Letter Tags
Results from Honour Moderations had been published in the Times, 8 April Tolkien was listed in the Second Class. He wrote to Rob Gilson to inform him of...
Rob Gilson replies to Tolkiens April letter informing him of recent results ( Gilson says that he does not know whether to congratulate or commiserate w...
G.B. Smith sends his congratulations to Tolkien while he is in Warwick for ‘one of the highest distinctions an Englishman can obtain’.
Tolkien has been elected to the Rawlinson & Bosworth professorship at Oxford and must therefore resign his position at Leeds. His posting takes effect f...
This handwritten letter over 2 pages finds Tolkien discussing academia at Leeds University and his own poetry. Brett-Smith had written Tolkien a letter ...
As with Tolkien's ealier letter this handwritten letter finds Tolkien again discussing academia at Leeds University. He promises Brett-Smith that he wil...
On 2 June, 1926, the Huddersfield Daily Examiner published a short piece on W. E. Haigh's A New Glossary of the Dialect of the Huddersfield District for...
Chambers writing to Tolkien tells him that he must not "delete a single word from" his Beowulf lecture. The letter from Chambers is found in Oxford, Bod...
Tolkien makes mention of the new volume on Buckingham by P.N. Tolkien also promises to send Chambers a copy of his book, written for his children and oc...
Tolkien writes to Pembroke College recommending Mr. N. Davis for a place at the college.
Tolkien thanks Stanley Unwin for the excellent news from America, where The Hobbit is selling well and it has won a prize of $250. Rayner's review of th...
Tolkien pens a letter to Miss Segar regarding hours for the upcoming examinations. He also asks her for the address of a Miss Ridgeway to the same ends....
Tolkien updates Phillip Unwin on the current situation at universities given the news of war with Germany. He says there will be a reduced demand, but s...
Writing to his wife, Charles Willians notes that Tolkien and Lewis have asked him to lecture at Magdalen next term if he's still around at that time.
Tolkien reflects on his time in Leeds from 1920 to 1925, associating it with Gordon and expressing gratitude for his kindness and encouragement. The aut...
Tolkien notes his pleasure at receiveing letters from readers. He mentions his mythology and remarks that he has nearly finished a second book on hobbit...
Tolkien writes a letter to J.L.N. O’Loughlin. He is currently organising courses for the Navy and Air Force cadets. At a board meeting which Tolkien d...
Tolkien expresses sympathy for Lewis' illness and suggests the possibility of meeting on Wednesdays while discussing the challenges hindering their meet...
Tolkien was glad to get Christopher's letter, he had been waiting to write, needing his new address. He mentions the weather, and fruits which are growi...
Tolkien reports that he is tired, but has managed to get things done in his usual “programme”. He notes that he has heard two chapters from Charles ...
Tolkien writes to Christopher after hearing from his brother Michael that Christopher had been unwell again. Tolkien updates him on home life, with Edit...
Tolkien apologizes to Christopher for the delay in writing and shares details of recent activities, including giving lectures, discussing Cardiff with G...
Tolkien has not written for a week and speaks of his “shame of letting a whole week go”. He has been praying for Christopher constantly though. Tolk...
Tolkien expresses gratitude for a recently received airletter, shares updates about writing progress on The Lord of the Rings and mentions spending time...
Tolkien gives Christopher an update on his progess on The Two Towers, the second book of The Lord of the Rings. He has read the second chapter, "Passage...
Writing to Christopher with an update on recent happenings. He had dinner in college and notes that "the three old gents" were very easy to talk to. Lew...
Tolkien reflects on the cultural landscape, comparing Kroonstad, seen as a genuine product of their culture, with Jo'burg's aspirations. He expresses co...
Tolkien writes to Christopher while in working with Cadets at the Taylorian . He is missing his son and wishes he could see him. He gives an update on t...
Writing to Gilbert Murray, Tolkien with regret notes that he is powerless to help with the task of securing employment of one J.C. Ghosh, an Indian stud...
Tolkien writes to Jennifer with some advice on an Oxford College, and errors in The Hobbit. A description of the letter appeared in The J.R.R. Tolkien C...
Tolkien expresses pleasure that Brogan enjoyed "The Hobbit" and mentions his ongoing work on a longer piece set in the same world, providing details abo...
Tolkien writing to Miss Flint apologizes for his delay in replying. He had been away but upon his return had much delayed business to attend to which in...
Following on from his previous letter (#TCGLetter1091), Tolkien apologises for being unhelpful to Miss Flint for so long. He believes that her revised t...
Two page handwritten letter in which JRRT congratulates Smith on the Quain election and writes on behalf of a student named Mrs. Pietrkiewicz, maiden na...
Tolkien spent some time in the 1950s in Ireland and while there he stayed with the Hogan family. The father, Jeremiah worked with Tolkien during his vis...
A short note from Tolkien to Miss Moore explaining that he has forgotten to enter the date to which her Viva Voce had been removed.
