Tolkien Studies Volume 16 is available
24 Nov, 2019
2019-11-24 3:22:33 AM UTC
2019-11-24 3:22:33 AM UTC
The West Virginia University Press is now shipping Tolkien Studies Volume XVI (16). These are now only available in paperback sadly, but the content in each year's issue is always quite good.
(Note that the WVU website says there is a 30% off coupon for all their books, but Tolkien Studies counts as a "journal" not a book so the coupon does not apply).
Price is $60 (individual, USA), $70 (individual, international) and higher for institutions.
Website to order is
[Edit - updated to clarify the In Memoriam article is about Jared C. Lobdell and by Richard C. West. All contents come from Project MUSE]
(Note that the WVU website says there is a 30% off coupon for all their books, but Tolkien Studies counts as a "journal" not a book so the coupon does not apply).
Price is $60 (individual, USA), $70 (individual, international) and higher for institutions.
Website to order is
- Editors' Introduction
- by Michael D. C. Drout, Verlyn Flieger, David Bratman, p. 1
- Acknowledgements, p. 2
- In Memoriam [of Jared C. Lobdell]
- by Richard C. West, pp. 3-4
- Conventions and Abbreviations, pp. 5-8
- Enta Geweorc and the Work of Ents
- by Luke J. Chambers, pp. 9-20
- Tolkien's Treasures: Marvellous Objects in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
- by Marie H. Loughlin, pp. 21-58
- Flowers and Steel: The Necessity of War in Feminist Tolkien Scholarship
- by Anika Jensen, pp. 59-72
- The Kings of the Mark: Tolkien's Naming Process and His Views on Language Evolution
- by J. M. Silk, pp. 73-89
- The Art of Eternal Disaster: Tolkien's Apocalypse and the Road to Healing
- by Megan N. Fontenot, pp. 91-109
- Mother Music
- by John Rosegrant, pp. 111-131
- A Letter from Father Murray
- by Richard C. West, pp. 133-139
- Not Where He Eats, but Where He Is Eaten: Bilbo's Bread and Butter Simile
- by Thomas P. Hillman, p. 141
- Tolkien: Maker of Middle-earth by Catherine McIlwaine, and: Tolkien Treasures by Catherine McIlwaine (review)
- by Denis Bridoux, pp. 143-170
- The Fall of Gondolin by J.R.R Tolkien (review)
- by Jennifer Rogers, pp. 170-174
- Sub-creating Arda: World-building in J.R.R. Tolkien's Work, Its Precursors, and Its Legacies ed. by Dimitra Fimi and Thomas Honegger (review)
- by David Bratman, pp. 174-178
- The Year's Work in Tolkien Studies 2016
- by David Bratman, Jason Fisher, John Wm. Houghton, John Magoun, Kate Neville, Robin Anne Reid, pp. 179-254
- Bibliography (in English) for 2017
- by David Bratman, pp. 255-271
- Notes on Contributors, pp. 273-275
- Errata, p. 277
[Edit - updated to clarify the In Memoriam article is about Jared C. Lobdell and by Richard C. West. All contents come from Project MUSE]