Ulmo wrote:
Hey, all, I’m hoping to collect deluxe copies of:
1. Children of Húrin
2. Sigurd and Gudrún
3. Beowulf
4. Kullervo
How many European impressions did #1 have? I assume #2 only had one Euopean impression, the same as #3. #4 never had a Eurpoean impression, and the second impression might actually be an improvement, is that correct?
When you say European impressions, you mean UK HarperCollins copies? Because if you don't mind reprints these can still all be bought new from our affiliate store.
I do mean the HarperCollins deluxe editions, but specifically I mean copies of the books which have been printed and bound in Europe, as opposed to China. The better quality books.
Regarding the first 3, I'm almost 100% sure that that only first prints are printed and bound in Europe.
And yes, the 2nd printing of Kulkervo (which still states "1" on the copyright page) is better (aligned title on the spine, slipcase better produced)
And yes, the 2nd printing of Kulkervo (which still states "1" on the copyright page) is better (aligned title on the spine, slipcase better produced)
My memory might be shot, but I think I have a 7th printing UT from L.E.G.O. Maybe i'm mixing it up with Rotolito. Just struck me as strange after reading Bergelmirs list. Will check when I get home again next week.
Printed in Europe doesn't always equal better. I would point out the deluxe HoME 1st print disaster or the Kullevro mess which were fixed with the 2nd prints from China...oh and there was the mother of all screw ups, the deluxe LOTR from last year.
It's true, the problem we've seen with the Chinese printers is their QC, (Fall of Arthur 2nd prints come to mind) however I think it's a fallacy that books printed in Europe are automatically better than books printed somewhere else. As we've seen, European printers are just as susceptible to issues as Chinese printers.
The deluxe series 1st prints are pretty much all bound by L.E.G.O SPA in Italy (which is a great printer) but the reprints which do come from Europe tend to be bound by ROTOLITO in Italy which have had major QC issues as of late.
It's true, the problem we've seen with the Chinese printers is their QC, (Fall of Arthur 2nd prints come to mind) however I think it's a fallacy that books printed in Europe are automatically better than books printed somewhere else. As we've seen, European printers are just as susceptible to issues as Chinese printers.
The deluxe series 1st prints are pretty much all bound by L.E.G.O SPA in Italy (which is a great printer) but the reprints which do come from Europe tend to be bound by ROTOLITO in Italy which have had major QC issues as of late.
Mr. Underhill wrote:
Printed in Europe doesn't always equal better. I would point out the deluxe HoME 1st print disaster or the Kullevro mess which were fixed with the 2nd prints from China...oh and there was the mother of all screw ups, the deluxe LOTR from last year.
It's true, the problem we've seen with the Chinese printers is their QC, (Fall of Arthur 2nd prints come to mind) however I think it's a fallacy that books printed in Europe are automatically better than books printed somewhere else. As we've seen, European printers are just as susceptible to issues as Chinese printers.
The deluxe series 1st prints are pretty much all bound by L.E.G.O SPA in Italy (which is a great printer) but the reprints which do come from Europe tend to be bound by ROTOLITO in Italy which have had major QC issues as of late.
The correction of the Home 2017 1st print disaster was done by LEGO S.P.A, not in China. By the way, lego produced this set till the 4th printing before Rotolito takes over.
I would say that from the late 2010' till last year (LotR deluxe mess) we can assume that Tolkien books printed and bound in Europe was better in quality compared to the chinese reprints, by far.
I've been recording print details off and on for a while based upon either my own purchases or comments made here (or on reddit) but recently decided I'd like to try and get a more thorough / comprehensive list and pair it together with a list of running ISBN's for various style/groupings HarperCollins has released "recently".
I keep that list updated on reddit and in a google spreadsheet.
In that vain, I went ahead and updated the google spreadsheet to have new sheets for the various styles/groupings to tracking the following:
• Print Number
• Printer (Country & Company)
• Recommend Retail Price (RRP)
• Any other "unique" items about a particular printing (things like the 50th Anniversary Edition being on the spine of the 1/4 Bound LotR Deluxe volume, or foil on the author/title on a dustjacket, irregular color compared other prints, etc.)
To help facilitate people helping out, I've got a Google Sheet that you can make a copy of and then fill out the data.
1. Simply select the Style from a dropdown list
2. Select the Title | ISBN from another dropdown list
3. Enter the various information in the other columns for each book.
4. Shoot me a PM (or post back here depending on what the Mods think) with a link to your updated spreadsheet so I know to go update my list.
Thanks in advance for anyone who helps out!
I keep that list updated on reddit and in a google spreadsheet.
In that vain, I went ahead and updated the google spreadsheet to have new sheets for the various styles/groupings to tracking the following:
• Print Number
• Printer (Country & Company)
• Recommend Retail Price (RRP)
• Any other "unique" items about a particular printing (things like the 50th Anniversary Edition being on the spine of the 1/4 Bound LotR Deluxe volume, or foil on the author/title on a dustjacket, irregular color compared other prints, etc.)
To help facilitate people helping out, I've got a Google Sheet that you can make a copy of and then fill out the data.
1. Simply select the Style from a dropdown list
2. Select the Title | ISBN from another dropdown list
3. Enter the various information in the other columns for each book.
4. Shoot me a PM (or post back here depending on what the Mods think) with a link to your updated spreadsheet so I know to go update my list.
Thanks in advance for anyone who helps out!
Many thanks for this helpful list!
I just PMed you with what's currently on my shelf.
This might be my OCD talking but (while the print quality is fine in all of my books) what annoys me most about the different printings is the "spine alignment" (or lack thereof). I would really appreciate pointers towards better matching versions.
I went through three sets of the 60th Anniversary Tolkien DJ LotR to get one where the lines align. Still the monograms and HC logos do not line up. Does anyone have editions that match? I.e. did the respective 1st printings (or any other) get it right?
Also, my UK Deluxe Silmarillion is quite a bit taller than the Chinese and Italian Dlx printings. Does anyone own a Silmarillion that would fit the others better?
I just PMed you with what's currently on my shelf.
This might be my OCD talking but (while the print quality is fine in all of my books) what annoys me most about the different printings is the "spine alignment" (or lack thereof). I would really appreciate pointers towards better matching versions.
I went through three sets of the 60th Anniversary Tolkien DJ LotR to get one where the lines align. Still the monograms and HC logos do not line up. Does anyone have editions that match? I.e. did the respective 1st printings (or any other) get it right?
Also, my UK Deluxe Silmarillion is quite a bit taller than the Chinese and Italian Dlx printings. Does anyone own a Silmarillion that would fit the others better?

I just replaced my 60th Anniversary Box Set (LEGO 20/19/19/11) with an even newer one (Rotolito 21/20/20*/12).
I am happy to report that the (now smaller, as well as the HC logos) Tolkien monograms on these almost align. Also, the individual book titles are all in the same font size now.
Another change is that the dust jackets (smaller monograms as well) are now printed on bright white paper and about 1-2 mm shorter that the LEGO ones.
The print and paper quality is on par wiht the slightly older set (very nice).
*= The tracking spreadsheet says the 20th ROTK printing is LEGO, but it is Rotolito
I am happy to report that the (now smaller, as well as the HC logos) Tolkien monograms on these almost align. Also, the individual book titles are all in the same font size now.
Another change is that the dust jackets (smaller monograms as well) are now printed on bright white paper and about 1-2 mm shorter that the LEGO ones.
The print and paper quality is on par wiht the slightly older set (very nice).
*= The tracking spreadsheet says the 20th ROTK printing is LEGO, but it is Rotolito