Writing to Dan Davin, Sisam describes Tolkien as "a rogue." He bemoans Tolkien's delays on a number of titles, remarking that Tolkien "has had Middle En...
Tolkien discusses C.S. Lewis and his invitation to Cambridge. Lewis had intitially refused the offer citing family obligations, namely his brothers heal...
Tolkien writes to H.S. Bennett who had written to Tolkien the previous day. He discusses the proposed move by C.S. Lewis to Cambridge. C.S. Lewis would ...
Tolkien was sent a 'facsimile' which he is able to use for class-work.
Tolkien declines an appointment as a member of a Board of Examiners.
Tolkien discusses his retirement.
Guide to Tolkien's Letters
(44 letters match)1913
April 1913 (no earlier than 7 April and no later than 27 April)
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rob Gilson
Results from Honour Moderations had been published in the Times, 8 April Tolkien was listed in the Second Class. He wrote to Rob Gilson to inform him of...
27 April 1913
Rob Gilson to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rob Gilson replies to Tolkiens April letter informing him of recent results ( Gilson says that he does not know whether to congratulate or commiserate w...
4 July 1915
J.R.R. Tolkien to G.B. Smith
G.B. Smith sends his congratulations to Tolkien while he is in Warwick for ‘one of the highest distinctions an Englishman can obtain’.
22 July 1925
J.R.R. Tolkien to Vice Chancellor of Leeds University
Carpenter #8
Tolkien has been elected to the Rawlinson & Bosworth professorship at Oxford and must therefore resign his position at Leeds. His posting takes effect f...
22 July 1925
J.R.R. Tolkien to H.F.B. Brett-Smith
This handwritten letter over 2 pages finds Tolkien discussing academia at Leeds University and his own poetry. Brett-Smith had written Tolkien a letter ...
8 August 1925
J.R.R. Tolkien to H.F.B. Brett-Smith
As with Tolkien's ealier letter this handwritten letter finds Tolkien again discussing academia at Leeds University. He promises Brett-Smith that he wil...
2 June 1926 (date published)
J.R.R. Tolkien to Walter E. Haigh
On 2 June, 1926, the Huddersfield Daily Examiner published a short piece on W. E. Haigh's A New Glossary of the Dialect of the Huddersfield District for...
2 February 1937
R. W. Chambers to J.R.R. Tolkien
Chambers writing to Tolkien tells him that he must not "delete a single word from" his Beowulf lecture. The letter from Chambers is found in Oxford, Bod...
8 February 1937
J.R.R. Tolkien to R.W. Chambers
Tolkien makes mention of the new volume on Buckingham by P.N. Tolkien also promises to send Chambers a copy of his book, written for his children and oc...
11 June 1937
J.R.R. Tolkien to Pembroke College
Tolkien writes to Pembroke College recommending Mr. N. Davis for a place at the college.
June 4th 1938
J.R.R. Tolkien to Stanley Unwin
Carpenter #28
Tolkien thanks Stanley Unwin for the excellent news from America, where The Hobbit is selling well and it has won a prize of $250. Rayner's review of th...
4 July 1939
J.R.R. Tolkien to Miss Segar
Tolkien pens a letter to Miss Segar regarding hours for the upcoming examinations. He also asks her for the address of a Miss Ridgeway to the same ends....
15 September 1939
J.R.R. Tolkien to Phillip Unwin
Carpenter #36b
Tolkien updates Phillip Unwin on the current situation at universities given the news of war with Germany. He says there will be a reduced demand, but s...
12 October 1939
Charles Williams to Florence "Michal" Williams
Writing to his wife, Charles Willians notes that Tolkien and Lewis have asked him to lecture at Magdalen next term if he's still around at that time.
26 November 1941
J.R.R. Tolkien to R.W. Chapman
Carpenter #46
Tolkien reflects on his time in Leeds from 1920 to 1925, associating it with Gordon and expressing gratitude for his kindness and encouragement. The aut...
15 March 1942
J.R.R. Tolkien to John Kettle
Tolkien notes his pleasure at receiveing letters from readers. He mentions his mythology and remarks that he has nearly finished a second book on hobbit...
29 January 1943
J.R.R. Tolkien to J.L.N. O'Loughlin
Tolkien writes a letter to J.L.N. O’Loughlin. He is currently organising courses for the Navy and Air Force cadets. At a board meeting which Tolkien d...
20 April 1943
J.R.R. Tolkien to C.S. Lewis
Carpenter #48
Tolkien expresses sympathy for Lewis' illness and suggests the possibility of meeting on Wednesdays while discussing the challenges hindering their meet...
28 July 1943
J.R.R. Tolkien to Christopher Tolkien
Carpenter #49a
Tolkien was glad to get Christopher's letter, he had been waiting to write, needing his new address. He mentions the weather, and fruits which are growi...
