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Guide to Tolkien's Letters


The Road Goes Ever On

(12 letters match)


16 March 1967
Donald Swann to J.R.R. Tolkien

Donald Swann writes to Tolkien, they talked about Elvish, songs, scripts for their book, and Tolkien mentions that is trying to complete his translation...
20 March 1967
J.R.R. Tolkien to Donald Swann
 Carpenter #294b

Tolkien writes to Donald Swann including more material for his project. He thanks Swann for not cursing him. He has had long delays and while trying to ...
21 March 1967
J.R.R. Tolkien to Donald Swann

Tolkien sends background material for The Road Goes Ever On. He includes Galadriel's Lament and Chant written out "in a fair Elvish book-hand, rubricate...
22 March 1967
J.R.R. Tolkien to Donald Swann

Tolkien writes to Donald Swann offering transcripts of the Lament and Chant in Elvish script. This letter is held at the Wade.
12 April 1967
J.R.R. Tolkien to Donald Swann
 Carpenter #295a

Writing to Donald Swann on the matter of their book, The Road Goes Ever On, Tolkien provides much on the contents of the book, noting that the commentar...
19 June 1967
J.R.R. Tolkien to Donald Swann

Tolkien thanks Swann for the book cover and compares the "t" rendered there to various occurrences from genuine manuscripts. It is held at the Wade.
Mid 1967
George Allen & Unwin to Press

Press release from GA&U about Smith of Wootton Major, The Road Goes Ever On and the vinyl record The Poems and Songs of Middle-earth.
12-13 July 1967
J.R.R. Tolkien to Donald Swann
 Carpenter #295b

Tolkien does not like the calligraphy being made by Samuel Hanks Bryant as filler for blank pages in The Road Goes Ever On. Tolkien objects to Swann usi...
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