A Sense of Tales Untold by Peter Grybauskas
12 Jan, 2022
2022-1-12 2:26:16 PM UTC
2022-1-12 2:26:16 PM UTC
Hi all, and Happy New Year.
I wanted to bring to your attention the recent (Nov 2021) publication of A Sense of Tales Untold: Exploring the Edges of Tolkien's Literary Canvas from Kent State University Press. You can read a bit about it on the publisher's website: https://www.kentstateuniversitypress.com/2021/a-sense-of-tales-untold/
Hope it will be of interest to some of you.
I wanted to bring to your attention the recent (Nov 2021) publication of A Sense of Tales Untold: Exploring the Edges of Tolkien's Literary Canvas from Kent State University Press. You can read a bit about it on the publisher's website: https://www.kentstateuniversitypress.com/2021/a-sense-of-tales-untold/
Hope it will be of interest to some of you.