8 Nov, 2019
2019-11-8 9:40:35 PM UTC
Hello to everyone,
I took my chance to ask HarperCollins directly about the future of Deluxe Editions and I got an answer :)
The next Deluxe Edition is up to come in March 2020 and will be a new edition of the 1975's Sir Gawain and the green knight - Pear and Sir Orfeo with the original preface of Christopher Tolkien plus an essay of 1953 by JRR Tolkien (it's unclear what it is since I was not given any details about it). The person from H&C also told me about "added content to be revealed later".
This is great news, and I'm really looking forward to this new Deluxe Edition, hoping the first print to be printed by either Clays or IEGO :)
8 Nov, 2019
2019-11-8 10:27:15 PM UTC
I'm curious what they'll use for artwork (the logo, as well as possibly having John Howe's piece as a frontispiece) and overall design.
8 Nov, 2019
2019-11-8 10:28:48 PM UTC
That 1953 essay will likely be the W.P. Ker Memorial Lecture that was published in Monsters and the Critics I suspect.
9 Nov, 2019
2019-11-9 1:05:33 AM UTC
Oooh nice. Always good to look forward to these.
I wished you’d also asked them where Letters was printed ?
9 Nov, 2019
2019-11-9 1:15:00 AM UTC
I just reply back and asked about LfFC printing details. Will let you know as (and if) I get an answer.
9 Nov, 2019
2019-11-9 1:49:47 AM UTC
Oh! I was half joking; but thanks ?
9 Nov, 2019
2019-11-9 2:52:12 AM UTC
If we have to have more deluxes that are "available only until the end of time itself", this seems like a reasonable thing to choose.
9 Nov, 2019
2019-11-9 1:45:11 PM UTC
As we discussed in another thread, probably Letters, Mr. Bliss, and a couple others could also make worthy additions to this series.
I still hold out hope that they will release the HoME books in a matching set. 12 books, all black spines, with original Tolkien motifs for the gilt stampings, would be just lovely imo. They could potentially do print on demand like the other HoME hardback editions on offer from Tolkien.co.uk.
9 Nov, 2019
2019-11-9 2:08:25 PM UTC
I would like to see a dedicated poems collection at some point. Standard hardcover with the 'deluxe' treatment for the collectors.
I doubt it would ever happen but a 2 volume box could be compiled with previously published (1) and unpublished poems (2) making up the two volumes. There is more than enough content if HarperCollins and the Estate were interested. And given the interest and information they could throw in a 3rd volume of commentary.
These 'deluxe' editions are a poor excuse for a calendar of publications from an author who's output should be easily accessible.
9 Nov, 2019
2019-11-9 3:15:54 PM UTC
Well, it is - all titles that exist in deluxe edition, also exist in standard hardback and paperback; in some shape or form