, C. A. Furth gives details. It is the Houghton Mifflin Company (HMC)...
GA&U send to Tolkien (for his approval) proof copies of The Hobbit dust-jacket.
GA&U send to Tolkien (for his approval) sample bindings for The Hobbit.
Writing to Tolkien, C. A. Furth of GA&U asks him to return the approved binding for The Hobbit. He agrees that the 'wavy line' will be removed, but says...
Chmabers writes telling Tolkien that he is relieved that the Beowulf lecture retained all the text Tolkien had shown him. This followed a letter from Fe...
On 2 June, Mabel Day had reported to the Early English Text Society that their edition of the Ancrene Riwle had met on 27 May. They recommended that the...
R. W. Chambers writes to Tolkien on the publication of his Sir Israel Gollancz Memorial Lecture, Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics to offer his cong...
Allen Mawer writes to Tolkien on the publication of his Sir Israel Gollancz Memorial Lecture, Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics to offer his congrat...
Furth sends a new sample case of The Hobbit to Tolkien with changes to the lettering and decorations after Tolkien's feedback sent on 28 May.
David Nichol Smith writes to Tolkien on the publication of his Sir Israel Gollancz Memorial Lecture, Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics to offer his ...
F. E. Harmer writes to Tolkien on the publication of his Sir Israel Gollancz Memorial Lecture, Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics to offer his congra...
George S. Gordon writes to Tolkien on the publication of his Sir Israel Gollancz Memorial Lecture, Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics to offer his co...
C. A. writes, informing Tolkien that GA&U will send him a new binding for The Hobbit. It will have have different lettering without the lines under the ...
A.W. Rablen, an undergraduate at Oxford, writes a letter to Tolkien, listing some misprints in the 1930 impression of the Tolkien and Gordon's Sir Gawai...
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien on the matter of his visit to London to meet with him and C. A. Furth on 28 July. He notes that if they have heard from ...
F. Molina writes to Tolkien on the publication of his Sir Israel Gollancz Memorial Lecture, Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics to offer his congratul...
Russell Meiggs (editor of the Oxford Magazine) writes to Tolkien with thanks for a copy of The Hobbit. The letter was described by Meiggs himself as an ...
Oliver Elton writes to Tolkien on the publication of his Sir Israel Gollancz Memorial Lecture, Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics to offer his congra...
Having not heard from Tolkien since her last letter, Mabel Day writes again. She notes that most members agree with him, but that senior member A. W. Po...
C. A. Furth writes to let Tolkien know that he is sending to him an advance copy of The Hobbit and asks if he would like more. He notes that Houghton Mi...
Chambers writes to Tolkien thanking him for a copy of The Hobbit. It is this letter which is forwarded by Tolkien with a letter to GA&U. He updates Tolk...
Furth confirms that he has sent the copies of the Hobbit to the people Tolkien requested. He includes the drawing of a dragon that Tolkien had produced ...
Mabel Day replies to Tolkien's letter. She will ask Cambridge for permission to use their manuscript. She notes that A. W. Pollard claims to have not re...
E. V. Gordon sends to Tolkien the completed manuscript of his edition of Pearl and asks him to revise and criticize it. Tolkien will reply by 20 Novembe...
In a letter to Tolkien, C. A. Furth notes that he has written to Houghton Mifflin asking that Tolkien's specimen drawings be returned and asks them to c...
Stanley Unwin sends Tolkien an advance of £25 for The Hobbit.
Chambers writes again offering thanks for a copy of The Hobbit, and presumably, criticism on it. He gives Tolkien an update on his recovery after a bout...
C. A. Firth informs Tolkien that he is sending a complimentary copy of The Hobbit to W. R. Childe and that his remaining author copies will be sent to h...
Kilbride writes to Tolkien from Bradford offering praise for The Hobbit. This letter is held among the Tolkien Papers at the Bodleian Library.
E. V. Gordon replies to Tolkien to thank him for a copy of The Hobbit and offers comments on the story. The letter is held at the Bodleian Library archive.
Helen Buckhurst writes to Tolkien to thank him for arranging for a copy of The Hobbit to be sent to her. She says the book is delightful, though she wis...
Jennie Grove writes to Tolkien thanking him for the copy of The Hobbit she has recieved. She is "delighted" by it and hopes that it is a huge success fo...
Hilary writes to Tolkien thanking him for sending a copy of The Hobbit. He will read it soon and then will read it with Gabriel, his eldest son. He also...
Tolkien had arranged that a copy of The Hobbit be sent to Childe, and Childe writes to congratulate Tolkien on its publication and offers thanks for his...
C.A. Furth informs Tolkien that Houghton Mifflin Co. will pay him $100 for use of his illustrations for their edition of The Hobbit, due to be (and ulti...
Susan Dagnall writes to Tolkien asking if he would recommend anyone who could write a book, The Loom of Language. She encloses a synopsis of the book wi...
Tolkien's Aunt Jane (Neave) writes to Tolkien demanding to know more about his new book, The Hobbit. Tolkien had written to her, and signed a copy of th...
Susan Dagnall replies to Tolkien offering more information on the proposed book, The Loom of Language that has been proposed to GA&U. It had been mentio...
Dorothy Moore writes to Tolkien. Christopher Tolkien had spent some time with them on holiday and she makes mention of this and remarks on The Hobbit. T...
Tolkien writes back to Susan Dagnall on the proposed Loom of Language book. He describes the scheme as bad, and remarks that he had considered if it wer...
Mary writes to Tolkien asking if he would send her a presentation copy of The Hobbit. In return she will send him prayers. This letter is found among th...
Aunt Jane writes again to Tolkien now that she has recieved a copy of The Hobbit. She is delighted with it and says that "the origin of golf" finished h...
Following his previous letter offering Tolkien thanks and congratulations on The Hobbit, Childe sends a postcard with congratulations on the positive re...
G.E.K. Braunholtz, a colleague from Oxford writes to Tolkien. He has read the positive review in The Times and quotes from it in his letter. This letter...
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien telling him that The Hobbit is selling well, and had good reviews in the Times Literary Supplement and The Times itself....
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien. he remarks that he has no doubt that Tolkien will do well from his first publication. He describes Tolkien as a genius ...
Writing to Tolkien, Stanley Unwin suggests 17 November for their next meeting. Tolkien had written earlier that day suggesting other dates but writes an...
J.N.L. Myres, History scholar at Christ Church, Oxford, writes to Tolkien and asks his opinion on a runic inscription which was found on a bone which wa...
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien having only received his first letter from 29 November. He offers to meet Tolkien on the 10th, 12th, or 15th of November.
Stanley Unwin writes to confirm 15 November for their meeting. He also remarks that he would like to see Lewis' Out of the Silent Planet. Wayne Hammond ...
F.E. Harmer, a colleague from Manchester writes to Tolkien to ask advice on the meaning of various Old English words and if Tolkien could present any ci...
Mlle Tardivel writes to Tolkien asking about the possibility of her translating The Hobbit into French.
Stanley Unwin replies to Tolkien's letter with comments on his photoshoot with Elliot & Fry. He encloses a ticket for Tolkien to attend the Sunday Times...
Tolkien's aunt, Grace, writes to him offering thoughts on The Hobbit. This letter is held at the Bodleian Library archives with the Tolkien Papers.
Stanley writes to Tolkien and includes his manuscript of Farmer Giles of Ham which GA&U had previously viewed. He tells Tolkien that if he has a similar...
C.V. Salmon from the BBC writes to Tolkien to ask if he would like to discuss a project. Salmon wants to give a broadcast on Beowulf including a reading...
E.V. Gordon writing to Tolkien. Sisam has said that his Pearl edition is too long and Gordon asks Tolkien if he would be willing to "prune" it for him, ...
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien in reply to his letter on foreign translations of The Hobbit. He mentions that GA&U are working to arrange German, Scand...
Salmon writes to Tolkien and asks if they can meet in Oxford on 29 November, a Monday.
Selby writes to Tolkien on various matters related to The Hobbit. He asks about discrepancies between the text of The Hobbit and 'Thror's Map'. Tolkien ...
Stanley Unwin returns the manuscript for The Lost Road to Tolkien and notes that he has organized a typescript of it for Tolkien which will be sent onto...
Salmon had visited Tolkien in Oxford the previous day and they had organised a date for their Beowulf broadcast but he writes to say that the date is no...
Salmon replies to Tolkien's letter agreeing that it better to cut down the reading, retaining the introductory reading for their Beowulf broadcast.
Arthur Ransome, best known for his Swallows and Amazons series of childrens books wrote to Tolkien in 1937 after The Hobbit had been published, firstly ...
Further to his earlier letters to Tolkien Chambers had recently finished writing a review (see reference below) of Tolkien's Beowulf: The Monsters and t...
Stanley writes to Tolkien with news that the first edition of The Hobbit has sold and a new printing will be issued almost immediately. He notes that To...
C.V. Salmon writes asking Tolkien if he is free after 3 January (1938) to rehearse the reading of their Beowulf broadcast.
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien in connection to a competition ran by W.G. Le Tall of Geoffrey Tyndale’s Bookshop in Bath. They are offering prizes to...
Arthur Ransome writes to Tolkien with further thoughts about The Hobbit. He says that he had recently had an operation and the book had turned that time...
Following a letter the previous day from Stanley Unwin, Le Fall of Geoffrey Tyndale’s Bookshop in Bath writes to Tolkien with details on the competiti...
C.A. Furth writes to update Tolkien on their efforts to get the reprint of The Hobbit out for the Christmas rush. The demand for it is high, GA&U had to...
Salmon writes to ask Tolkien how he would like to be described in the Radio Times for their Beowulf broadcast.
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien and includes colour plates of illustrations for The Hobbit along with a report from Rayner on The Adventures of Tom Bomb...
Stanley Unwin sends Tolkien a typescript of Tolkien's story, The Lost Road to him, as promised. He says that its possible publishing success is hard to ...
When The Hobbit was published back in September, 1937, Tolkien had sent a signed first edition to his family friend, Katherine Mary. She had lent the bo...
Tolkien's Aunt Lily congratulates him on the publication of a second printing of The Hobbit. This letter is held at the Bodleian Library among their Tol...
C.V. Salmon writes to Tolkien to suggest that they set 12 January 1938 for their rehearsal of the Beowulf broadcast on BBC Radio.
G.B. Smith's mother, Ruth Smith, writes to Tolkien with thanks for the copy of The Hobbit he sent her. She also touches on Christopher Tolkien. This let...
W.G. Le Tall again writes to Tolkien about the competition his bookshop is running on The Hobbit. The letter is held with the Tolkien Papers at the Bodl...
C.V. Salmon writes to Tolkien to confirm that he has secured a studio for their rehearsal of the Beowulf broadcast which will take place on 14 January. ...
A reader had written to the Observer newspaper asking various questions on The Hobbit and Beowulf. White sends a clipping of that letter to Tolkien and ...
Le Tall sends his personal copy of The Hobbit for Tolkien to sign for him. He updates Tolkien on the competition, noting that it has not gone as well as...
Stanley Unwin writes that his son Rayner is delighted with the sample chapter from the new book about hobbits. Rayner does wonder if a child who hasn't ...
Tolkien's Aunt Florence (Hadley) writes to thank him the copy of The Hobbit which he sent to her in British Columbia, Canada. She notes that had her sis...
C.A. Furth writes to Tolkien, enclosing his manuscript of Mr. Bliss. He includes some instructions explaining how best to reproduce the illustrations an...
Further to their letters on Mr. Bliss, C.A. Furth writes to Tolkien remarking that Mr. Bliss could be reproduced in the same manner as the Beatrix Potte...
Mabel Day writes to Tolkien, reminding him that 6 months have past since he was asked to provide specimens for the Ancrene Riwle.
Stanley Unwin sends Tolkien a reader's report on Lewis' Out of the Silent Planet. The report does not favour the story, to which Tolkien will write a co...
GA&U send the five colour illustrations (sent from Houghton Mifflin Co.) to Tolkien. In their Companion and Guide, Chronology, p. 223, Wayne Hammond and...
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien on the matter of Lewis' Out of the Silent Planet. He has now received three readers reports on the novel and is awaiting...
B.S. Harvey of the National Provincial Bank writes to Tolkien acknowledging payment of some cheques and as a post script asks Tolkien if he would mind s...
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien again on the matter of Out of the Silent Planet. Having now received five reports and only one is positive. He has decid...
Houghton Mifflin, the American publisher of The Hobbit, notified Tolkien that he has won a $250 award for the best children's book published that Spring.
Tolkien had sent a Cablegram from Houghton Mifflin to him onto GA&U and Stanley Unwin replies that they will that for publicity purposes. He also asks T...
Stanley writes a short cover letter to Tolkien explaining that Rayner has had little time (going to boarding school on this day), but has scribbled down...
Rayner "scribbles" a book report on the first three chapters of the Hobbit sequel. His father Stanley sends this review to Tolkien along with a cover le...
Kenneth Sisam writes to Tolkien on E.O.G. Turville-Petre's Viga-Glúms Saga. He notes that it will be published in their Oxford English Monographs serie...
M. Williams, a former student at Oxford, now of the Manhattanville College of the Sacred Heart, New York, writes to Tolkien offering memories of her tim...
Houghton Mifflin Co. send Tolkien a cheque for $250 for being awarded first prize in the New York Herald Tribune book awards. The Hobbit had won first p...
Stanley Unwin writes that Houghton Mifflin (the American publisher) reports having sold approximately 3000 copies of The Hobbit, and will re-announce it...
Francis P. Magoun of Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA writes to Tolkien in praise of The Hobbit. He notes his growing interest in Gothic. Magoun had visite...
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien and notes his regret that Tolkien does not have much time to write. He will write directly to Elaine Griffiths on matter...
C.A. Furth writes to Tolkien informing him that Elaine Griffiths has asked to be released from her contract to deliver the revised edition of the Clark ...
A German publisher is interested in The Hobbit but needs Tolkien to confirm his Aryan descent before proceeding.
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien. he remarks that his letters of 25 July "have been a source of much merriment and satisfaction at this office". He tells...
C.A. Furth replies to Tolkien remarking that he would be happy for Tolkien to work on the Clark Hall Beowulf volume. He suggests a fee payable to Tolkie...
C.A. Furth writes to Tolkien on matters of publishing. He says that the next book they will have to publish is Mr. Bliss, but they have missed the windo...
As requested by Mabel Day, John Johnson sends Tolkien specimen pages of the Early English Text Societies edition of the Corpus Christi College MS of Anc...
Simonne d'Ardenne writes to Tolkien on matters of St. Katherine after she had visited the British Museum and seen some of their items.
In reply to Tolkien's letter, Furth sends an update on the matter of translations of The Hobbit. GA&U have not progressed with translations into French ...
Catherine Lambert, a writer from London writes to Tolkien on The Hobbit and mentions her own publications. This letter is held at the Bodleian Library a...
The secretary of St. Andrews University wrote a letter to Tolkien confirming their wish for him to deliver the Andrew Lang Lecture, they hope that Tolki...
Writing to Tolkien, Simonne d'Ardenne complains about Hitler and the situation in Europe but she hopes that world events will work out for the best. On ...
Andrew Bennett writes to acknowledge Tolkien letter on the matter of the Andrew Lang Lecture at St. Andrews University.
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien offering his sympathies for his current problems with health and various matters of work. He says that GA&U have written...
F.E. Harmer from the University of Manchester writes to Tolkien and encloses her article ‘Anglo Saxon Charters and the Historian’. She remarks that ...
