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10 May, 2013
2013-5-10 10:39:41 PM UTC
I'd be more than happy to help out in Australia with any of the regulars. Although, I'm not sure that much turns up for sale here. And as I'm moving to NZ (finally) in August, there will probably be even less prospect of anyone needing my services as NZ has a population of three people and a sheep...
10 May, 2013
2013-5-10 11:11:58 PM UTC
I've found more than a few interesting things in Australia, for whatever reason.

The regular crowd here will probably groan, but once you are in NZ there is plenty of demand for movie related items (and books) that originate there - Weta signed art books, for example. (Yes, I know Weta will ship internationally, but once they are in the hands of collectors, who knows.)
11 May, 2013
2013-5-11 7:29:51 AM UTC
11 May, 2013
2013-5-11 7:51:27 AM UTC
11 May, 2013
2013-5-11 8:11:30 AM UTC
Groan ...
11 May, 2013
2013-5-11 8:50:23 AM UTC
Go on then, Groan...
11 May, 2013
2013-5-11 4:38:56 PM UTC
One should note "the regulars" also like turning perfectly proper discussions into spam threads...

11 May, 2013
2013-5-11 8:09:51 PM UTC
Count me in as a [1].
10 Jun, 2013
2013-6-10 3:35:49 PM UTC
I'd like to order a book from (Tolkien related). However, the seller only ships to UK addresses. Would anyone be willing to allow me to send the book to your UK address and then you could mail the book to my US address? I'll pay to have it sent to your home (I just need your address) and I'll pay you through Paypal for the extra shipping plus whatever you think is fair for your time. Message me if you are available and willing to do this. No rush with the shipping--it is just a secondary work on Tolkien I'd like to own.

7 Jul, 2020
2020-7-7 12:54:19 AM UTC
I would like to "borrow" someone's UK address so that I can make a bid on eBay that only ships to the UK. I've already messaged the seller about shipping to the US and they agreed and sent me an estimate to ship to the US, but the listing won't let me bid because it was originally set to UK buyers only and someone already bid. According to the seller, they can no longer change this.

If you are able to help, please PM me. Thanks so much!
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