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Guide to Tolkien's Letters



(26 letters match)


9 April 1931
Kenneth Sisam to J.R.R. Tolkien

Kenneth Sisam forwards on a letter from a correpsondent who had asked about a possible connection aliri, a Middle English word, and aleary which appeare...
2 December 1931
R.E.M. Wheeler to J.R.R. Tolkien

R.E.M. Wheeler writes to Tolkien on the news that the Society of Antiquaries will publish a report on the excavations at Lydney Park, Gloucestershire. W...
c. 3 and 8 December 1931
J.R.R. Tolkien to R.E.M. Wheeler

Replying to Wheeler's letter. He mentions the possible connections between the names Nuada, Lludd, and Lydney. In July 1932 Tolkien’s note "The Name '...
c. 3 and 11 December 1931
J.R.R. Tolkien to Allen Mawer

Tolkien writes a letter to the noted scholar, Allen Mawer, on the subject of the word Lydney. This letter is almost certainly in connection to Tolkien's...
9 December 1931
R.E.M. Wheeler to J.R.R. Tolkien

Wheeler replies to Tolkien's letter with thanks for his note. He suggests that Tolkien retain his note on 'Nodens' for the time being while he (Wheeler)...
c. 10 December 1931 - 1 January 1932
J.R.R. Tolkien to R.E.M. Wheeler

Wayne Hammond and Christina Scull note that Wheeler wrote to Tolkien on 2 January 1932, asking Tolkien to return to 'Nodens' note, but that Tolkien had ...
12 December 1931
Allen Mawer to J.R.R. Tolkien

Mawer replies to Tolkien's letter on Lydney. He says that he himself has looked into the name but has not been able to come to any concrete conclusions.
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