Andrew Bennett from University of St Andrews, had not heard from Tolkien since October regarding the 1939 Andrew Lang Lecture and writes to him again on...
Writing to Tolkien, C.A. Furth suggests to Tolkien that if he has not made progress on The Lord of the Rings that they should revisit the subject of Mr....
In reply to Tolkien's letter of 2 February, Furth tells Tolkien that the middle of June will be the latest date that GA&U can receive and have ready a w...
Furth informs Tolkien that he has told the German publisher that he (Tolkien) wishes to see a proof of the translation of The Hobbit before going to pri...
Furth writes to Tolkien again on the German publishers edition of The Hobbit. They will not publish until the autumn, and have agreed that they will pro...
Stanley Unwin writing to Tolkien, asks for an update on his progress with The Lord of the Rings.
John Masefield writes to Tolkien asking if he would again like to take part in the 'Summer Diversions'.
Writing to Tolkien on the matter of the Clark Hall Beowulf, Philip Unwin asks Tolkien's opinion on the likely demand for the volume in current times (th...
Tolkien is informed by the War Office that for the present he will not be called to work as a cryptographer. Hammond/Scull note that he will in fact not...
W.N. Beard from GA&U's production department writes to Tolkien informing him that C.L. Wrenn has completed his revisions of the Clark Hall Beowulf. Bear...
Tolkien has not replied to Beard on the matter of his preface for the Clark Hall Beowulf and Beard reminds Tolkien that a reply is still required.
Writing to Tolkien, Stanley Unwin says that he would like Tolkien to meet his eldest son, David, who works at Blackwell's Bookshop in Oxford.
Having still not heard from Tolkien, a month after his last reminder, Beard again writes to Tolkien. He now tells Tolkien that the Clark Hall Beowulf is...
After Stanley Unwin's letter mentioned that he would like Tolkien to meet his son, David, Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien in the evening after speaking ...
Stanley Unwin replies to Tolkien's letter of 19 December. He says that it would be a relief to receive Tolkien's work on the Clark Hall Beowulf, remarki...
GA&U write to Tolkien, reminding him that the Clark Hall Beowulf is awaiting his preface before going to print.
Writing again to Tolkien, Beard reminds him that GA&U are still waiting for his preface for the Clark Hall Beowulf.
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien. GA&U are still waiting for Tolkien's preface to the Clark Hall Beowulf and Stanley Unwin asks when it will be finished....
Stanley Unwin writes again to Tolkien on the matter of the Clark Hall Beowulf. They intend to include the whole of Tolkien's preface as they feel his na...
Stanley Unwin writes again on the Clark Hall Beowulf. He says that Tolkien's preface will require 36 pages and if Tolkien agrees, GA&U will begin typese...
George Allen & Unwin send Tolkien a cheque for his preface for the Clark Hall Beowulf. They remark that he will receive proofs once they are sent from t...
W.N. Beard sends the proofs for the Clark Hall Beowulf for his approval and asks that Tolkien returns them as soon as he can.
W. N. Beard of GA&U writes to Tolkien assuring him that any corrections to the Clark Hall Beowulf will be handled carefully.
Douglas Veale, Registrar of Oxford University, writes to Tolkien, with papers included for him to examine from a student in America. Hammond and Scull n...
Winifred Husbands from University College, London writes to to Tolkien, apparently informing him that an unauthorized edition of Songs for the Philologi...
Bond informs Tolkien that some of his students enjoyed his lectures on Beowulf during the last term.
B.E.C. Davis of Westfield College, University of London writes to Tolkien to thank him for organizing for his students to use the English Faculty Librar...
Sometime during Autumn 1941, Tolkien replies to questions from W.J.B. Owen of Bangor University, North Wales, on queries of the Old English poem the 'Wa...
Noted in The War of the Ring, p. 40, and in Chronology, p. 849 is mention to a letter sent to Tolkien on which he wrote on the rear a "draft of a passag...
Basil Blackwell writes to Tolkien, offering his delight at the translation on Pearl which Tolkien had loaned him. He asks if Tolkien would be willing to...
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien remarking that the London bookseller, Foyles, will publish The Hobbit as part of its Children's Book Club. He notes furt...
Stanley Unwin replies to Tolkien's letter of 7 December remarking that he is looking to see what corrections have been included in the reprint of The Ho...
Basil Blackwell sends Tolkien some proof copies of Pearl to be corrected as Tolkien has time. He remarks that he is still hopeful that Tolkien will writ...
George Allen & Unwin send Tolkien a royalty statement for 1942 and remark that binding issues have delayed the latest printing of The Hobbit.
After sending Tolkien proofs of Pearl Basil Blackwell writes again reminding Tolkien that he is yet to send the corrected proofs back to him. He asks To...
George Allen & Unwin send to Tolkien two copies of the Foyles' Children's Book Club edition of The Hobbit.
Basil Blackwell again writes to Tolkien to remind him that he needs the manuscripts returned for Pearl. He remarks that he needs to sort Tolkien's accou...
Basil Blackwell writes, thanking Tolkien for his cheque. He also reiterates his hope that Tolkien can turn to and complete the work on Pearl.
Tolkien receives a message via the International Red Cross from Simonne d'Erdenne. At that time, beginning in April 1942, Nazi Germany refused to relay ...
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien asking of he could meet his son Rayner who is serving as a Cadet in the Navy at Oxford. He also encloses a cheque for £...
Stanley writes to tell Tolkien that if paper were available they would immediately reprint The Hobbit as it would sell well. Stanley apologizes for not ...
Stanley Unwin informs Tolkien that they have found a copy of the reprinted Hobbit and it has been sent to him.
An unknown member of the George Allen & Unwin staff writes to Tolkien. Two more copies of The Hobbit have been found.
Basil Blackwell writes yet again to Tolkien on the matter of his translation of Pearl, which Tolkien has still not returned. Blackwell had asked about b...
In reply to #TCGLetter2415, Basil Blackwell writes to Tolkien remarking that Tolkien's reply had helped ease his mind on his previous comments in #TCGLe...
T.S. Gregory of the Dublin Review writes to Tolkien asking if he has any writings he would like to submit. On 12 October Tolkien will submit his short s...
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien, remarked by Hammond & Scull as being about "an interesting poem, presumably Pearl, that Tolkien lent to Rayner."
Tolkien quotes part of this letter from John Barrow in #TCGLetter176
Stephen Bone, the writer and painter, writes to Tolkien. He remarks on his children's enjoyment of The Hobbit and asks Tolkien if he would send him a ma...
Horus Engels wanted to produce a German translation of The Hobbit and sent letters to Tolkien on the matter. In this response to something Tolkien had s...
In response to Tolkien's letter from the prior week Unwin lets Tolkien know that the Hobbit corrections have been passed on to the production department...
Following on from his letter in 1945, Bone returns a speciman page from The Lord of the Rings and discusses it. We currently have no record of Tolkien's...
Farrer replies to Tolkien, again in runes and says that she would welcome a key to the Dwarvish alphabet. This was written on a postcard that accompanie...
Mother M. Agnes, a former pupil from Leeds and now at Maryfield College, Dublin, writes to Tolkien asking if he recalls her from that time at Leeds. She...
In a series of seven letters, a young reader, Hugh Brogan, writes to Tolkien on the matter of his "thirst for more information about Middle-earth" and r...
In a series of seven letters, a young reader, Hugh Brogan, writes to Tolkien on the matter of his "thirst for more information about Middle-earth" and r...
In reply to Tolkien's letter of 5 August (see #TCGLetter268) Ronald Eames says that George Allen & Unwin have decided to not use the illustrations of Mi...
In a series of seven letters, a young reader, Hugh Brogan, writes to Tolkien on the matter of his "thirst for more information about Middle-earth" and r...
In a series of seven letters, a young reader, Hugh Brogan, writes to Tolkien on the matter of his "thirst for more information about Middle-earth" and r...
In a series of seven letters, a young reader, Hugh Brogan, writes to Tolkien on the matter of his "thirst for more information about Middle-earth" and r...
Hugh Brogan's mother, Olwen, writes to Tolkien on the matter of him visiting them in Cambridge. She says he is very welcome and suggests the 20th (Sunda...
In a series of seven letters, a young reader, Hugh Brogan, writes to Tolkien on the matter of his "thirst for more information about Middle-earth" and r...
Henry Willink, a colleague from Magdalene College, Cambridge, writes to Tolkien giving him an update on his wife's ill-health and to offer his admiratio...
In a series of seven letters, a young reader, Hugh Brogan, writes to Tolkien on the matter of his "thirst for more information about Middle-earth" and r...
Lewis writes to Tolkien after reading The Lord of the Rings, giving Tolkien high praise and feedback. The entire letter is published in volume two of Le...
No details of this letter are known beyond the auction details. Phillips, Oxford, from 20 October 1988: ALS from Sir Lionel Whitby, Master of Downing Co...
Sir Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien on the matter of how to publish the Lord of the Rings. He does not see a possibility of one volume and gives some fi...
Hugh Brogan writes to Tolkien and remarks that it has been a couple of years since he joined Hugh and his family and that he is always welcome if he is ...
Dan Davin, Kenneth Sisam's successor at the OUP writes to Tolkien about retrieving his material on the Clarendon Chaucer. When the two had met a week pr...
Julien S. Huxley sends a short note to Tolkien saying he will be in the country for the next meeting of the Ad Eundem Dinner, of which Tolkien attends o...
Dan Davin replies to Tolkien with thanks for returning the material he had from the Clarendon Chaucer. he remarks that Tolkien is welcome to revisit any...
Interesting and lengthy letter to Prof. Tolkien on a possible Chaucer holograph. Nothing more on this 3 page letter is known but it has been sold a numb...
Rayner Unwin writing to Tolkien gives him the welcome news that they have decided to publish The Lord of the Rings. They will take the unusual approach ...
No details of this letter are known beyond the auction details. From Phillips, Oxford, from 20 October 1988: 2pp. typed letter and typed article from R....
Newby writes to Tolkien asking if an examination of the eighteenth-century Grammarians would make a suitable subject for a talk on the BBC's Third Progr...
This letter is housed at the Wade Center but no details are currently known of its contents.
Hugh Brogan writes again to Tolkien and offers him some criticisms of the archaic style used in parts of The Lord of the Rings.
W.H. Auden had been sent a proof copy of the Return of the King during the period it was titled The War of the Ring. He offers feedback, some questionin...
Rayner Unwin sends Tolkien a folder with reviews from the USA, forwarded from Houghton Mifflin.
This packet sent to Tolkien from the printers Jarrod & Sons' on 29 June is noted in Tolkien's reply to Allen & Unwin. They had sent Tolkien page proofs ...
Brogan writes to Tolkien offering apologies for his "impertinent, stupid, or sycophantic" comments in his letter from December 1954. Tolkien will pen a ...
Hugh Brogan writes to Tolkien on the matter of his criticism of The Lord of the Rings. He hopes that his criticism has not detracted from his "real admi...
No details of this letter are known but Tolkien also sent a letter the following day. Both letters are held at the Wade.
Sam Gamgee writes to Tolkien about his family hearing the BBC Radio production of the Lord of the Rings (lost) and being surprised about the use of Gamg...
In reply to Tolkien's letter, Monckton writes to confirm that dates except one are good for him. He no longer works within the givernment so should be a...
Monckton replies to Tolkien but very little is known of the content. It is assumed that he included his subscription which was late and perhaps discusse...
Rayner Unwin writes to say he is delighted that Tolkien was impressed with the concept artwork and photography he was shown during his visit by Forrest ...
William Ready of Marquette writes to Tolkien acknowledging Tolkien's proposed visit in 1958.
Rayner Unwin writes to Tolkien to say that Allen & Unwin have still not heard from Ackerman.
Rayner writes asking Tolkien how things stand between him and the Dutch bookshop, Voorhoeve & Dietrich regarding his visit to Holland. He also notes tha...
Rayner agrees with Tolkien that future translations should adopt the names as Tolkien prefers. Rayner says that Allen & Unwin can have an index of names...
Rayner has found a lady who can index The Lord of the Rings for him, and notes that he has said it is to be in "two parts". One of proper names and one ...
Rayner informs Tolkien that Forrest J. Ackerman with Zimmerman have been given a free option on the film rights to the Lord of the Rings, Zimmerman will...
Rayner writes to Tolkien to inform him that Allen & Unwin's Hollywood agent has reported that Ackerman has agreed to pay $500 for an additional 6 months...
Rayner informs Tolkien that the head of the agency from Hollywood who is responsible for the negotiations with Ackerman/Zimmerman will visit the Allen &...
Rayner replies to Tolkien with sympathy for his health troubles. He also agrees on Tolkien's proposed reply to Ackerman.
Writing to Tolkien, Rayner says that he will seriously consider adding the index into the Lord of the Rings. Possibly to coincide with the proposed publ...
Auction Notes 445. Tolkien (J.R.R.) AUTOGRAPH POEM, 2pp. on both sides of personalised postcard, numerous notes on verso, 140 x 88mm., n.d. , by the dat...
Writing to Tolkien on the matter of the option for the Lord of the Rings film rights, he has heard from agents that Ackerman and Co. have decided to not...
Joy Hill sends to Tolkien his notes on the story-line which have been returned by Forrest J. Ackerman.
Forster writes to Tolkien, thanking him for explaining the contribution of philology to Tolkien's works.
Lars Gustafsson writes to Tolkien to request an interview with him. He says that he is not interested in talking about allegory and would prefer to disc...
Rayner Unwin writes to Tolkien with news that Miss Pamela Chandler wants to photograph him. He impresses upon Tolkien that they could use the photograph...
Pamela Chandler writes to Tolkien asking if he would like to visit London for her to photograph him at her studios. If that is not suitable she would ha...
Pamela Chandler replies to Tolkien with information about sizes. She says to retain the proofs as long as he likes. She asks if his overseas publishers ...
Rayner suggests that Tolkien include additional poems with 'Tom Bombadil' not just from The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.
Rayner tells Tolkien that he has sent the Tom Bombadil poems to Pauline Baynes to get her thoughts.
Rayner Unwin sends Tolkien a specimen page for The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, and estimates the book would be a total of 64 pages.
Following Rayner Unwin's letter to Pauline Baynes, Joy Hill writes to Tolkien confirming their offer to Baynes to illustrate The Adventures of Tom Bomba...
Rayner Unwin writes to Tolkien detailing Pauline Baynes schedule for completing illustrations. He asks Tolkien to dine with he and his father in London ...
Rayner sends Tolkien full-page illustrations of The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, drawn by Pauline Baynes. He asks Tolkien to decide which one should be e...
Justin Arundale, a young fan of The Lord of the Rings, writes to Tolkien asking if he has any information of when The Silmarillion will be published. To...
Olney from Tolkien's American publisher Houghton Mifflin writes to Tolkien saying that they have decided not to commission Virgil Finlay to illustrate T...
No details of this letter are known. It is held at the Wade.
No details of this letter are known. It is held at the Wade.
No details of this letter are known. It is held at the Wade.
The writer, Iris Murdoch sends Tolkien a fan-letter to show her appreciation for The Lord of the Rings. Two pages were reproduced in Tolkien: Maker of M...
No details of this letter are currently known but see #TCGLetter575 for Tolkien's reply.
Nan C. Scott responds to Tolkien's letter about the Ace Fellowship of the Ring, noting all of the actions she took to try and boycott the title, up to a...
Tolkien received a letter from an American, Mrs. Claire Howard. Writing from New York she mentions a local FM radio station had an hours reading from Th...
