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Contemporary reviews of Tolkien's works

11 Apr, 2023
2023-4-11 7:30:17 PM UTC

I quite often come across an interesting (or amusing) perspective when reading contemporary reviews.

I've posted a few times about these under Recent Acquisitions, but thought it would be fun to have them in their own thread. And I would love to see what other review items people have

Most of the reviews I've collected are positive (call it cognitive bias) so reading a negative one can be quite refreshing! In these two issues of Theology, there are very contrasting views:

In June 1955, Stuart B. Jackman bashes FOTR, saying "Mr. Tolkien has written a long, pedestrian fairy-story for adults" (not all untrue!) - though reserving the greatest disdain for there being no answer to the question "what is the meaning of all this?"

He adds that "Mr. Tolkien cannot expect us to live in his world with sympathy or enjoyment unless he gives us a much more cogent idea of why we are there."

Then in February 1956, H.A. Blair comes to the defence of Tolkien, arguing that a work should be judged on whether the author has succeeded in what they set out to do (not on whether it appeals to the taste of the reviewer). Blair is in no doubt that Tolkien has succeeded, so as to "release the reader in the Third Age of Middle-earth."

Interestingly, Blair also (having highlighted the Christian elements of the fall and of redemption) notes the popularity of the work amongst the young, and that it can therefore be a means of conveying a Christian message "without seeming to get at them."

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11 Apr, 2023
2023-4-11 7:48:24 PM UTC
I really love these Matt, and what an interesting vector of tolkien collecting!
12 Apr, 2023
2023-4-12 3:44:40 AM UTC

northman wrote:

I really love these Matt, and what an interesting vector of tolkien collecting!

Thank you northman, yes it gives me a lot of pleasure!
12 Apr, 2023
2023-4-12 4:53:00 AM UTC
I agree with northman, love your pursuit of this corner of Tolkien collecting. I think I may have some reviews I can share when I've got a bit of time to dig them up. Keep going!
12 Apr, 2023
2023-4-12 7:40:42 AM UTC

Urulókë wrote:

I agree with northman, love your pursuit of this corner of Tolkien collecting. I think I may have some reviews I can share when I've got a bit of time to dig them up. Keep going!

I will! Thanks for the encouragement. I really enjoy the variety of what you can find - newspapers, magazines, journals, and I have some sci-fi pulps on the way too which I'm really interested to see.
12 Apr, 2023
2023-4-12 7:35:40 PM UTC
Predictable Matt great find. Yes please, more.
12 Apr, 2023
2023-4-12 8:22:32 PM UTC
Here is the July 1955 issue of Astounding Science Fiction. P. Schuyler Miller reviews The Hobbit and The Fellowship of the Ring on pp. 156-7 (TTT and ROTK were not yet published in the USA at this time).

It is an overall positive review, calling them "oddly charming, oddly heroic adventure myths". He says "I'm sure you'll enjoy that fascinating character, Tom Bombadillo" ?. He concludes by pointing out that the works are clearly not science fiction "in spite of what eminent writers say about it on the jacket" but to not pass it up because of that.

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12 Apr, 2023
2023-4-12 8:55:58 PM UTC
A negative to neutral review of "The Hobbit" in the "Junior Bookshelf 1938"

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12 Apr, 2023
2023-4-12 9:10:18 PM UTC
I love contemporary reviews too. One I especially like is not for the usual review reasons but because like me, R. W. Chambers hated endnotes. In fact I hate them so much that I would outlaw them if I were the lord of notes. My father was part of the "there isn't enough footnotes" brigade because like all those who love creating them, he was a academic snob ?

Chambers threw in his disgust at Tolkien’s use of them near the end of his review of Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics in Modern Language Review, April, 1938.

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12 Apr, 2023
2023-4-12 9:29:11 PM UTC

onthetrail wrote:

I love contemporary reviews too. One I especially like is not for the usual review reasons but because like me, R. W. Chambers hated endnotes. In fact I hate them so much that I would outlaw them if I were the lord of notes. My father was part of the "there isn't enough footnotes" brigade because like all those who love creating them, he was a academic snob ?

Chambers threw in his disgust at Tolkien’s use of them near the end of his review of Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics in Modern Language Review, April, 1938.

Loved this despite being a lover of endnotes. Thanks for sharing.
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