10 November 1943
J.R.R. Tolkien to Christopher Tolkien
Carpenter #51b
Tolkien reports that he is tired, but has managed to get things done in his usual “programme”. He notes that he has heard two chapters from Charles ...
15 December 1943
J.R.R. Tolkien to Christopher Tolkien
Carpenter #53a
Tolkien writes to Christopher after hearing from his brother Michael that Christopher had been unwell again. Tolkien updates him on home life, with Edit...
18 January 1944
J.R.R. Tolkien to Christopher Tolkien
Carpenter #55
Tolkien apologizes to Christopher for the delay in writing and shares details of recent activities, including giving lectures, discussing Cardiff with G...
25 January 1944
J.R.R. Tolkien to Christopher Tolkien
Carpenter #55a
Tolkien has not written for a week and speaks of his “shame of letting a whole week go”. He has been praying for Christopher constantly though. Tolk...
13 April 1944 (continued on 15 April)
J.R.R. Tolkien to Christopher Tolkien
Carpenter #60
Tolkien expresses gratitude for a recently received airletter, shares updates about writing progress on The Lord of the Rings and mentions spending time...
23 April 1944
J.R.R. Tolkien to Christopher Tolkien
Carpenter #62
Tolkien gives Christopher an update on his progess on The Two Towers, the second book of The Lord of the Rings. He has read the second chapter, "Passage...
31 May 1944 (continued 3 June)
J.R.R. Tolkien to Christopher Tolkien
Carpenter #72
Writing to Christopher with an update on recent happenings. He had dinner in college and notes that "the three old gents" were very easy to talk to. Lew...
22 August 1944
J.R.R. Tolkien to Christopher Tolkien
Carpenter #79
Tolkien reflects on the cultural landscape, comparing Kroonstad, seen as a genuine product of their culture, with Jo'burg's aspirations. He expresses co...
12 March 1945
J.R.R. Tolkien to Christopher Tolkien
Carpenter #97c
Tolkien writes to Christopher while in working with Cadets at the Taylorian . He is missing his son and wishes he could see him. He gives an update on t...
13 January 1947
J.R.R. Tolkien to Gilbert Murray
Writing to Gilbert Murray, Tolkien with regret notes that he is powerless to help with the task of securing employment of one J.C. Ghosh, an Indian stud...
26 September 1947
J.R.R. Tolkien to Jennifer Paxman
Tolkien writes to Jennifer with some advice on an Oxford College, and errors in The Hobbit. A description of the letter appeared in The J.R.R. Tolkien C...
7 April 1948
J.R.R. Tolkien to Hugh Brogan
Carpenter #114
Tolkien expresses pleasure that Brogan enjoyed "The Hobbit" and mentions his ongoing work on a longer piece set in the same world, providing details abo...
15 July 1949
J.R.R. Tolkien to Miss Flint
Tolkien writing to Miss Flint apologizes for his delay in replying. He had been away but upon his return had much delayed business to attend to which in...
19 August 1949
J.R.R. Tolkien to Miss Flint
Following on from his previous letter (#TCGLetter1091), Tolkien apologises for being unhelpful to Miss Flint for so long. He believes that her revised t...
19 August 1949
J.R.R. Tolkien to A. H. Smith
Two page handwritten letter in which JRRT congratulates Smith on the Quain election and writes on behalf of a student named Mrs. Pietrkiewicz, maiden na...
J.R.R. Tolkien to Jeremiah Hogan (and family)
Tolkien spent some time in the 1950s in Ireland and while there he stayed with the Hogan family. The father, Jeremiah worked with Tolkien during his vis...
4 July 1952
J.R.R. Tolkien to Miss Moore
A short note from Tolkien to Miss Moore explaining that he has forgotten to enter the date to which her Viva Voce had been removed.
18 June 1953
Kenneth Sisam to Dan Davin
Writing to Dan Davin, Sisam describes Tolkien as "a rogue." He bemoans Tolkien's delays on a number of titles, remarking that Tolkien "has had Middle En...
17 May 1954
J.R.R. Tolkien to Henry Willink
Tolkien discusses C.S. Lewis and his invitation to Cambridge. Lewis had intitially refused the offer citing family obligations, namely his brothers heal...
17 May 1954
J.R.R. Tolkien to H.S. Bennett
Tolkien writes to H.S. Bennett who had written to Tolkien the previous day. He discusses the proposed move by C.S. Lewis to Cambridge. C.S. Lewis would ...
27 October 1957
J.R.R. Tolkien to Leslie Smith (Allen & Unwin)
Tolkien was sent a 'facsimile' which he is able to use for class-work.
12 August 1959
J.R.R. Tolkien to Deputy Registrar, University of Madras
Carpenter #216
Tolkien declines an appointment as a member of a Board of Examiners.
15 October 1959
J.R.R. Tolkien to Naomi Mitchison
Carpenter #219
Tolkien discusses his retirement.