Roger Verhulst writes to Tolkien on behalf of the publisher, W,. B. Eerdmans who have the rights to the US paperback publication of Essays Presented to ...
Charles Micthell, husband of folk singer Joni Mitchell wrote to Tolkien asking if he could use two names, Lorien and Strider as names for a publsihing a...
Wheeler sends Tolkien a copy of the August edition of RALLY which includes a review of The Lord of the Rings by Jared Lobdell. Noted at regarding the da...
Further to various letters from Charles Mitchell he writes to Tolkien including some lyrics for Joni's song 'I Think I understand'. He explains that Jon...
Swann reports to Tolkien that he has been "deluged" by fans after opening night in Boston.
Forster writes to Tolkien with a copy of an article he is writing on The Lord of the Rings for a German encyclopaedia, to see if hew would like to make ...
Donald Swann writes to Tolkien, they talked about Elvish, songs, scripts for their book, and Tolkien mentions that is trying to complete his translation...
Tolkien replies to this letter from Green on the subject of Smith of Wootton Major. We do not know the content of Green's letter but it is known from To...
Barbara Remington had been commissioned to paint the cover art for the Ballantine paperback edition of The Hobbit under extreme time pressure due to the...
The famed writer Terry Pratchett writes to Tolkien offering his appreciation for his writing. He notes he has "just read Smith of Wootton Major" and goe...
Leslie Megahey of the BBC writes to Tolkien to thank him for his time over the previous week when he was filmed for the BBC's 'Tolkien in Oxford' film. ...
Writing to Tolkien, J.W. Rusk asks for details about his relationship with R.G. Collingwood. She had been informed by Professor G.R.G. Mure that Tolkien...
Tolkien receives a letter from Lynda Johnson Robb (from the White House) asking if he would possible be able to sign her book (The Hobbit). Robb had tak...
Guide to Tolkien's Letters
To J.R.R. Tolkien
(498 letters match)1910
17 December 1910
Edith Bratt to J.R.R. Tolkien
Edith replies to Tolkien's Telegram of the same day in which he informs her of his success in gaining a Scholarship.
Christmas 1910
Edith Bratt to J.R.R. Tolkien
Edith sends an unsigned, printed Christmas card to Tolkien. It will be one of the last times they communicate before he turns 21 when he will write aski...
27 April 1911
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wiseman writes to Tolkien on the news that Tolkien has become librarian at King's Edwards School. Wiseman will be sub-librarian and their friend Vincent...
17 August 1911
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Christopher Wiseman, Tolkien's childhood friend from King Edward's School (KES) writes to Tolkien thanking him for postcards sent to him from the Alps w...
October 1911
Robert Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Robert Gilson is very sad that Tolkien and a few others have left King Edward's School and he wonders if the T.C.B.S. will ever meet again.
4 October 1911
Rob Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Writing to Tolkien as Librarian of King Edward's School, Gilson points out that Tolkien has yet to return two books, one of which is the the first volum...
21 January 1912
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Christopher Wiseman writes to inform Tolkien that their friend and fellow T.C.B.S. member Vincent Trought has passed away after being ill.
19 March 1912
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wiseman agrees to a T.C.B.S. meeting which will take place at Barrow's Stores. He suggests they meet on 22 March. He also suggests to Tolkien that he pl...
31 October 1912
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wiseman writing to Tolkien gives news of himself and Rob Gilson who are both studying at Cambridge university.
20 November 1912
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wiseman writes to Tolkien saying that he is envious that G.B. Smith had come to Oxford to study.
January 1913 (after 3 January but no later than 7 January)
Edith Bratt to J.R.R. Tolkien
Edith replies to Tolkiens letter of January 3rd telling him she is engaged to a George Field, the brother of a school friend. She had accepted this prop...
21 March 1913
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wiseman sends a postcard to Tolkien. Hammond/Scull note that it will be forwarded to Phoenix Farm, Gedling four days later 25 March.
21 March 1913
Rob Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
The contents of this letter are not known, but Garth notes this as one of the letters where Gilson refers to his friends with made up names (sobriquets)
27 April 1913
Rob Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rob Gilson replies to Tolkiens April letter informing him of recent results ( Gilson says that he does not know whether to congratulate or commiserate w...
5 June 1913
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Christopher Wiseman writes to Tolkien. Tolkien had injured his foot and Wiseman wishes him a fast recovery so that they can both take part in the King E...
9 June 1913
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Smith replies to a letter from Tolkien he received that morning. He asks Tolkien about buying furniture for his rooms when he arrives at Oxford for the ...
10 June 1913
Rob Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Gilson replying to Tolkien's long letter asks whether Tolkien could attend some dates, he asks if Tolkien can play tennis on 14 June, if he will be in B...
12 June 1913
Rob Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Gilson writes to Tolkien again asking if he can visit him on 14 June. He includes train times to Warwick from Marston Green. Hammond and Scull note in C...
16 September 1913
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Christopher Wiseman while visiting Grenoble in France writes to Tolkien asking him to visit Birmingham at the end of September and suggests a gathering ...
Early October 1913
Rob Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Hammond and Scull in Chronology note that a postcard from Gilson is forwarded to Warwick from Exeter College though no other details are known currently.
October? 1913
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Christopher is envious that GB Smith has joined Tolkien at Oxford. Letter is tentatively dated based on context given by Garth in Tolkien and the Great ...
Late? 1913
Rob Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rob Gilson writes to Tolkien that Christopher Wiseman isn't happy, and his poor health is preventing him from playing rugby.
2 November 1913
Robert Quilter Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rob Gilson writes to Tolkien about Wiseman's troubles in Cambridge, remarking some members of the T.C.B.S have managed to help keep his spirits up with ...
12 December 1913
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Christopher Wiseman writes to Tolkien, remarking he misses the T.C.B.S members at Oxford (Smith and Tolkien).
20 December 1913
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wiseman sends Tolkien a postcard congratulating him on his engagement, but is worried that this will pull Tolkien away from the T.C.B.S.
4 January 1914
Robert Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Gilson sincerely congratulates Tolkien on his engagement, but with mixed feelings due to Tolkien likely getting distracted from his friends.
4 January 1914
Rob Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Writing to Tolkien to offer his congratulations, Rob Gilson also asks Tolkien to attend a meeting of the T.C.B.S. next week. Tolkien would not attend th...
10 November 1914
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wiseman asks Tolkien if he will be able to set aside a few days to join him in London during the Christmas vacation, noting that Gilson and Smith will b...
15 November 1914
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wiseman writes to Tolkien, saying he fears the T.C.B.S. is drifting apart and does not have the same interests. They are now at Oxford and Cambridge and...
16 November 1914
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wiseman wrote, crossing with Tolkien's letter of the same day (#TCGLetter1110) to say that Rob Gilson was free and can attend a T.C.B.S. meeting on 12 D...
1 March 1915
Rob Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rob Gilson asks Tolkien to attend a meeting of the T.C.B.S. in Cambridge on the weekend of 6-7 March. The previous TCBS Council was so good Gilson despe...
2 March 1915
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Following Gilson's letter of the previous day (#TCGLetter1200) Wiseman also writes to Tolkien asking his to attend the T.C.B.S. meeting. He says that G....
6 March 1915
Christopher Wiseman, Rob Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Their letters of 1 March and 2 March had gone unanswered so Wiseman and Gilson send Tolkien a telegram. They suggest, though not seriously, that if Tolk...
?10 March 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
While at Magdalen College, G.B. Smith writes to Tolkien. Hammond and Scull note that Tolkien had sent Smith his poem on Eärendel, or the first part of ...
11 March 1915
Christopher Wiseman (wt comments from Rob Gilson) to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wiseman and Gilson had reread one of Tolkien's letters, he includes comments from Gilson. It appears that Tolkien had written saying he had asigned hims...
?15 (possibly, less likely, 22) March 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Further to Smith's earlier letter (#TCGLetter1203) and Tolkien's assumed reply with typewritten verse (#TCGLetter1206), Smith replies that he has receiv...
22 March 1915
Rob Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Gilson writes to Tolkien explaining that he cannot keep weekends open for T.C.B.S. meetings and that he needs to know at once which weekends work best f...
?25 March 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Writing to Tolkien, Smith mentions that he has shown Tolkien's verse to H.T. Wade-Gery who is friends with them both. Wade-Gery enjoys Tolkien's poems a...
26 March 1915 (postmark*)
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wiseman replies to Tolkien saying he doubts he will be able to attend either 11 or 17 April meetings of the T.C.B.S.. These dates were proposed by Tolki...
[27 March 1915]
Geoffrey Bache Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Smith responds to the poems that Tolkien had sent him. Smith likes poems in the classical form, and doesn't understand Tolkien's wayward romanticism. He...
30 March 1915
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wiseman has now moved to Cleeve Hill, Cheltenham and writes to Tolkien proposing 18 April for a meeting of the T.C.B.S. and suggests Tolkien organises i...
31 March 1915
Rob Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Gilson writing to Tolkien confirms he has received his poems safely, but is yet to read them. He confirms a meeting of the T.C.B.S. for 18 April, mentio...
31 March 1915
Robert Quilter Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Gilson writes that he has received the poems that Tolkien has sent him. Gilson ends up sending them along to Christopher Wiseman in a few weeks without ...
?3 April 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
G.B. Smiths writes that he is unwell and says that Tolkien's letters offer him consolation, especially Tolkien's mentions of Smith's Newdigate Prize ent...
5 April 1915 (postmark*)
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Hammond and Scull note that this letter repeats what Wiseman had said to Tolkien in his letter of 30 March. *The dating of this letter is noted as from ...
10 April 1915
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Replying to Tolkien's letter which arrived earlier on this day Wiseman replies saying he has notified G.B. Smith to request leave for next weeks T.C.B.S...
12 April 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
G.B. Smith writes to Tolkien, informing him that he is on sick leave and will not be able to attend the next T.C.B.S. meeting (18 April). He also mentio...
13 April 1915
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wiseman sends a telegram to Tolkien asking what arrangements he has made for their 'council' (T.C.B.S. meeting) in Oxford as there is a problem which ha...
13 April 1915
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wiseman had sent Tolkien a telegram earlier in the day asking for details of the arrangements he had made for the next T.C.B.S. gathering (#TCGletter122...
14 April 1915
Rob Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rob Gilson is recovering at home in Marston Green on sick leave. He writes to Tolkien to say he will not be attending the 'Council of Oxford' (T.C.B.S. ...
15 April 1915
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wiseman informs Tolkien that the 'Council of Oxford' is off. He also notes he has received Tolkien's poems, sent on to him from Rob Gilson. He is workin...
19 April 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
G.B. Smith replies to Tolkien that he is joining the 8th batallion and hopes to get Tolkien a place but he is not certain. He believes that Tolkien shou...
25 April 1915
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wiseman gives Tolkien some feedback on his poetry. He and Gilson had been discussing it and Smith had said previously that he was impressed with it. Wis...
?14 May 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Writing to Tolkien, G.B. Smith confirms he is now with the 19th Battalion of the Lancashire Fusiliers. They are stationed at the grand Hotel, Penmeanmaw...
Likely 29 May or 5 June, 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Writing to Tolkien, G.B. Smith says he has been reading the book (a Welsh grammar) Tolkien sent after Smith requested it in his letter of 14 May (#TCGLe...
?10 June 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien had asked G.B. Smith about being posted with Smith to his regiment and Smith replies saying that he should contact Colonel Stainforth of the 19t...
11 June 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Replying to a letter from Tolkien (at this time I have no date for that letter but it is almost certainly to congratulate Tolkien that both of them had ...
?20 June 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Smith writes to Tolkien offering him advice on the equipment he will need for camp. A large portion of the letter is available to read in The J.R.R. Tol...
25 June 1915
Geofrey Bache Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Smith makes mention of the volume of Georgian Poetry he had asked Tolkien to send him.
28 June 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Smith informs Tolkien that Colonel Stainforth has offered him a place, he asks Tolkien to write to the Colonel. He again says he will try to get Tolkien...
[4 July 1915]
Geoffrey Bache Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
The day after Tolkien's exam result (First Class Honours) was published in The Times, Smith sends a congratulatory note to Tolkien. He also (again) tell...
9 July 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
G.B. Smith writing to Tolkien while he was visiting his Aunt Mabel at Abbotsford, Moseley, Birmingham suggesting, again, that he ask Stainforth what he ...
9 July 1915
The War Office to J.R.R. Tolkien
The War Office writes to Tolkien c/ o Father Francis Morgan at the Birmingham Oratory. This letter is signed by King George and Col. W. Elliot. He has b...
c. 10 July 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
G.B. Smith wrote to Tolkien on or around 10 July 1915, he suggests the notice Tolkien would receive from the War Office would be the ‘gazetting’. To...
11 July 1915
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Christopher Wiseman writing to Tolkien, says that in June he had seen a notice that the Royal Navy wants mathematicians as instructors, and is now await...
11 July 1915
G.B. Smith (?) to J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien writes that he has been "gazetted". See #TCGLetter1273
13 July 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Smith writes to Tolkien while he is at Abbotsford, Moseley, Birmingham (which will be forwarded to him at the Incledons, Barnt Green, on 15 July). He ad...
c. 13-14 July 1915
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Christopher Wiseman writes to Tolkien while he is staying with his mother in Bromsgrove. He says he and Tolkien must spend some time together and his mo...
18 July 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Smith had not heard from Tolkien so he writes to cheer him up. He thinks Tolkien will be safer in the 13th rather than the 19th with him.
19 July 1915
R.W. Reynolds to J.R.R. Tolkien
While Tolkien is at Bedford for Army training R.W. Reynolds writes to him commenting on the poems Tolkien sent him. Among them were 'You & Me and the Co...
[22 July 1915]
Geoffrey Bache Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Smith feel "philosophick" about Tolkien's appointment to the 13th Lancashire Fusiliers, though he would like Tolkien to be able to transfer to Smith's u...
?23 July 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Likely in reply to a letter from Tolkien (currently unknown), Smith says that Tolkien can still try to be transferred once his training is completed. He...
26 July 1915
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Christopher Wiseman replies to a postcard from Tolkien (date currently unknown) and suggests he and Edith join him in London at their family home in Aug...
2 August 1915
R.W. Reynolds to J.R.R. Tolkien
Reynolds writes to thank Tolkien who has sent him another poem. Tolkien in a letter (unknown) had asked for advice on publishing a book of poems. He sug...
13 September 1915
Rob Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rob Gilson while at the 3rd Durham Temporary Hospital, Sunderland writes to Tolkien. It is forwarded from Exeter College to Whittington heath. He mentio...
14 September 1915
Edith Bratt to J.R.R. Tolkien
Edith writes to Tolkien saying that 'A Song of Aryador' is her favourite poem. She wonders how h can write at camp.
17 September 1915
Rob Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Writing from the 3rd Durham Temporary Hospital in Sunderland, Gilson tells Tolkien that he has received a lot of mail from the T.C.B.S. members in the p...
19 September 1915
R.W. Reynolds to J.R.R. Tolkien
R.W. Reynolds writes to Tolkien while he is at at Whittington Heath and thanks him for sending on some of his poems. He likes them, but also he offers s...
21 September 1915
Rob Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Gilson writing from Marston Green to Tolkien at Whittington Heath says he has sent telegrams to Christopher Wiseman and G.B. Smith to ask them to come t...
23 September 1915
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wiseman writes to Tolkien to say that all four members of the T.C.B.S. can be in Lichfield, now described as the 'Council of Lichfield', on 25 September...
