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6 Nov, 2022
2022-11-6 1:10:31 AM UTC
I have replaced last photo above to add "An Encyclopedia of Tolkien" which I had forgotten to include originally.
6 Nov, 2022
2022-11-6 9:15:22 AM UTC
Replaced last photo again adding "Beowulf" and "The Fall of Gondolin". This should now be complete (hopefully!).
6 Nov, 2022
2022-11-6 10:42:55 PM UTC
l've never purchased past Silmarillion so the size issue is a non factor for me. If I had to pick between Folio or Easton I would go with a nice set of Folios for sure. They just "feel" better, and I like alternative art at times. All that being said if you're in the market I would recommend them, especially if you can get them cheap, which is the challenge.

Throw out offers I say! Just throw them out there. Worst case scenario is the seller rejects your offer. Best case scenario you got some cheap(ish) books. I think if you're serious about LotR you should at least get the main books. Everything else is supplemental and as others have pointed out different sizes.
7 Nov, 2022
2022-11-7 7:19:01 PM UTC
Random thoughts about Easton Press.

Silmarillion “Realms of the Noldor” map is B&W. A pet peeve of mine.

Some of the books have custom frontispieces. I believe Hob+LR+Sil+UT+BoLT. A nice feature to have. But the art on the BoLT ones is not nice.

So I don’t really buy these, but I am hoping for the Atlas to come back. Basically, they are the only one printing a hardcover Atlas (in English) for the foreseeable future, so it’s a good buy, and honestly the design/format seem to me a particularly good fit for that particular book.
7 Nov, 2022
2022-11-7 9:40:53 PM UTC
Hi Guys, Great episode. One quick note for you. You mentioned that the Folio Society restricted their sales of Tolkien Books. I think that has been true in the past, but the new Illustrated Deluxe Edition of the Lord of the Rings, I ordered directly from them and received it here in the USofA. Just thought I'd mention that. Thanks again for another great episode.
7 Nov, 2022
2022-11-7 10:07:20 PM UTC

dunedain wrote:

Hi Guys, Great episode. One quick note for you. You mentioned that the Folio Society restricted their sales of Tolkien Books. I think that has been true in the past, but the new Illustrated Deluxe Edition of the Lord of the Rings, I ordered directly from them and received it here in the USofA. Just thought I'd mention that. Thanks again for another great episode.

Glad you liked the video!

Yes, the latest illustrated Lord of the Rings from Folio was made after the Houghton Mifflin / HarperCollins deal, so now the US rights are back with HC again (which is who Folio licenses from). Which raises the question, what will happen to Easton Press, who licensed from Houghton Mifflin...? Time will tell.
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