Thanks guys. There was a bit of work in that and some detective work by a few people to make it possible. Glad a few peeps are able to get pleasure and benefit from the effort.
Just bought one of the Deluxe Maker of Middle-earth and got number 537. Looks like they still have a way to go before they sell out as it is limited to 675 copies.
Trotter wrote:
Just bought one of the Deluxe Maker of Middle-earth and got number 537. Looks like they still have a way to go before they sell out as it is limited to 675 copies.
Bought one august 26th and that was number 450. Sold out at this time next year?
I would just point out that there's no guarantee at all that the Bodleian is selling these in sequential order: i.e., that the latest reported sale is numbered 537 does not necessarily mean that 537 copies have been sold.
Aelfwine wrote:
I would just point out that there's no guarantee at all that the Bodleian is selling these in sequential order: i.e., that the latest reported sale is numbered 537 does not necessarily mean that 537 copies have been sold.
This is an important point. Even with HarperCollins CoH and S&G, they were only sold in numerical order initially, and then after the initial rush, they just got shipped in whatever order they got plucked from the warehouse.
These made it home to me just before christmas. Last haul of the year.
Finally got an Ancrene Wisse with the glassine dustjacket. Thanks to Rene van Rossenberg. Also the swedish 'Hompen' from 1947 that i found in a norwegian antique bookstore for about $400.
A small but nice haul.
Finally got an Ancrene Wisse with the glassine dustjacket. Thanks to Rene van Rossenberg. Also the swedish 'Hompen' from 1947 that i found in a norwegian antique bookstore for about $400.
A small but nice haul.

Congratulations, northman!
That Ancrene Wisse looks very nice with its glassine dustwrapper. I recently found a copy (but without the glassine DW), which is on its way, somewhere between Wales and Italy (or maybe devoured by Customs!)
That Ancrene Wisse looks very nice with its glassine dustwrapper. I recently found a copy (but without the glassine DW), which is on its way, somewhere between Wales and Italy (or maybe devoured by Customs!)
northman wrote:
These made it home to me just before christmas. Last haul of the year.
Finally got an Ancrene Wisse with the glassine dustjacket. Thanks to Rene van Rossenberg. Also the swedish 'Hompen' from 1947 that i found in a norwegian antique bookstore for about $400.
A small but nice haul.
That's a really nice looking Hompen at a great price! And a scarce glassine wrap for Ancrene Wisse, too. Congrats on a great haul.