23 September 1915
Robert Quilter Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Gilson writes again to Tolkien about the Council of Lichfield
24 September 1915
Rob Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Gilson sends a telegram to Tolkien to say that he and Smith will arrive at 10.34am into Lichfield and will be at the George Hotel which will be their ba...
25 September 1915
Rob Gilson, G. B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Smith and Gilson write to Tolkien on their arrival at the George Hotel saying they hope to see him there when they return after a short sightseeing outi...
5 October 1915
Rob Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Gilson is now stationed at No. 2 Camo, Sutton Veny with his battalion and writes to Tolkien saying that he and G.B. Smith believe that he should send hi...
6 October 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Smith who is visiting Bath with Rob Gilson to make plans for their 'Council of Bath' writes to Tolkien on the matter and proposes 23 October as a possib...
9 October 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Further to #TCGLetter1290, Smith writes to Tolkien saying he believes Tolkien should write to Hodder and Stoughton or Sidgwick & Jackson. He asks Tolkie...
19 October 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Smith who is currently at No. 6 Camp, Codford St. Mary writes asking Tolkien to confirm as soon as possible if he will attend the 'Council of Bath' meet...
19 October 1915
Rob Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rob Gilson writes to Tolkien from No. 3 Camp, Sutton veny while Tolkien is at Brocton Camp, Staffordshire that he is likely to be sent ot he front soon....
24 October 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Smith writes to Tolkien while he at the Wiseman' house in London after hearing that Tolkien unfortunately cannot attend the next council. Edith has been...
27 October 1915
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wiseman writes to Tolkien to give him updates on the previous weekends events with the T.C.B.S. He remarks on Trought's paper on the Romantics, noting t...
31 October 1915
Rob Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Gilson was the last of the T.C.B.S. to write to Tolkien with his report of the gathering the previous weekend. He was very sorry that Tolkien could not ...
21 November 1915
Rob Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rob Gilson writes saying that he had last heard from Tolkien was the letter shown him by G.B. Smith in London and he hopes that both he and Edith were f...
2 December 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
G.B. Smith, who is in the trenches in France, writes to Tolkien asking for the long letter Tolkien promised in his last postcard to Smith.
22 December 1915
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
G.B. Smith writing to Tolkien, thanks him for various letters and commenting on Oxford Poetry 1915 and 'Goblin Feet'. Smith and Wade-Gery agree that the...
26 December 1915
Rob Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rob Gilson replies to Tolkien's letter about some problems Tolkien is having. Gilson remarks on ‘the extra blackness of your fate in these dark days�...
30 December 1915
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wiseman writes to Tolkien at Brocton Camp. He has been posted to the HMS Superb. He has received 'Kortirion among the Trees' from Gilson (#TCGLetter1302...
7 January 1916
Rob Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rob Gilson writes informing Tolkien that he will be leaving for the front on 8 January.
12 January 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
G.B. Smith writes to Tolkien while he is at Brocton Camp praising him for his poem 'Kortirion among the Trees' saying that "it is a great and a noble po...
19 January 1916
Dora Owen to J.R.R. Tolkien
Writing to Tolkien, Dora Owen, who has read 'Goblin Feet' in Oxford Poetry 1915, asks Tolkien if she may include it in a collection of fairy poetry she ...
2 February 1916
Dora Owen to J.R.R. Tolkien
Dora Owens replies to Tolkien's letter thanking him for sending her several poems. Among them are 'The Trumpets of Faerie', 'The Princess Nî', 'A Song ...
February 3, 1916
Geoffrey B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
G.B. Smith writes to Tolkien at Brocton Camp, thanking him for the letter he wrote to him. Wayne Hammond and Christina Scull note that "Tolkien probably...
4 February 1916
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Christopher Wiseman writes to Tolkien, praising his poem 'Kortirion among the Trees', which the original of is enclosed. Wiseman that "of course" Edith ...
9 February 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
G.B. Smith writes to Tolkien at Brocton Camp, he talks about what friendship with the other T.C.B.S. means to him. Wayne Hammond and Christina Scull not...
22 February 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
G.B. Smith writes to Tolkien at Brocton Camp, suggesting that he sends 'Kortirion among the Trees' to a publisher. He has mentioned the poem to R.W. Rey...
1 March 1916
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Writing to Tolkien at Brocton Camp, Christopher Wiseman defends an opinion he made on 'Kortirion among the Trees'. He says that Tolkien is interested in...
4 March 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
G.B. Smith sends Tolkien a part of his poem 'The Burial of Sophocles'.
4 March 1916
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wiseman writes to Tolkien on the subject of his (Tolkien's) writing. He notes that he is happy that he has (apparently) set Tolkien off on work on his "...
5 March 1916 (postmark)
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
G.B. Smith sends Tolkien the second part of his long poem 'The Burial of Sophocles' after he sent a portion earlier that month. He asked that Tolkien po...
c. 8-12 March 1916
Father Francis Morgan to J.R.R. Tolkien
Father Francis replies to Tolkien's letter congratulating him and Edith of their upcoming wedding. He says he should like to do the ceremony himself at ...
9 March 1916
Rob Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rob Gilson writes to Tolkien at Brocton Camp, offering his best wishes, prayers, and blessings for his and Edith's impending marriage.
10 March 1916
R.W. Reynolds to J.R.R. Tolkien
Reynolds writes, thanking Tolkien for sending him a copy of 'Kortirion among the Trees'. He likes it very much and would like Tolkien to send him more o...
6 April 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
G.B. Smith writes to Tolkien at Brocton Camp. He says it is a long time since he has heard from Tolkien. He also mentions, but cannot yet comment on a l...
7 April 1916
Hilary Tolkien to J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien's brother Hilary writes to him with news from his own part of the war effort in France. He mentions that in the England they have had terrible w...
16 April 1916
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Christopher writes Tolkien a long letter, said by Wayne Hammond and Christina Scull to be a "long letter written in stages" from 14, 17, 26 March and 16...
19 April 1916
Hilary Tolkien to J.R.R. Tolkien, Edith Tolkien
Hilary writes to Edith. It has been some time since his last letter and Edith has now moved from Warwickshire and he does not know her new address. He h...
11 May 1916
Adjutant, 13th Battalion to J.R.R. Tolkien
Following Tolkien's request for leave, requested on 8 May (#TCGLetter1328), they say that leave is not being granted at present, but then the order is s...
23 May 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
While at Brocton Camp, Tolkien receives a telegram from Smith who is at West Bromwich and on leave until 29 May. He wonders if they could meet.
24 May 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Smith, in another telegram says that he will come to Great Haywood for Saturday afternoon and stay the night.
26 May 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Smith sends Tolkien another telegram care of Edith's landlady, Mrs. Kendrick, to inform him of his time of arrival via train.
?End of May 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Smith writes to thank Tolkien for hosting him, describing it as a "splendid two days". This letter is held at the 'Tolkien Papers, Bodleian Library, Oxf...
2 June 1916
Army Headquarters, Cannock Chase to J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien is informed by telegram that he is to join the British Expeditionary Force in France. He must first report to the Embarkation Staff Officer at F...
?18 (possibly 11) June 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Smith writes to Tolkien on his return to France, "attached 11th Lancashire Fusiliers, 25th I.B.D., 25 A.P.O. (S) 17, B.E.F." to say that he is sorry Tol...
22 June 1916
Rob Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Upon his return from a night working party, Gilson replies to Tolkien's letter noting that he is cheered to hear from the T.C.B.S. This is the last lett...
25 June 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
G.B. Smith writes, wishing Tokien well "in all that may happen to you within the next few months, and may we live beyond them to a better time". This le...
12 July 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Smith sends Tolkien a 'field postcard' noting that he is "quite well".
15 July 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Smith writes to Tolkien, he has seen the newspaper and Rob Gilson is named among the dead. He had died on 1 July but had originally been named among the...
c. second half of July 1916
Cary Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Cary Gilson, Rob Gilson's father, writes to Tolkien and likely includes a memorial card for Rob who had been killed at the Battle of The Somme in early ...
25 July 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Smith writes to Tolkien offering praise for his poem, 'The Lonely Isle'.
4 August 1916 (postmark)
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Smith writes to Tolkien, and likely includes a letter from Christopher Wiseman on the news of Rob Gilson's death. Smith has underlined parts and Tolkien...
11 August 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Smith thanks Tolkien for his letter, he thinks that "there are still a great many sober men and true..." This letter is among the 'Tolkien Papers, Bodle...
14 August 1916
Robert Cary Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Robert Cary Gilson, Head Master of King Edward’s School and father of Rob Gilson, replies to Tolkien's letter of sympathy sent on the death of his son...
15 August 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Smith writes to Tolkien having not received Tolkien's letter of 12-13 August . he has been unable to sleep for thinking about Rob. He remarks that maybe...
19–22 August 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Smith having received Tolkien's letter of 12-13 August replies disagreeing with Tolkien's notion that the T.C.B.S. has ended with Gilson's death. He als...
25 August 1916
Mrs. Weatherhead to J.R.R. Tolkien
Mrs. Weatherhead, the mother of a soldier killed in action during WW1 writes to Tolkien to ask if he has any news about her sons death.
10 September 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
G.B. Smith writes asking Tolkien to send him a field postcard. He notes that he has not heard from Christopher Wiseman but has had a letter from R.W. Re...
14 September 1916
Hilary Tolkien to J.R.R. Tolkien
Hilary, writing to his brother gives news of his time near the front lines. They are resting currently. He had heard from Edith a few days ago. He has b...
16 September 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Smith writes to Tolkien, he encloses a letter from Christopher Wiseman. Wiseman had sent to Smith, the letters written by him and Tolkien during the win...
3 October 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Smith writes to Tolkien pointing out that he has not heard from him in quite some time.
8 November 1916
[Captain] E. Munday to J.R.R. Tolkien
Captain E. Munday, Adjutant of the 11th Lancashire Fusiliers, writes to Tolkien, in reply to his letter to Lieutenant-Colonel Bird. He says that while i...
13 November 1916
Mrs. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
G.B. Smith's mother replies to Tolkien's letter giving her news. She will pass this letter on to her son.
16 November 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Smith replies to Tolkien's earlier letter. He is relieved to hear that Tolkien is "still alive". Tolkien is at this time recovering at 3 South General H...
16 November 1916
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wiseman who is currently serving on HMS Superb replies to Tolkien's letter, he wishes he could visit but leave for Naval personel is strictly limited an...
18 November 1916
G.B. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
In a follow-up to his letter of 16 November, Smith notes that had forgotten to say that his mother would be very happy to source any books which Tolkien...
8 December 1916
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wiseman writes to Tolkien on politics, and the war. Thanking Tolkien for his letter and more of his poems. He says that R.W. Reynolds thinks that Tolkie...
16 December 1916 (postmarked 18 December)
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Christopher Wiseman writes to Tolkien, G.B. Smith has died. Smith was injured by shrapnel on 29 November. He wrote to his mother saying that his wounds ...
22 December 1916
Mrs. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
G.B. Smith's mother writes to Tolkien giving some details of Geoffrey's final days. She asks Tolkien if he could send to her copies of her son's poems a...
26 December 1916
Mrs. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
G.B. Smith's mother replies to Tolkien thanking him for the poems of her son's. She tells Tolkien to keep the originals.
28 December 1916
R.W. Reynolds to J.R.R. Tolkien
Reynolds replies to Tolkien's letter, he notes that he has had a letter from Smith's mother too in which she says her son had wished for his poetry to b...
18 January 1917
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wiseman apologizes for his not writing sooner, he says that he had been trying, and this was the fifth attempt. He remarks that he is happy that Tolkien...
21 January 1917
Mrs. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
G.B. Smith's mother writes to Tolkien thanking him, and Reynolds for their help in the matter of her son's poetry. Tolkien is currently staying at his A...
4 and 9 March 1917
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wiseman writes to Tolkien in reply to an earlier letter from Tolkien, in which Tolkien had replied about the "epic" Wiseman suggests he start on. Wisema...
6 March 1917
Mrs. Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
Smith’s mother replies to Tolkien's letter of sympathy to thank him.
14 April 1917
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Christopher Wiseman sends a telegram to Tolkien to say that will visit him on 18 April.
15 April 1917 (postmark)
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wiseman writes a follow-up letter to his telegram , he is on leave and will visit Tolkien and Edith on 18 April. Tolkien had replied with a telegram say...
19 May 1917
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Writing to Tolkien, Wiseman returns the manuscripts of G.B. Smith's verse noting that does not think the book should be "Opera Omnia", suggesting it sho...
?Late June-early July 1917
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Christopher Wiseman returns G.B. Smith's poems to Tolkien and notes a suggested order for them. He again suggests that only the best of his verse be inc...
12 July 1917
?Unknown Army Department to J.R.R. Tolkien
A letter from an unknown department to Tolkien at Thirtle Bridge Camp, Withernsea. No details are known currently.
14 July 1917
?Unknown Army Department to J.R.R. Tolkien
A letter from an unknown department to Tolkien at "R.E. Signal Depot, Dunstable, Bedfordshire". No details are known currently.
21 July 1917
?Unknown Army Department to J.R.R. Tolkien
A letter from an unknown department to Tolkien at "R.E. Signal Depot, Dunstable, Bedfordshire", redirected to Thirtle Bridge Camp, Withernsea. No detail...
10 October 1917 (written 1 September, 7 and 10 October, 1917)
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien had written to Wiseman after hearing of the death of his mother. Wiseman congratulates Tolkien on the news that he and Edith are expecting a chi...
10 September 1917
Hilary Tolkien to J.R.R. Tolkien
Hilary writes to Tolkien giving updates on his current circumstances. He asks him to send his wishes to Edith. He will write to her, but not for a few d...
c. 16 November 1917
May Incledon to J.R.R. Tolkien
Edith had given birth to their first child, John, on 16 November but she had a difficult time. Tolkien could get leave for a few days and Aunt May write...
19 November 1917
R.W. Reynolds to J.R.R. Tolkien
Reynolds writes to Tolkien offering congratulations on the birth of his and Edith's first child. He thanks Tolkien for a parcel, and for including his p...
23 November 1917 (postmark)
Mary Incledon to J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien had written a letter, or talked with Marjorie Incledon about the art critic John Ruskin in connection with his Ishness paintings. Mary Incledon ...
c. 25 July 1918
Edith Tolkien to J.R.R. Tolkien
From 25 July, Edith writes to Tolkien from 1 Blenheim, Parade, Pittsville. No details are known of how many letters but we can be fairly certain that sh...
5 October 1918
Ministry of Labour to J.R.R. Tolkien
Further to #TCGLetter1600, 'The Ministry of Labour, Appointments Department, Officers’ University and Technical Classes (OUTC), Professional and Busin...
16 December 1918
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wiseman is on leave in London and has received a letter that Tolkien had sent to him more than seven weeks earlier. He has been informed that Tolkien is...
27 December 1918
Christopher Wiseman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wiseman apologizes that he was unable to visit Tolkien in Oxford but he has now to return to HMS Monarch afterwhich he will take up his teaching post at...
8 July 1919
War Office to J.R.R. Tolkien
On 7 July, Tolkien was examined at the Medical Board and was declared unfit for general service but was fit for 'home service'. He is ordered "to return...
4 September 1919
Ministry of Pensions to J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien is informed by the Ministry of Pensions that he has been awarded a pension of £35 a year, for the period 16 July to 6 December 1919. An enclose...
11 November 1919
Ministry of Pensions to J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien had informed the Ministry that he was still suffering from disability and they write to direct him into a hostel (or colony) for treatment. They...
