Research Questions >> Assistance needed to recognize Tolkien's letters (Concerning 'The Hoard' & Comments to the Index)
Assistance needed to recognize Tolkien's letters (Concerning 'The Hoard' & Comments to the Index)
28 Jun, 2022
2022-6-28 2:55:28 PM UTC
2022-6-28 2:55:28 PM UTC
As you probably know, two groups of very interesting documents by Tolkien appeared a few days ago:
Concerning 'The Hoard': ... rningthe-h/a/6258-42010.s
Comments to the Index: ... ding-an-au/a/6258-42009.s
I am trying to transcribe them, but failed to recognize quite a few words. Could you help me?
Concerning 'The Hoard' is too long so I put it here, [MOD removed for copyright], which you can edit directly. I have marked word(s) I don't know by /[??]
As for Comments to the Index, I have great difficulties with the following sentences:
footnote of pic.4: †Please include all uses of English as a for of things/persons/places. Peculiar to [??]. As e.g. waybread ([??] Old English [??] of viaticum), or .
Tolkien's red comments on the typescript [MOD removed for copyright], I can recognize only 3:
1. not a title of Sauron
3. All named creatures are "persons"
4. [Mellyrn is] plural
Concerning 'The Hoard': ... rningthe-h/a/6258-42010.s
Comments to the Index: ... ding-an-au/a/6258-42009.s
I am trying to transcribe them, but failed to recognize quite a few words. Could you help me?
Concerning 'The Hoard' is too long so I put it here, [MOD removed for copyright], which you can edit directly. I have marked word(s) I don't know by /[??]
As for Comments to the Index, I have great difficulties with the following sentences:
footnote of pic.4: †Please include all uses of English as a for of things/persons/places. Peculiar to [??]. As e.g. waybread ([??] Old English [??] of viaticum), or .
Tolkien's red comments on the typescript [MOD removed for copyright], I can recognize only 3:
1. not a title of Sauron
3. All named creatures are "persons"
4. [Mellyrn is] plural