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5 Feb, 2021
2021-2-5 10:25:01 PM UTC

Welcome to the forum.

I agree that you must be happy with him showing your book on national TV and your publisher is correct, send him copies of all your books.
5 Feb, 2021
2021-2-5 11:58:32 PM UTC

David Day wrote:

Anyway, Andrew, thank you for posting Colbert clip on your website.

Worth pointing out, just for the sake of clarity, that it isn't Andrew's Website, though he is a moderator.
6 Feb, 2021
2021-2-6 12:42:18 AM UTC

Stu wrote:

David Day wrote:

Anyway, Andrew, thank you for posting Colbert clip on your website.

Worth pointing out, just for the sake of clarity, that it isn't Andrew's Website, though he is a moderator.

Just a fact based detail Stu. Nothing important.
6 Feb, 2021
2021-2-6 7:20:16 AM UTC

onthetrail wrote:

Just a fact based detail Stu. Nothing important.
6 Feb, 2021
2021-2-6 4:20:55 PM UTC
Woah. I can think of nothing less Tolkienian (or Colbertine) than proudly declaring excitement over the prospect of gaining white supremacist readership. I suppose if money is the only object...
6 Feb, 2021
2021-2-6 8:33:32 PM UTC

Philomythos wrote:

Woah. I can think of nothing less Tolkienian (or Colbertine) than proudly declaring excitement over the prospect of gaining white supremacist readership. I suppose if money is the only object...

And then he can re-issue the dictionary with yet another title and get the Q-Anon money twice-over. Rinse and repeat! I've always believed David Day is a genius, making the same tired material pay for itself again and again and again...
7 Feb, 2021 (edited)
2021-2-7 4:48:00 AM UTC
Never let a tragedy go to waste...

David Day wrote:

Of course, like Stephen, the Q-Anon’s would have to buy a copy of the Dictionary and read it first. So, excellent! Sounds like I’ll have whole new pool of readers.

Q does relish in gleeful disinformation, I think you may be onto something.
7 Feb, 2021
2021-2-7 5:51:16 PM UTC
[Admin hat on] As we are drifting away from Tolkien and into conspiracy-level politics, I'm going to put my moderator foot down and ask that we steer this thread back to more bookish collectingish Tolkienish thoughts, if any.

11 Feb, 2021
2021-2-11 4:12:12 PM UTC
Woah! back to you Philomythos & Stu! & Caudimordax!
Can we lighten up a bit here?

I had thought I was having a rather good-humoured exchange with Trotter/Andrew (who graciously welcomed me to the forum) after I politely explained my “corrections” and my take on Steven Colbert’s satiric self-mocking monologue wherein he absurdly suggested Q-Anon supporters might find the same level of craziness by joining him in his Tolkien-obsessed nerd culture.

It was in this same self-mocking spirit that I suggested I might be able get Q-Anon crazies to buy copies of my Dictionary. To my total astonishment, this seems to have been taken this as a serious proposition!

All I can say is, if you believe I was seriously trying to convince Q-Anon fanatics to buy copies of my Dictionary, you must also believe Stephen Colbert was seriously trying to convince Q-Anon fanatics to join the Tolkien Society.

I am sorry if you interpreted my poor attempt at a humorous rejoinder meant I wished to consort with fascists. It was certainly not my intention.
11 Feb, 2021
2021-2-11 7:04:57 PM UTC

David Day wrote:

Woah! back to you Philomythos & Stu! & Caudimordax!
Can we lighten up a bit here?

I had thought I was having a rather good-humoured exchange with Trotter/Andrew (who graciously welcomed me to the forum) after I politely explained my “corrections” and my take on Steven Colbert’s satiric self-mocking monologue wherein he absurdly suggested Q-Anon supporters might find the same level of craziness by joining him in his Tolkien-obsessed nerd culture.

It was in this same self-mocking spirit that I suggested I might be able get Q-Anon crazies to buy copies of my Dictionary. To my total astonishment, this seems to have been taken this as a serious proposition!

All I can say is, if you believe I was seriously trying to convince Q-Anon fanatics to buy copies of my Dictionary, you must also believe Stephen Colbert was seriously trying to convince Q-Anon fanatics to join the Tolkien Society.

I am sorry if you interpreted my poor attempt at a humorous rejoinder meant I wished to consort with fascists. It was certainly not my intention.

I don't think anyone seriously thought you wanted to consort with fascists, FWIW.
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