16 August 1921
C.T. Onions to J.R.R. Tolkien
C.T. Onions writes to Tolkien to say that he will hopefully see him and Edith on 19 August in Oxford. They will be there to conclude business on their m...
Last half of December 1923
Oxford University Press? to J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien receives proofs of the Clarendon Chaucer text and begins correcting them.
8 January 1924
Kenneth Sisam to J.R.R. Tolkien
Sisam replies to Tolkien's letter and agrees with his changes but asks if he could try to keep any changes to punctuation, mainly due to costs. He discu...
5 March 1924
Kenneth Sisam to J.R.R. Tolkien
Writing to Tolkien, Sisam says that he is patiently expecting the completed Clarendon Chaucer and asks Tolkien to look over some corrections for his A M...
?May 1924
George S. Gordon to J.R.R. Tolkien
Gordon writes to Tolkien on various matters. Tolkien will reply to this letter informing Gordon that he retiring from the project. What Gordon says that...
5 December 1924
Kenneth Sisam to J.R.R. Tolkien
Sisam replies to Tolkien giving him dates to return the Clarendon Chaucer. He wants the glossary by end of year, 31 December at the latest and the notes...
5 January 1925
Kenneth Sisam to J.R.R. Tolkien
Kenneth Sisam writes to Tolkien, enclosing the manuscripts for his glossary, and tells Tolkien to leave out "easy words". He had written that day to Gor...
5 February 1925
Kenneth Sisam to J.R.R. Tolkien
Sisam writes to Tolkien, reminding him that he was meant to have handed in his notes on the Clarendon Chaucer by the end of January.
23 March 1925
Kenneth Sisam to J.R.R. Tolkien
Kenneth Sisam sends Tolkien an advance copy of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, noting that some changes will be made. Oxford University Press will add ...
[2] May 1925 (date-stamped)
Oxford University Press to J.R.R. Tolkien
Either from Kenneth Sisam or the OUP, Tolkien is sent proofs of his glossary for the Clarendon Chaucer]/i]. George S. Gordon had corrected some galley p...
June 1925
Lascelles Abercrombie to J.R.R. Tolkien (testimonial)
Lascelles Abercrombie writes a testimonial in support of Tolkien's application to the vacant seat of Rawlinson and Bosworth Professorship of Anglo-Saxon...
17 June 1925
M.E. Sadler to J.R.R. Tolkien (testimonial)
M.E. Sadler writes a testimonial in support of Tolkien's application to the vacant seat of Rawlinson and Bosworth Professorship of Anglo-Saxon at Oxford...
22 June 1925
Joseph Wright to J.R.R. Tolkien (testimonial)
Joseph Wright writes a testimonial in support of Tolkien's application to the vacant seat of Rawlinson and Bosworth Professorship of Anglo-Saxon at Oxfo...
23 June 1925
L.R. Farnell to J.R.R. Tolkien (testimonial)
Lewis Richard Farnell writes a testimonial in support of Tolkien's application to the vacant seat of Rawlinson and Bosworth Professorship of Anglo-Saxon...
25 June 1925
Allen Mawer to J.R.R. Tolkien (testimonial)
Allen Mawer writes a testimonial in support of Tolkien's application to the vacant seat of Rawlinson and Bosworth Professorship of Anglo-Saxon at Oxford...
28 June 1925
George S. Gordon to J.R.R. Tolkien (testimonial)
George S. Gordon writes a testimonial in support of Tolkien's application to the vacant seat of Rawlinson and Bosworth Professorship of Anglo-Saxon at O...
21 July 1925
E.S. Craig to J.R.R. Tolkien
E.S. Craig, University Registrar at Oxford writes to Tolkien offering his congratulations on his successful application to the chair of Rawlinson and Bo...
24 July 1925
E.S. Craig to J.R.R. Tolkien
E.S. Craig replies to Tolkien's letter . He says that Tolkien should be able to work both Leeds and Oxford during the Michaelmas term. He includes a sch...
End of 1925
R.W. Reynolds to J.R.R. Tolkien
In their J.R.R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: Chronology, Wayne G. Hammond and Christina Scull note that "Tolkien resumes correspondence with R.W. Reynol...
5 July, 1926
Cecil Lewis to J.R.R. Tolkien
Cecil Lewis of Lincoln College writes to Tolkien in regard to Tolkien's entry in the Year's Work in English Studies. He notes that "On page 43 you sugge...
7 December 1929
C.S. Lewis to J.R.R. Tolkien
C.S. Lewis writes to Tolkien. He has sat up all night reading the Lay of Leithian and is delighted with it. He has yet to finish but Hammond/Scull note ...
31 December 1929
R.W. Chambers to J.R.R. Tolkien
Blackwell's Rare Books description
September 1930
Kenneth Sisam to J.R.R. Tolkien
Sisam writes to ask Tolkien if he would be interested to be part of an edition of the Ancrene Riwle.
25 November 1930
Kenneth Sisam to J.R.R. Tolkien
Sisam replies to Tolkien's letter and approves of Tolkien's intention to try to finish the Clarendon Chaucer.
28 December 1930
George S. Gordon to J.R.R. Tolkien
After Tolkien had criticized to Kenneth Sisam, the lack of progress on the Clarendon Chaucer and bemaoned the fact that his notes had not been returned ...
7 April 1931
Kenneth Sisam to J.R.R. Tolkien
Sisam replies to Tolkien explaining that the Clarendon Chaucer should have less notes than in a typical 'school' edition, suggesting that notes should b...
9 April 1931
Kenneth Sisam to J.R.R. Tolkien
Kenneth Sisam forwards on a letter from a correpsondent who had asked about a possible connection aliri, a Middle English word, and aleary which appeare...
26 October 1931
Robert Chapman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Robert Chapman replies to a letter from Tolkien, encouraging him to finish the Clarendon Chaucer.
2 December 1931
R.E.M. Wheeler to J.R.R. Tolkien
R.E.M. Wheeler writes to Tolkien on the news that the Society of Antiquaries will publish a report on the excavations at Lydney Park, Gloucestershire. W...
9 December 1931
R.E.M. Wheeler to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wheeler replies to Tolkien's letter with thanks for his note. He suggests that Tolkien retain his note on 'Nodens' for the time being while he (Wheeler)...
12 December 1931
Allen Mawer to J.R.R. Tolkien
Mawer replies to Tolkien's letter on Lydney. He says that he himself has looked into the name but has not been able to come to any concrete conclusions.
2 January 1932
R.E.M. Wheeler to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wheeler writes asking Tolkien to return the 'Nodens' proof as the publisher is asking for it. But later on the same day, the note arrives as Tolkien had...
2 January 1932
R.E.M. Wheeler to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wheeler writes a second letter to Tolkien thanking him for sending the proof note on 'Nodens'. In July 1932 Tolkien’s note 'The Name ‘Nodens’' is ...
30 August 1932
Kenneth Sisam to J.R.R. Tolkien
Sisam replies to Tolkien's letter on the subject of the Old English Exodus and its possible influence from Gallican Psalters. The contents of the letter...
27 October 1932
Robert Chapman to J.R.R. Tolkien
Writing to Tolkien, Chapman offers to help with typing and urges Tolkien to get the Clarendon Chaucer off his mind. He believes that a Beowulf edition, ...
12 December 1932
Kenneth Sisam to J.R.R. Tolkien
Kenneth Sisam writing to Tolkien on the subject of a collation of relevant Latin texts in the psalters. Tolkien in reply, #TCGLetter1768, will mention h...
2 November 1933
Convents of the Sacred Heart to J.R.R. Tolkien
A member of the Convents of the Sacred Heart writes to Tolkien to acknowledge that they have received his poem 'Firiel'.
18 April 1934
Elaine Griffiths to J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien's B.Litt. student, and later close friend, Elaine Griffiths, sends Tolkien references to a manuscript he had asked her to prepare on the Ancrene...
9 December 1934
R.W. Chambers to J.R.R. Tolkien
Little is known of this letter to Tolkien from his friend and supporter R.W. (Raymond Wilson) Chambers but a fragment found in The Fall of Arthur is of ...
11 June 1935
Birmingham Oratory to J.R.R. Tolkien
Father Francis Morgan dies on this date. Tolkien is then informed formally by the Birmingham Oratory. Priscilla Tolkien believes that her father could n...
Autumn 1935
A.H. Smith (Early English Text Society) to J.R.R. Tolkien
During the autumn of 1935, the Early English Text Society invited Tolkien to prepare an edition of the Ancrene Riwle (MS CCCC402). Tolkien will reply th...
27 September 1935
Oxford University Press to ?J.R.R. Tolkien
Wayne Hammond and Christina Scull note that the Oxford University Press sends to "Simonne d’Ardenne, and possibly Tolkien, proofs of An Edition of the...
Late December 1935
Mabel Day (Early English Text Society) to J.R.R. Tolkien
Mabel Day, Secretary of the Early English Text Society, writes Tolkien a letter asking that he confirm his interest in the Ancrene Riwle in writing as r...
?Early 1936 (?sometime between January and April)
George Allen & Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien is asked by GA&U if he wishes to working on a revision to John R. Clark Hall's Modern English transaltion of Beowulf and The Fight at Finnesburg...
15 January 1936
Mabel Day (Early English Text Society) to J.R.R. Tolkien
Mabel Day replies to Tolkien's two letters from January, . She notes that she has sent the first to A.W. Pollard, and explains some of the policies of t...
15 January 1936
A.W. Pollard (Early English Text Society) to J.R.R. Tolkien
A.W. Pollard replies to Tolkien's letter, which Mabel Day had forwarded to him. He explains to Tolkien that while he sees advantages to reproducing the ...
27 January 1936
A.W. Pollard (Early English Text Society) to J.R.R. Tolkien
A.W. Pollard writes to Tolkien to inform him that Robin Flower has been asked to head up the Ancrene Riwle editions at the EETS and that Tolkien's speci...
1 March 1936
Mabel Day (Early English Text Society) to J.R.R. Tolkien
Mabel Day sends Tolkien some possible corrections and ammendations for his A Middle English Vocabulary. She notes that she believes that Tolkien and Rob...
9 March 1936
Simonne d'Ardenne to J.R.R. Tolkien
Writing to Tolkiem, Simonne d'Ardenne asking how his recovery is coming along after his injury. She will update him on her viva once she knows a date an...
30 March 1936
C.A. Furth (GA&U) to J.R.R. Tolkien
C. A. Furth writes to Tolkien on the matter of the Clark-Hall edition of Beowulf. GA&U are keen for Tolkien to edit a new edition, or suggest a likely c...
April or May 1936
Rev. Adrian Morey to J.R.R. Tolkien
Reverend Adrian Morey writes to Tolkien, informing him that he has found an Anglo-Saxon version of the Lord's Prayer while at the British Museum. He ask...
c. June to August 1936
Aurelius Pompen to J.R.R. Tolkien
Some time in 1936, Aurelius Pompen had written to Tolkien asking if he and his family could take a paid guest for Michaelmas term, 1936.
3 June 1936
E. V. Gordon to J.R.R. Tolkien
Gordon writes to Tolkien as he had said nothing about the marking system for examinations. He goes on to note that he has read Seinte Iuliene. He is ups...
11 June 1936
E. V. Gordon to J.R.R. Tolkien
Gordon replies to Tolkien's letter asking about the vivas which will be held in London on 12 June. Wayne Hammond and Christina Scull note that Tolkien "...
21 July 1936
?Guy Pocock (BBC) to J.R.R. Tolkien
The BBC writes to Tolkien for permission to broadcast a portion of his translation of the Middle English poem Pearl. Tolkien will reply on the same day ...
13 September 1936
Rev. Adrian Morey to J.R.R. Tolkien
Re. Adrian Morey writes to Tolkien. Tolkien had advised him to write an article on the 'Our Father' prayer in Anglo-Saxon, but Morey says that he has de...
25 September 1936
Simonne d'Ardenne to J.R.R. Tolkien
Simonne d'Ardenne writes to Tolkien to say that once she has finished her latest article, on the Brussels Cross, she will send it on to him to read. She...
5 October 1936
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien to acknowledge receipt of the typescripts for the Hobbit. He also asks Tolkien to see his translation of Pearl, which th...
2 December 1936
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin sends to Tolkien the contract duplicate. This is noted by Hammond/Scull as the final step for accepting the Hobbit for publication and on ...
4 December 1936
Susan Dagnall to J.R.R. Tolkien
Further to her visit to see Tolkien, Susan Dagnall sends Tolkien a revised specimen page of The Hobbit and asks him to write a short blurb for GA&U to u...
10 December 1936
Susan Dagnall to J.R.R. Tolkien
Susan Dagnall, at George Allen & Unwin, gives Tolkien feedback from the production department about adjustments that will need to be made to the five pr...
7 January 1937
C.A. Furth (GA&U) to J.R.R. Tolkien
C. A. Furth of GA&U writes to Tolkien on matters of his illustrations for The Hobbit. His drawings are admirable and blocks for them are being produced....
23 January 1937
Susan Dagnall to J.R.R. Tolkien
Susan Dagnall of GA&U writes to Tolkien asking if he can keep one day free, either 13 or 14 February, for her and C. A. Furth to visit Tolkien to discus...
1 February 1937
Susan Dagnall to J.R.R. Tolkien
Susan Dagnall writes to Tolkien, correcting a misstatement in her previous letter . Thror's Map will have to be used as an endpaper due to costs, but no...
2 February 1937
R. W. Chambers to J.R.R. Tolkien
Chambers writing to Tolkien tells him that he must not "delete a single word from" his Beowulf lecture. The letter from Chambers is found in Oxford, Bod...
20 February 1937
George Allen & Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
GA&U send to Tolkien a set of proofs for the Hobbit.
24 February 1937
C.A. Furth (GA&U) to J.R.R. Tolkien
C. A. Furth of GA&U writes to Tolkien to inform him that the 'fine lines' in The Trolls illustration have broken when reproduced, but that there is no r...
24 February 1937
George Allen & Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
GA&U sends to Tolkien the remaining proofs of The Hobbit and ask that he restricts any corrections to those unavoidable. They further ask that he try to...
2 March 1937
George Allen & Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
GA&U return to Tolkien the typescripts of Farmer Giles of Ham and Roverandom.
23 March 1937
C.A. Furth (GA&U) to J.R.R. Tolkien
Replying to Tolkien's letter, Furth confirms that Tolkien will receive proofs of the corrected portions for The Hobbit. Tolkien is warned that the corre...
31 March 1937
C.A. Furth (GA&U) to J.R.R. Tolkien
In reply to Tolkien's letter, C.A. Furth writes to say that the printers have decided to revise the whole of The Hobbit. Tolkien should receive some of ...
c. 3-4 and 7 April 1937
George Allen & Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
In two batches, Tolkien receives the proofs for The Hobbit. Exact dates are not known but does follow approximately to C. A. Furth's letter of 31 March ...
7 April 1937
Oxford University Press to J.R.R. Tolkien
Oxford University Press provide Tolkien with proofs for his essay Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics. Tolkien delivered the lecture on 25 November 19...
15 April 1937
C.A. Furth (GA&U) to J.R.R. Tolkien
C.A. Furth writes to Tolkien. He makes mention that the margins around the Hobbit illustrations will be adjusted before the final printing and apologize...
28 April 1937
C.A. Furth (GA&U) to J.R.R. Tolkien
Furth writes to Tolkien to say that the red will have to be removed from The Hobbit jacket and the sun will have an outline to highlight it. This letter...
