Once again, I appreciate all your responses so far. As the info is coming in it came up that it might be helpful to include spending ranges. Urulókë and northman brought this to my attention.
For those that have already responded, could you go back and edit your posts to include spending ranges for each of your categories EX: eBay items range $300-$500, other (auction houses) items range from $1000-$5000, etc...
And for those who have yet to post but are going to, if you could include price ranges as well that would be great.
For those that have already responded, could you go back and edit your posts to include spending ranges for each of your categories EX: eBay items range $300-$500, other (auction houses) items range from $1000-$5000, etc...
And for those who have yet to post but are going to, if you could include price ranges as well that would be great.

Ebay: 70%, mostly around the $100-500 range but some over 10K for rare finds.
Abe 20% typically targeting specific gaps in the collection $500-7K.
Dealer websites 5%, 1K-3K range
Person - person 2% 100-2K range
Generic online (amazon, blackwells etc) 3% 50-200 range
Abe 20% typically targeting specific gaps in the collection $500-7K.
Dealer websites 5%, 1K-3K range
Person - person 2% 100-2K range
Generic online (amazon, blackwells etc) 3% 50-200 range