Letter Tags
Tolkien does not approve of the proofs for the jacket of The Lord of the Rings, which he finds very ugly. He suggests some changes to the design of the ...
Tolkien expresses his delight in receiving an advance copy of The Fellowship of the Ring, he finds the jacket much improved and striking, particularly l...
On page two of this three page letter, Tolkien discusses various subjects including Leaf by Niggle and The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth.
Tolkien replied to a letter from Jonathan, thanking for his letter - "and especially for the (horrible) view of Mordor and the destruction of Orodruin. ...
Guide to Tolkien's Letters
The Lord of the Rings jackets
(5 letters match)1954
3 June 1954
J.R.R. Tolkien to Allen & Unwin Ltd, [to Ronald Eames]
Carpenter #146
Tolkien does not approve of the proofs for the jacket of The Lord of the Rings, which he finds very ugly. He suggests some changes to the design of the ...
15 June 1954
J.R.R. Tolkien to Allen & Unwin Ltd.
Carpenter #147
Tolkien expresses his delight in receiving an advance copy of The Fellowship of the Ring, he finds the jacket much improved and striking, particularly l...
4 December 1963
J.R.R. Tolkien to Miss Clark
On page two of this three page letter, Tolkien discusses various subjects including Leaf by Niggle and The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth.
18 December 1963
J.R.R. Tolkien to Jonathan Hepworth
Tolkien replied to a letter from Jonathan, thanking for his letter - "and especially for the (horrible) view of Mordor and the destruction of Orodruin. ...