11 May 1937
C.A. Furth (GA&U) to J.R.R. Tolkien
C. A. Furth informs Tolkien that a US publisher is interested in publishing The Hobbit and they would like to add four colour illustrations to the book....
14 May 1937
C.A. Furth (GA&U) to J.R.R. Tolkien
In reply to Tolkien's letter asking about the US publisher interested in The Hobbit, C. A. Furth gives details. It is the Houghton Mifflin Company (HMC)...
22 May 1937
George Allen & Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
GA&U send to Tolkien (for his approval) proof copies of The Hobbit dust-jacket.
26 May 1937
George Allen & Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
GA&U send to Tolkien (for his approval) sample bindings for The Hobbit.
1 June 1937
C.A. Furth (GA&U) to J.R.R. Tolkien
Writing to Tolkien, C. A. Furth of GA&U asks him to return the approved binding for The Hobbit. He agrees that the 'wavy line' will be removed, but says...
2 June 1937
R. W. Chambers to J.R.R. Tolkien
Chmabers writes telling Tolkien that he is relieved that the Beowulf lecture retained all the text Tolkien had shown him. This followed a letter from Fe...
2 June 1937
Mabel Day (Early English Text Society) to J.R.R. Tolkien
On 2 June, Mabel Day had reported to the Early English Text Society that their edition of the Ancrene Riwle had met on 27 May. They recommended that the...
1 July 1937
R.W. Chambers to J.R.R. Tolkien
R. W. Chambers writes to Tolkien on the publication of his Sir Israel Gollancz Memorial Lecture, Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics to offer his cong...
1 July 1937
Allen Mawer to J.R.R. Tolkien
Allen Mawer writes to Tolkien on the publication of his Sir Israel Gollancz Memorial Lecture, Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics to offer his congrat...
3 July 1937
C.A. Furth to J.R.R. Tolkien
Furth sends a new sample case of The Hobbit to Tolkien with changes to the lettering and decorations after Tolkien's feedback sent on 28 May.
4 July 1937
David Nichol Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
David Nichol Smith writes to Tolkien on the publication of his Sir Israel Gollancz Memorial Lecture, Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics to offer his ...
5 July 1937
F.E. Harmer to J.R.R. Tolkien
F. E. Harmer writes to Tolkien on the publication of his Sir Israel Gollancz Memorial Lecture, Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics to offer his congra...
8 July 1937
George S. Gordon to J.R.R. Tolkien
George S. Gordon writes to Tolkien on the publication of his Sir Israel Gollancz Memorial Lecture, Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics to offer his co...
8 July 1937
C.A. Furth (GA&U) to J.R.R. Tolkien
C. A. writes, informing Tolkien that GA&U will send him a new binding for The Hobbit. It will have have different lettering without the lines under the ...
23 July 1937
A. W. Reblen to J.R.R. Tolkien
A.W. Rablen, an undergraduate at Oxford, writes a letter to Tolkien, listing some misprints in the 1930 impression of the Tolkien and Gordon's Sir Gawai...
24 July 1937
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien on the matter of his visit to London to meet with him and C. A. Furth on 28 July. He notes that if they have heard from ...
29 July 1937
F. Molina to J.R.R. Tolkien
F. Molina writes to Tolkien on the publication of his Sir Israel Gollancz Memorial Lecture, Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics to offer his congratul...
August 1937
Russell Meiggs (for Oxford Magazine) to J.R.R. Tolkien
Russell Meiggs (editor of the Oxford Magazine) writes to Tolkien with thanks for a copy of The Hobbit. The letter was described by Meiggs himself as an ...
3 August 1937
Oliver Elton to J.R.R. Tolkien
Oliver Elton writes to Tolkien on the publication of his Sir Israel Gollancz Memorial Lecture, Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics to offer his congra...
6 August 1937
Mabel Day to J.R.R. Tolkien
Having not heard from Tolkien since her last letter, Mabel Day writes again. She notes that most members agree with him, but that senior member A. W. Po...
10 August 1937
C.A. Furth (GA&U) to J.R.R. Tolkien
C. A. Furth writes to let Tolkien know that he is sending to him an advance copy of The Hobbit and asks if he would like more. He notes that Houghton Mi...
c. 15-31 August 1937 (undated)
R.W. Chambers to J.R.R. Tolkien
Chambers writes to Tolkien thanking him for a copy of The Hobbit. It is this letter which is forwarded by Tolkien with a letter to GA&U. He updates Tolk...
16 August 1937
C.A. Furth (GA&U) to J.R.R. Tolkien
Furth confirms that he has sent the copies of the Hobbit to the people Tolkien requested. He includes the drawing of a dragon that Tolkien had produced ...
30 August 1937
Mabel Day (Early English Text Society) to J.R.R. Tolkien
Mabel Day replies to Tolkien's letter. She will ask Cambridge for permission to use their manuscript. She notes that A. W. Pollard claims to have not re...
c. 1 September 1937
E. V. Gordon to J.R.R. Tolkien
E. V. Gordon sends to Tolkien the completed manuscript of his edition of Pearl and asks him to revise and criticize it. Tolkien will reply by 20 Novembe...
4 September 1937
C.A. Furth (GA&U) to J.R.R. Tolkien
In a letter to Tolkien, C. A. Furth notes that he has written to Houghton Mifflin asking that Tolkien's specimen drawings be returned and asks them to c...
6 September 1937
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin sends Tolkien an advance of £25 for The Hobbit.
7 September 1937 (postmarked)
R.W. Chambers to J.R.R. Tolkien
Chambers writes again offering thanks for a copy of The Hobbit, and presumably, criticism on it. He gives Tolkien an update on his recovery after a bout...
8 September 1937
C.A. Furth (GA&U) to J.R.R. Tolkien
C. A. Firth informs Tolkien that he is sending a complimentary copy of The Hobbit to W. R. Childe and that his remaining author copies will be sent to h...
22 September 1937
K. M. (Katherine Mary) Kilbride to J.R.R. Tolkien
Kilbride writes to Tolkien from Bradford offering praise for The Hobbit. This letter is held among the Tolkien Papers at the Bodleian Library.
23 September 1937
E. V. Gordon to J.R.R. Tolkien
E. V. Gordon replies to Tolkien to thank him for a copy of The Hobbit and offers comments on the story. The letter is held at the Bodleian Library archive.
23 September 1937
Helen Buckhurst to J.R.R. Tolkien
Helen Buckhurst writes to Tolkien to thank him for arranging for a copy of The Hobbit to be sent to her. She says the book is delightful, though she wis...
23 September 1937
Jennie Grove to J.R.R. Tolkien
Jennie Grove writes to Tolkien thanking him for the copy of The Hobbit she has recieved. She is "delighted" by it and hopes that it is a huge success fo...
24 September 1937
Hilary Tolkien to J.R.R. Tolkien
Hilary writes to Tolkien thanking him for sending a copy of The Hobbit. He will read it soon and then will read it with Gabriel, his eldest son. He also...
27 September 1937
W.R. Childe to J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien had arranged that a copy of The Hobbit be sent to Childe, and Childe writes to congratulate Tolkien on its publication and offers thanks for his...
27 September 1937
C.A. Furth to J.R.R. Tolkien
C.A. Furth informs Tolkien that Houghton Mifflin Co. will pay him $100 for use of his illustrations for their edition of The Hobbit, due to be (and ulti...
30 September 1937
Susan Dagnall to J.R.R. Tolkien
Susan Dagnall writes to Tolkien asking if he would recommend anyone who could write a book, The Loom of Language. She encloses a synopsis of the book wi...
1 October 1937
Jane Neave to J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien's Aunt Jane (Neave) writes to Tolkien demanding to know more about his new book, The Hobbit. Tolkien had written to her, and signed a copy of th...
2 October 1937
Susan Dagnall to J.R.R. Tolkien
Susan Dagnall replies to Tolkien offering more information on the proposed book, The Loom of Language that has been proposed to GA&U. It had been mentio...
3 October 1937
Dorothy Moore to J.R.R. Tolkien
Dorothy Moore writes to Tolkien. Christopher Tolkien had spent some time with them on holiday and she makes mention of this and remarks on The Hobbit. T...
5 October 1937
Susan Dagnall to J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien writes back to Susan Dagnall on the proposed Loom of Language book. He describes the scheme as bad, and remarks that he had considered if it wer...
7 October 1937
Mary St John [Wiseman] to J.R.R. Tolkien
Mary writes to Tolkien asking if he would send her a presentation copy of The Hobbit. In return she will send him prayers. This letter is found among th...
9 October 1937
Jane Neave to J.R.R. Tolkien
Aunt Jane writes again to Tolkien now that she has recieved a copy of The Hobbit. She is delighted with it and says that "the origin of golf" finished h...
9 October 1937
W.R. Childe to J.R.R. Tolkien
Following his previous letter offering Tolkien thanks and congratulations on The Hobbit, Childe sends a postcard with congratulations on the positive re...
10 October 1937
G.E.K. Braunholtz to J.R.R. Tolkien
G.E.K. Braunholtz, a colleague from Oxford writes to Tolkien. He has read the positive review in The Times and quotes from it in his letter. This letter...
11 October 1937
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien telling him that The Hobbit is selling well, and had good reviews in the Times Literary Supplement and The Times itself....
19 October 1937
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien. he remarks that he has no doubt that Tolkien will do well from his first publication. He describes Tolkien as a genius ...
28 October 1937
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Writing to Tolkien, Stanley Unwin suggests 17 November for their next meeting. Tolkien had written earlier that day suggesting other dates but writes an...
29 October 1937
J.N.L. Myres to J.R.R. Tolkien
J.N.L. Myres, History scholar at Christ Church, Oxford, writes to Tolkien and asks his opinion on a runic inscription which was found on a bone which wa...
30 October 1937
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien having only received his first letter from 29 November. He offers to meet Tolkien on the 10th, 12th, or 15th of November.
1 November 1937
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin writes to confirm 15 November for their meeting. He also remarks that he would like to see Lewis' Out of the Silent Planet. Wayne Hammond ...
5 November 1937
F.E. Harmer to J.R.R. Tolkien
F.E. Harmer, a colleague from Manchester writes to Tolkien to ask advice on the meaning of various Old English words and if Tolkien could present any ci...
c. First week of November 1937
Mlle Tardivel to J.R.R. Tolkien
Mlle Tardivel writes to Tolkien asking about the possibility of her translating The Hobbit into French.
10 November 1937
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin replies to Tolkien's letter with comments on his photoshoot with Elliot & Fry. He encloses a ticket for Tolkien to attend the Sunday Times...
16 November 1937
G.B. [Grace Bindley] Mountain to J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien's aunt, Grace, writes to him offering thoughts on The Hobbit. This letter is held at the Bodleian Library archives with the Tolkien Papers.
16 November 1937
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley writes to Tolkien and includes his manuscript of Farmer Giles of Ham which GA&U had previously viewed. He tells Tolkien that if he has a similar...
16 November 1937
C.V. Salmon to J.R.R. Tolkien
C.V. Salmon from the BBC writes to Tolkien to ask if he would like to discuss a project. Salmon wants to give a broadcast on Beowulf including a reading...
c. 20 November 1937
E. V. Gordon to J.R.R. Tolkien
E.V. Gordon writing to Tolkien. Sisam has said that his Pearl edition is too long and Gordon asks Tolkien if he would be willing to "prune" it for him, ...
20 November 1937
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien in reply to his letter on foreign translations of The Hobbit. He mentions that GA&U are working to arrange German, Scand...
23 November 1937
C.V. Salmon to J.R.R. Tolkien
Salmon writes to Tolkien and asks if they can meet in Oxford on 29 November, a Monday.
28 November 1937
Geoffrey E. Selby to J.R.R. Tolkien
Selby writes to Tolkien on various matters related to The Hobbit. He asks about discrepancies between the text of The Hobbit and 'Thror's Map'. Tolkien ...
30 November 1937
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin returns the manuscript for The Lost Road to Tolkien and notes that he has organized a typescript of it for Tolkien which will be sent onto...
30 November 1937
C.V. Salmon to J.R.R. Tolkien
Salmon had visited Tolkien in Oxford the previous day and they had organised a date for their Beowulf broadcast but he writes to say that the date is no...
7 December 1937
C.V. Salmon to J.R.R. Tolkien
Salmon replies to Tolkien's letter agreeing that it better to cut down the reading, retaining the introductory reading for their Beowulf broadcast.
13 December 1937
Arthur Ransome to J.R.R. Tolkien
Arthur Ransome, best known for his Swallows and Amazons series of childrens books wrote to Tolkien in 1937 after The Hobbit had been published, firstly ...
14 December 1937
R. W. Chambers to J.R.R. Tolkien
Further to his earlier letters to Tolkien Chambers had recently finished writing a review (see reference below) of Tolkien's Beowulf: The Monsters and t...
15 December 1937
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley writes to Tolkien with news that the first edition of The Hobbit has sold and a new printing will be issued almost immediately. He notes that To...
15 December 1937
C.V. Salmon to J.R.R. Tolkien
C.V. Salmon writes asking Tolkien if he is free after 3 January (1938) to rehearse the reading of their Beowulf broadcast.
16 December 1937
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien in connection to a competition ran by W.G. Le Tall of Geoffrey Tyndale’s Bookshop in Bath. They are offering prizes to...
17 December 1937
Arthur Ransome to J.R.R. Tolkien
Arthur Ransome writes to Tolkien with further thoughts about The Hobbit. He says that he had recently had an operation and the book had turned that time...
17 December 1937
W.G. Le Tall to J.R.R. Tolkien
Following a letter the previous day from Stanley Unwin, Le Fall of Geoffrey Tyndale’s Bookshop in Bath writes to Tolkien with details on the competiti...
17 December 1937
C.A. Furth to J.R.R. Tolkien
C.A. Furth writes to update Tolkien on their efforts to get the reprint of The Hobbit out for the Christmas rush. The demand for it is high, GA&U had to...
17 December 1937
C.V. Salmon to J.R.R. Tolkien
Salmon writes to ask Tolkien how he would like to be described in the Radio Times for their Beowulf broadcast.
20 December 1937
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien and includes colour plates of illustrations for The Hobbit along with a report from Rayner on The Adventures of Tom Bomb...
20 December 1937
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin sends Tolkien a typescript of Tolkien's story, The Lost Road to him, as promised. He says that its possible publishing success is hard to ...
22 December 1937
K. M. (Katherine Mary) Kilbride to J.R.R. Tolkien
When The Hobbit was published back in September, 1937, Tolkien had sent a signed first edition to his family friend, Katherine Mary. She had lent the bo...
24 December 1937
Gladys Lillian Tilly (Faulconbridge) [Aunt Lily] to J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien's Aunt Lily congratulates him on the publication of a second printing of The Hobbit. This letter is held at the Bodleian Library among their Tol...
24 December 1937
C.V. Salmon to J.R.R. Tolkien
C.V. Salmon writes to Tolkien to suggest that they set 12 January 1938 for their rehearsal of the Beowulf broadcast on BBC Radio.
27 December 1937
R.A. [Ruth] Smith to J.R.R. Tolkien
G.B. Smith's mother, Ruth Smith, writes to Tolkien with thanks for the copy of The Hobbit he sent her. She also touches on Christopher Tolkien. This let...
29 December 1937
W.G. Le Tall to J.R.R. Tolkien
W.G. Le Tall again writes to Tolkien about the competition his bookshop is running on The Hobbit. The letter is held with the Tolkien Papers at the Bodl...
