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4 Nov, 2014 (edited)
2014-11-4 8:04:48 PM UTC
1331 posts in this thread, and I am still amazed by the ridiculous auctions on ebay.

"another collectible book listed by river bank books" for £20.

This item looks to have been nicked from a library

eBay Item #381026479895

10_545930f135899.jpg 1600X1200 px
6 Nov, 2014
2014-11-6 5:20:02 AM UTC
Candidate for worst ever facsimile dustwrapper?

eBay Item #151451547615
6 Nov, 2014
2014-11-6 10:24:38 AM UTC
I think this one is quite funny, though not to helpful in what you might get for your $100.

eBay Item #111490138530
6 Nov, 2014
2014-11-6 7:29:04 PM UTC
Blimey, what a price!

eBay Item #181579014391
11 Nov, 2014
2014-11-11 6:00:54 AM UTC
Loving this picture! It is extremely helpful! :)

eBay Item #251714164132
17 Nov, 2014
2014-11-17 2:28:40 AM UTC
20 Nov, 2014
2014-11-20 10:10:47 PM UTC
eBay Item #201219327656
What's actually going on here?!

20 Nov, 2014
2014-11-20 11:03:08 PM UTC
That's in pretty amazing condition, from the photos. That would be my guess as to what is driving the bidding.
21 Nov, 2014
2014-11-21 12:07:02 AM UTC

Urulöké wrote:
That's in pretty amazing condition, from the photos. That would be my guess as to what is driving the bidding.

Still seems a bit steep(?), especially given the relatively depressed market. I have a copy that is actually a bit better than that one (that one on eBay has a bit of bumping to the head and the tail of the spine and the top-stain has faded a little), and I only paid 25 pounds for mine from a book-dealer on Abe. That was ten years (or more) ago, I suppose.

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21 Nov, 2014
2014-11-21 7:20:18 PM UTC
How can anyone really see how good that jacket is with the protective jacket cover? It might not be that good when you get it front of you. Either way, I think the price is stupidly high, given, as Stu says, the current market. I've got plenty in this kind of condition...

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