3 January 1938
C.V. Salmon to J.R.R. Tolkien
C.V. Salmon writes to Tolkien to confirm that he has secured a studio for their rehearsal of the Beowulf broadcast which will take place on 14 January. ...
18 January 1938
G.H. White to J.R.R. Tolkien
A reader had written to the Observer newspaper asking various questions on The Hobbit and Beowulf. White sends a clipping of that letter to Tolkien and ...
8 February 1938
W.G. Le Tall to J.R.R. Tolkien
Le Tall sends his personal copy of The Hobbit for Tolkien to sign for him. He updates Tolkien on the competition, noting that it has not gone as well as...
11th February 1938
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin writes that his son Rayner is delighted with the sample chapter from the new book about hobbits. Rayner does wonder if a child who hasn't ...
13 February 1938
Florence Hadley to J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien's Aunt Florence (Hadley) writes to thank him the copy of The Hobbit which he sent to her in British Columbia, Canada. She notes that had her sis...
15 February 1938
C.A. Furth to J.R.R. Tolkien
C.A. Furth writes to Tolkien, enclosing his manuscript of Mr. Bliss. He includes some instructions explaining how best to reproduce the illustrations an...
19 February 1938
C.A. Furth to J.R.R. Tolkien
Further to their letters on Mr. Bliss, C.A. Furth writes to Tolkien remarking that Mr. Bliss could be reproduced in the same manner as the Beatrix Potte...
26 February 1938
Mabel Day (Early English Text Society) to J.R.R. Tolkien
Mabel Day writes to Tolkien, reminding him that 6 months have past since he was asked to provide specimens for the Ancrene Riwle.
2 March 1938
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin sends Tolkien a reader's report on Lewis' Out of the Silent Planet. The report does not favour the story, to which Tolkien will write a co...
5 March 1938
George Allen & Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
GA&U send the five colour illustrations (sent from Houghton Mifflin Co.) to Tolkien. In their Companion and Guide, Chronology, p. 223, Wayne Hammond and...
16 March 1938
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien on the matter of Lewis' Out of the Silent Planet. He has now received three readers reports on the novel and is awaiting...
22 March 1938
B.S. Harvey to J.R.R. Tolkien
B.S. Harvey of the National Provincial Bank writes to Tolkien acknowledging payment of some cheques and as a post script asks Tolkien if he would mind s...
1 April 1938
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien again on the matter of Out of the Silent Planet. Having now received five reports and only one is positive. He has decid...
25 April 1938
Houghton Mifflin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Houghton Mifflin, the American publisher of The Hobbit, notified Tolkien that he has won a $250 award for the best children's book published that Spring.
29 April 1938
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien had sent a Cablegram from Houghton Mifflin to him onto GA&U and Stanley Unwin replies that they will that for publicity purposes. He also asks T...
3rd May, 1938
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley writes a short cover letter to Tolkien explaining that Rayner has had little time (going to boarding school on this day), but has scribbled down...
3 May 1938
Rayner Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rayner "scribbles" a book report on the first three chapters of the Hobbit sequel. His father Stanley sends this review to Tolkien along with a cover le...
3 May 1938
Kenneth Sisam to J.R.R. Tolkien
Kenneth Sisam writes to Tolkien on E.O.G. Turville-Petre's Viga-Glúms Saga. He notes that it will be published in their Oxford English Monographs serie...
13 May 1938
M. Williams to J.R.R. Tolkien
M. Williams, a former student at Oxford, now of the Manhattanville College of the Sacred Heart, New York, writes to Tolkien offering memories of her tim...
17 May 1938
Houghton Mifflin Co. to J.R.R. Tolkien
Houghton Mifflin Co. send Tolkien a cheque for $250 for being awarded first prize in the New York Herald Tribune book awards. The Hobbit had won first p...
1 June 1938
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin writes that Houghton Mifflin (the American publisher) reports having sold approximately 3000 copies of The Hobbit, and will re-announce it...
6 June 1938
Francis P. Magoun to J.R.R. Tolkien
Francis P. Magoun of Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA writes to Tolkien in praise of The Hobbit. He notes his growing interest in Gothic. Magoun had visite...
10 June 1938
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien and notes his regret that Tolkien does not have much time to write. He will write directly to Elaine Griffiths on matter...
29 June 1938
C.A. Furth (GA&U) to J.R.R. Tolkien
C.A. Furth writes to Tolkien informing him that Elaine Griffiths has asked to be released from her contract to deliver the revised edition of the Clark ...
22 July 1938
Rütten & Loening Verlag, Potsdam to J.R.R. Tolkien
A German publisher is interested in The Hobbit but needs Tolkien to confirm his Aryan descent before proceeding.
28 July 1938
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien. he remarks that his letters of 25 July "have been a source of much merriment and satisfaction at this office". He tells...
3 August 1938
C.A. Furth to J.R.R. Tolkien
C.A. Furth replies to Tolkien remarking that he would be happy for Tolkien to work on the Clark Hall Beowulf volume. He suggests a fee payable to Tolkie...
8 August 1938
C.A. Furth to J.R.R. Tolkien
C.A. Furth writes to Tolkien on matters of publishing. He says that the next book they will have to publish is Mr. Bliss, but they have missed the windo...
12 August 1938
John Johnson to J.R.R. Tolkien
As requested by Mabel Day, John Johnson sends Tolkien specimen pages of the Early English Text Societies edition of the Corpus Christi College MS of Anc...
14 August 1938
Simonne d'Ardenne to J.R.R. Tolkien
Simonne d'Ardenne writes to Tolkien on matters of St. Katherine after she had visited the British Museum and seen some of their items.
3 September 1938
C.A. Furth to J.R.R. Tolkien
In reply to Tolkien's letter, Furth sends an update on the matter of translations of The Hobbit. GA&U have not progressed with translations into French ...
4 September 1938
Catherine Lambert to J.R.R. Tolkien
Catherine Lambert, a writer from London writes to Tolkien on The Hobbit and mentions her own publications. This letter is held at the Bodleian Library a...
8 October 1938
Andrew Bennet to J.R.R. Tolkien
The secretary of St. Andrews University wrote a letter to Tolkien confirming their wish for him to deliver the Andrew Lang Lecture, they hope that Tolki...
10 October 1938
Simonne d'Ardenne to J.R.R. Tolkien
Writing to Tolkien, Simonne d'Ardenne complains about Hitler and the situation in Europe but she hopes that world events will work out for the best. On ...
14 October 1938
Andrew Bennett to J.R.R. Tolkien
Andrew Bennett writes to acknowledge Tolkien letter on the matter of the Andrew Lang Lecture at St. Andrews University.
18 October 1938
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien offering his sympathies for his current problems with health and various matters of work. He says that GA&U have written...
22 November 1938
F.E. Harmer to J.R.R. Tolkien
F.E. Harmer from the University of Manchester writes to Tolkien and encloses her article ‘Anglo Saxon Charters and the Historian’. She remarks that ...
18 January 1939
Andrew Bennett to J.R.R. Tolkien
Andrew Bennett from University of St Andrews, had not heard from Tolkien since October regarding the 1939 Andrew Lang Lecture and writes to him again on...
24 January 1939
C.A. Furth to J.R.R. Tolkien
Writing to Tolkien, C.A. Furth suggests to Tolkien that if he has not made progress on The Lord of the Rings that they should revisit the subject of Mr....
8 February 1939
C.A. Furth to J.R.R. Tolkien
In reply to Tolkien's letter of 2 February, Furth tells Tolkien that the middle of June will be the latest date that GA&U can receive and have ready a w...
11 February 1939
C.A. Furth to J.R.R. Tolkien
Furth informs Tolkien that he has told the German publisher that he (Tolkien) wishes to see a proof of the translation of The Hobbit before going to pri...
18 February 1939
C.A. Furth to J.R.R. Tolkien
Furth writes to Tolkien again on the German publishers edition of The Hobbit. They will not publish until the autumn, and have agreed that they will pro...
21 June 1939
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin writing to Tolkien, asks for an update on his progress with The Lord of the Rings.
7 July 1939
John Masefield to J.R.R. Tolkien
John Masefield writes to Tolkien asking if he would again like to take part in the 'Summer Diversions'.
8 September 1939
Phillip Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Writing to Tolkien on the matter of the Clark Hall Beowulf, Philip Unwin asks Tolkien's opinion on the likely demand for the volume in current times (th...
October 1939
War Office to J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien is informed by the War Office that for the present he will not be called to work as a cryptographer. Hammond/Scull note that he will in fact not...
6 October 1939
W.N. Beard to J.R.R. Tolkien
W.N. Beard from GA&U's production department writes to Tolkien informing him that C.L. Wrenn has completed his revisions of the Clark Hall Beowulf. Bear...
14 November 1939
W.N. Beard to J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien has not replied to Beard on the matter of his preface for the Clark Hall Beowulf and Beard reminds Tolkien that a reply is still required.
21 November 1939
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Writing to Tolkien, Stanley Unwin says that he would like Tolkien to meet his eldest son, David, who works at Blackwell's Bookshop in Oxford.
11 December 1939
W.N. Beard to J.R.R. Tolkien
Having still not heard from Tolkien, a month after his last reminder, Beard again writes to Tolkien. He now tells Tolkien that the Clark Hall Beowulf is...
18 December 1939
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
After Stanley Unwin's letter mentioned that he would like Tolkien to meet his son, David, Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien in the evening after speaking ...
28 December 1939
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin replies to Tolkien's letter of 19 December. He says that it would be a relief to receive Tolkien's work on the Clark Hall Beowulf, remarki...
5 February 1940
George Allen & Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
GA&U write to Tolkien, reminding him that the Clark Hall Beowulf is awaiting his preface before going to print.
5 March 1940
W.N. Beard to J.R.R. Tolkien
Writing again to Tolkien, Beard reminds him that GA&U are still waiting for his preface for the Clark Hall Beowulf.
27 March 1940
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien. GA&U are still waiting for Tolkien's preface to the Clark Hall Beowulf and Stanley Unwin asks when it will be finished....
2 April 1940
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin writes again to Tolkien on the matter of the Clark Hall Beowulf. They intend to include the whole of Tolkien's preface as they feel his na...
5 April 1940
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin writes again on the Clark Hall Beowulf. He says that Tolkien's preface will require 36 pages and if Tolkien agrees, GA&U will begin typese...
8 April 1940
George Allen & Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
George Allen & Unwin send Tolkien a cheque for his preface for the Clark Hall Beowulf. They remark that he will receive proofs once they are sent from t...
19 April 1940
W.N. Beard to J.R.R. Tolkien
W.N. Beard sends the proofs for the Clark Hall Beowulf for his approval and asks that Tolkien returns them as soon as he can.
25 April 1940
W.N. Beard to J.R.R. Tolkien
W. N. Beard of GA&U writes to Tolkien assuring him that any corrections to the Clark Hall Beowulf will be handled carefully.
5 August 1940
Douglas Veale to J.R.R. Tolkien
Douglas Veale, Registrar of Oxford University, writes to Tolkien, with papers included for him to examine from a student in America. Hammond and Scull n...
(undated) November 1940
Winifred Husbands to J.R.R. Tolkien
Winifred Husbands from University College, London writes to to Tolkien, apparently informing him that an unauthorized edition of Songs for the Philologi...
16 March 1941
Betty Bond to J.R.R. Tolkien
Bond informs Tolkien that some of his students enjoyed his lectures on Beowulf during the last term.
18 June 1941
B.E.C. Davis to J.R.R. Tolkien
B.E.C. Davis of Westfield College, University of London writes to Tolkien to thank him for organizing for his students to use the English Faculty Librar...
Autumn 1941
W.J.B. Owen to J.R.R. Tolkien
Sometime during Autumn 1941, Tolkien replies to questions from W.J.B. Owen of Bangor University, North Wales, on queries of the Old English poem the 'Wa...
31 July 1942
Unknown to J.R.R. Tolkien
Noted in The War of the Ring, p. 40, and in Chronology, p. 849 is mention to a letter sent to Tolkien on which he wrote on the rear a "draft of a passag...
27 August 1942
Basil Blackwell to J.R.R. Tolkien
Basil Blackwell writes to Tolkien, offering his delight at the translation on Pearl which Tolkien had loaned him. He asks if Tolkien would be willing to...
4 December 1942
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien remarking that the London bookseller, Foyles, will publish The Hobbit as part of its Children's Book Club. He notes furt...
16 December 1942
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin replies to Tolkien's letter of 7 December remarking that he is looking to see what corrections have been included in the reprint of The Ho...
25 March 1943
Basil Blackwell to J.R.R. Tolkien
Basil Blackwell sends Tolkien some proof copies of Pearl to be corrected as Tolkien has time. He remarks that he is still hopeful that Tolkien will writ...
13 May 1943
George Allen & Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
George Allen & Unwin send Tolkien a royalty statement for 1942 and remark that binding issues have delayed the latest printing of The Hobbit.
7 July 1943
Basil Blackwell to J.R.R. Tolkien
After sending Tolkien proofs of Pearl Basil Blackwell writes again reminding Tolkien that he is yet to send the corrected proofs back to him. He asks To...
12 July 1943
George Allen & Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
George Allen & Unwin send to Tolkien two copies of the Foyles' Children's Book Club edition of The Hobbit.
17 September 1943
Basil Blackwell to J.R.R. Tolkien
Basil Blackwell again writes to Tolkien to remind him that he needs the manuscripts returned for Pearl. He remarks that he needs to sort Tolkien's accou...
24 September 1943
Basil Blackwell to J.R.R. Tolkien
Basil Blackwell writes, thanking Tolkien for his cheque. He also reiterates his hope that Tolkien can turn to and complete the work on Pearl.
Late December 1943
Simonne d'Ardenne (via the International Red Cross) to J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien receives a message via the International Red Cross from Simonne d'Erdenne. At that time, beginning in April 1942, Nazi Germany refused to relay ...
22 June 1944
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien asking of he could meet his son Rayner who is serving as a Cadet in the Navy at Oxford. He also encloses a cheque for £...
7 July 1944
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley writes to tell Tolkien that if paper were available they would immediately reprint The Hobbit as it would sell well. Stanley apologizes for not ...
10 July 1944
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin informs Tolkien that they have found a copy of the reprinted Hobbit and it has been sent to him.
1 August 1944
George Allen & Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
An unknown member of the George Allen & Unwin staff writes to Tolkien. Two more copies of The Hobbit have been found.
1 September 1944
Basil Blackwell to J.R.R. Tolkien
Basil Blackwell writes yet again to Tolkien on the matter of his translation of Pearl, which Tolkien has still not returned. Blackwell had asked about b...
6 September 1944
Basil Blackwell to J.R.R. Tolkien
In reply to #TCGLetter2415, Basil Blackwell writes to Tolkien remarking that Tolkien's reply had helped ease his mind on his previous comments in #TCGLe...
6 September 1944
T.S. Gregory to J.R.R. Tolkien
T.S. Gregory of the Dublin Review writes to Tolkien asking if he has any writings he would like to submit. On 12 October Tolkien will submit his short s...
26 September 1944
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien, remarked by Hammond & Scull as being about "an interesting poem, presumably Pearl, that Tolkien lent to Rayner."
24 October 1944 (received)
John Barrow to J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien quotes part of this letter from John Barrow in #TCGLetter176
22 May 1945
Stephen Bone to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stephen Bone, the writer and painter, writes to Tolkien. He remarks on his children's enjoyment of The Hobbit and asks Tolkien if he would send him a ma...
1 November 1946
Horus Engels to J.R.R. Tolkien
Horus Engels wanted to produce a German translation of The Hobbit and sent letters to Tolkien on the matter. In this response to something Tolkien had s...
27 September 1947
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
In response to Tolkien's letter from the prior week Unwin lets Tolkien know that the Hobbit corrections have been passed on to the production department...
23 November 1947
Stephen Bone to J.R.R. Tolkien
Following on from his letter in 1945, Bone returns a speciman page from The Lord of the Rings and discusses it. We currently have no record of Tolkien's...
15 December 1947
Katherine Farrer to J.R.R. Tolkien
Farrer replies to Tolkien, again in runes and says that she would welcome a key to the Dwarvish alphabet. This was written on a postcard that accompanie...
5 January 1948
Mother M. Agnes to J.R.R. Tolkien
Mother M. Agnes, a former pupil from Leeds and now at Maryfield College, Dublin, writes to Tolkien asking if he recalls her from that time at Leeds. She...
31 March 1948
Hugh Brogan to J.R.R. Tolkien
In a series of seven letters, a young reader, Hugh Brogan, writes to Tolkien on the matter of his "thirst for more information about Middle-earth" and r...
8 April 1948
Hugh Brogan to J.R.R. Tolkien
In a series of seven letters, a young reader, Hugh Brogan, writes to Tolkien on the matter of his "thirst for more information about Middle-earth" and r...
10 August 1948
George Allen & Unwin (Ronald Eames) to J.R.R. Tolkien
In reply to Tolkien's letter of 5 August (see #TCGLetter268) Ronald Eames says that George Allen & Unwin have decided to not use the illustrations of Mi...
c. early November 1948
Hugh Brogan to J.R.R. Tolkien
In a series of seven letters, a young reader, Hugh Brogan, writes to Tolkien on the matter of his "thirst for more information about Middle-earth" and r...
11 December 1948
Hugh Brogan to J.R.R. Tolkien
In a series of seven letters, a young reader, Hugh Brogan, writes to Tolkien on the matter of his "thirst for more information about Middle-earth" and r...
31 December 1948
Hugh Brogan to J.R.R. Tolkien
In a series of seven letters, a young reader, Hugh Brogan, writes to Tolkien on the matter of his "thirst for more information about Middle-earth" and r...
18 March 1949
Olwen Brogan to J.R.R. Tolkien
Hugh Brogan's mother, Olwen, writes to Tolkien on the matter of him visiting them in Cambridge. She says he is very welcome and suggests the 20th (Sunda...
4 April 1949 (postmark)
Hugh Brogan to J.R.R. Tolkien
In a series of seven letters, a young reader, Hugh Brogan, writes to Tolkien on the matter of his "thirst for more information about Middle-earth" and r...
18 May 1949
Henry Willink to J.R.R. Tolkien
Henry Willink, a colleague from Magdalene College, Cambridge, writes to Tolkien giving him an update on his wife's ill-health and to offer his admiratio...
13 August 1949
Hugh Brogan to J.R.R. Tolkien
In a series of seven letters, a young reader, Hugh Brogan, writes to Tolkien on the matter of his "thirst for more information about Middle-earth" and r...
27 October 1949
C.S. Lewis to J.R.R. Tolkien
Lewis writes to Tolkien after reading The Lord of the Rings, giving Tolkien high praise and feedback. The entire letter is published in volume two of Le...
Sir Lionel Whitby to J.R.R. Tolkien
No details of this letter are known beyond the auction details. Phillips, Oxford, from 20 October 1988: ALS from Sir Lionel Whitby, Master of Downing Co...
3 April 1950
Sir Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Sir Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien on the matter of how to publish the Lord of the Rings. He does not see a possibility of one volume and gives some fi...
12 March 1951
Hugh Brogan to J.R.R. Tolkien
Hugh Brogan writes to Tolkien and remarks that it has been a couple of years since he joined Hugh and his family and that he is always welcome if he is ...
30 May 1951
Dan Davin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Dan Davin, Kenneth Sisam's successor at the OUP writes to Tolkien about retrieving his material on the Clarendon Chaucer. When the two had met a week pr...
31 May 1951
Julian S. Huxley to J.R.R. Tolkien
Julien S. Huxley sends a short note to Tolkien saying he will be in the country for the next meeting of the Ad Eundem Dinner, of which Tolkien attends o...
After 8 June 1951
Dan Davin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Dan Davin replies to Tolkien with thanks for returning the material he had from the Clarendon Chaucer. he remarks that Tolkien is welcome to revisit any...
c. January 1952 - July 1953
Derek Price to J.R.R. Tolkien
Interesting and lengthy letter to Prof. Tolkien on a possible Chaucer holograph. Nothing more on this 3 page letter is known but it has been sold a numb...
10 November 1952
Rayner Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rayner Unwin writing to Tolkien gives him the welcome news that they have decided to publish The Lord of the Rings. They will take the unusual approach ...
R.M. Wilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
No details of this letter are known beyond the auction details. From Phillips, Oxford, from 20 October 1988: 2pp. typed letter and typed article from R....
20 April 1954
P.H. Newby to J.R.R. Tolkien
Newby writes to Tolkien asking if an examination of the eighteenth-century Grammarians would make a suitable subject for a talk on the BBC's Third Progr...
?18 or 20 May 1954
Bennett? to J.R.R. Tolkien
This letter is housed at the Wade Center but no details are currently known of its contents.
December 1954
Hugh Brogan to J.R.R. Tolkien
Hugh Brogan writes again to Tolkien and offers him some criticisms of the archaic style used in parts of The Lord of the Rings.
April 1955
W. H. Auden to J.R.R. Tolkien
W.H. Auden had been sent a proof copy of the Return of the King during the period it was titled The War of the Ring. He offers feedback, some questionin...
26 May 1955 (day of delivery)
Rayner Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rayner Unwin sends Tolkien a folder with reviews from the USA, forwarded from Houghton Mifflin.
29 June 1955
Jarrold & Sons of Norwich to J.R.R. Tolkien
This packet sent to Tolkien from the printers Jarrod & Sons' on 29 June is noted in Tolkien's reply to Allen & Unwin. They had sent Tolkien page proofs ...
18 September 1955
Hugh Brogan to J.R.R. Tolkien
Brogan writes to Tolkien offering apologies for his "impertinent, stupid, or sycophantic" comments in his letter from December 1954. Tolkien will pen a ...
4 December 1955
Hugh Brogan to J.R.R. Tolkien
Hugh Brogan writes to Tolkien on the matter of his criticism of The Lord of the Rings. He hopes that his criticism has not detracted from his "real admi...
7 March 1956
William Galbraith to J.R.R. Tolkien
No details of this letter are known but Tolkien also sent a letter the following day. Both letters are held at the Wade.
13 March 1956
Sam Gamgee to J.R.R. Tolkien
Sam Gamgee writes to Tolkien about his family hearing the BBC Radio production of the Lord of the Rings (lost) and being surprised about the use of Gamg...
4 March 1957
Walter Monckton to J.R.R. Tolkien
In reply to Tolkien's letter, Monckton writes to confirm that dates except one are good for him. He no longer works within the givernment so should be a...
15 July 1957
Walter Monckton to J.R.R. Tolkien
Monckton replies to Tolkien but very little is known of the content. It is assumed that he included his subscription which was late and perhaps discusse...
5 September 1957
Rayner Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rayner Unwin writes to say he is delighted that Tolkien was impressed with the concept artwork and photography he was shown during his visit by Forrest ...
26 September 1957
William Ready to J.R.R. Tolkien
William Ready of Marquette writes to Tolkien acknowledging Tolkien's proposed visit in 1958.
4 October 1957
Rayner Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rayner Unwin writes to Tolkien to say that Allen & Unwin have still not heard from Ackerman.
14 November 1957
Rayner Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rayner writes asking Tolkien how things stand between him and the Dutch bookshop, Voorhoeve & Dietrich regarding his visit to Holland. He also notes tha...
12 December 1957
Rayner Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rayner agrees with Tolkien that future translations should adopt the names as Tolkien prefers. Rayner says that Allen & Unwin can have an index of names...
14 January 1958
Rayner Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rayner has found a lady who can index The Lord of the Rings for him, and notes that he has said it is to be in "two parts". One of proper names and one ...
27 March 1958
Rayner Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rayner informs Tolkien that Forrest J. Ackerman with Zimmerman have been given a free option on the film rights to the Lord of the Rings, Zimmerman will...
16 April 1958
Rayner Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rayner writes to Tolkien to inform him that Allen & Unwin's Hollywood agent has reported that Ackerman has agreed to pay $500 for an additional 6 months...
9 May 1958
Rayner Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rayner informs Tolkien that the head of the agency from Hollywood who is responsible for the negotiations with Ackerman/Zimmerman will visit the Allen &...
22 May 1958
Rayner Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rayner replies to Tolkien with sympathy for his health troubles. He also agrees on Tolkien's proposed reply to Ackerman.
29 May 1958
Rayner Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Writing to Tolkien, Rayner says that he will seriously consider adding the index into the Lord of the Rings. Possibly to coincide with the proposed publ...
J.R.R. Tolkien (forgery) to J.R.R. Tolkien (forgery)
Auction Notes 445. Tolkien (J.R.R.) AUTOGRAPH POEM, 2pp. on both sides of personalised postcard, numerous notes on verso, 140 x 88mm., n.d. , by the dat...
14 February 1959
Rayner Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Writing to Tolkien on the matter of the option for the Lord of the Rings film rights, he has heard from agents that Ackerman and Co. have decided to not...
22 April 1959
Joy Hill to J.R.R. Tolkien
Joy Hill sends to Tolkien his notes on the story-line which have been returned by Forrest J. Ackerman.
16 January 1961
L.W. Forster to J.R.R. Tolkien
Forster writes to Tolkien, thanking him for explaining the contribution of philology to Tolkien's works.
16 May 1961
Lars Gustafsson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Lars Gustafsson writes to Tolkien to request an interview with him. He says that he is not interested in talking about allegory and would prefer to disc...
12 July 1961
Rayner Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rayner Unwin writes to Tolkien with news that Miss Pamela Chandler wants to photograph him. He impresses upon Tolkien that they could use the photograph...
24 July 1961
Pamela Chandler to J.R.R. Tolkien
Pamela Chandler writes to Tolkien asking if he would like to visit London for her to photograph him at her studios. If that is not suitable she would ha...
9 October 1961
Pamela Chandler to J.R.R. Tolkien
Pamela Chandler replies to Tolkien with information about sizes. She says to retain the proofs as long as he likes. She asks if his overseas publishers ...
2 November 1961
Rayner Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rayner suggests that Tolkien include additional poems with 'Tom Bombadil' not just from The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.
18 November 1961
Rayner Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rayner tells Tolkien that he has sent the Tom Bombadil poems to Pauline Baynes to get her thoughts.
12 January 1962
Rayner Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rayner Unwin sends Tolkien a specimen page for The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, and estimates the book would be a total of 64 pages.
9 May 1962
Joy Hill (GA&U) to J.R.R. Tolkien
Following Rayner Unwin's letter to Pauline Baynes, Joy Hill writes to Tolkien confirming their offer to Baynes to illustrate The Adventures of Tom Bomba...
3 August 1962
Rayner Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rayner Unwin writes to Tolkien detailing Pauline Baynes schedule for completing illustrations. He asks Tolkien to dine with he and his father in London ...
27 August 1962
Rayner Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rayner sends Tolkien full-page illustrations of The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, drawn by Pauline Baynes. He asks Tolkien to decide which one should be e...
c. late 1963 - January 1964
Justin Arundale to J.R.R. Tolkien
Justin Arundale, a young fan of The Lord of the Rings, writes to Tolkien asking if he has any information of when The Silmarillion will be published. To...
20 February 1964
Austin Olney to J.R.R. Tolkien
Olney from Tolkien's American publisher Houghton Mifflin writes to Tolkien saying that they have decided not to commission Virgil Finlay to illustrate T...
29 April 1964
Jocelyn Gibb to J.R.R. Tolkien
No details of this letter are known. It is held at the Wade.
3 December 1964
Jocelyn Gibb to J.R.R. Tolkien
No details of this letter are known. It is held at the Wade.
17 December 1964
Jocelyn Gibb to J.R.R. Tolkien
No details of this letter are known. It is held at the Wade.
2 January 1965
Iris Murdoch to J.R.R. Tolkien
The writer, Iris Murdoch sends Tolkien a fan-letter to show her appreciation for The Lord of the Rings. Two pages were reproduced in Tolkien: Maker of M...
17 January 1965
Joan O. Falconer to J.R.R. Tolkien
No details of this letter are currently known but see #TCGLetter575 for Tolkien's reply.
July 6 1965
Nan C. Scott to J.R.R. Tolkien
Nan C. Scott responds to Tolkien's letter about the Ace Fellowship of the Ring, noting all of the actions she took to try and boycott the title, up to a...
19 February 1966
Claire Howard to J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien received a letter from an American, Mrs. Claire Howard. Writing from New York she mentions a local FM radio station had an hours reading from Th...
2 March 1966
Roger Verhulst to J.R.R. Tolkien
Roger Verhulst writes to Tolkien on behalf of the publisher, W,. B. Eerdmans who have the rights to the US paperback publication of Essays Presented to ...
20 March 1966
Charles Mitchel to J.R.R. Tolkien
Charles Micthell, husband of folk singer Joni Mitchell wrote to Tolkien asking if he could use two names, Lorien and Strider as names for a publsihing a...
22 August 1966
Timothy J. Wheeler to J.R.R. Tolkien
Wheeler sends Tolkien a copy of the August edition of RALLY which includes a review of The Lord of the Rings by Jared Lobdell. Noted at regarding the da...
26 August 1966
Charles Mitchell to J.R.R. Tolkien
Further to various letters from Charles Mitchell he writes to Tolkien including some lyrics for Joni's song 'I Think I understand'. He explains that Jon...
13 November 1966
Donald Swann to J.R.R. Tolkien
Swann reports to Tolkien that he has been "deluged" by fans after opening night in Boston.
30 December 1966
L.W. Forster to J.R.R. Tolkien
Forster writes to Tolkien with a copy of an article he is writing on The Lord of the Rings for a German encyclopaedia, to see if hew would like to make ...
16 March 1967
Donald Swann to J.R.R. Tolkien
Donald Swann writes to Tolkien, they talked about Elvish, songs, scripts for their book, and Tolkien mentions that is trying to complete his translation...
October 1967
Roger Lancelyn Green to J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien replies to this letter from Green on the subject of Smith of Wootton Major. We do not know the content of Green's letter but it is known from To...
1 November 1967
Barbara Remington to J.R.R. Tolkien
Barbara Remington had been commissioned to paint the cover art for the Ballantine paperback edition of The Hobbit under extreme time pressure due to the...
22 November 1967
Terry Pratchett to J.R.R. Tolkien
The famed writer Terry Pratchett writes to Tolkien offering his appreciation for his writing. He notes he has "just read Smith of Wootton Major" and goe...
14 February 1968
Leslie Megahey to J.R.R. Tolkien
Leslie Megahey of the BBC writes to Tolkien to thank him for his time over the previous week when he was filmed for the BBC's 'Tolkien in Oxford' film. ...
6 June 1968
J.W. Rusk to J.R.R. Tolkien
Writing to Tolkien, J.W. Rusk asks for details about his relationship with R.G. Collingwood. She had been informed by Professor G.R.G. Mure that Tolkien...
2 August 1968
Lynda Johnson Robb to J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien receives a letter from Lynda Johnson Robb (from the White House) asking if he would possible be able to sign her book (The Hobbit). Robb had tak...