Next is The Puffin Treasury of Children’s Stories, which contains extract Inside Information from the Hobbit. This was published in 1997 by Penguin. The Hobbit extract is illustrated by Chris Riddell, it has some colour images, particularly a full page one of Smaug, and some interesting interpretations of Bilbo and Balin. I have seen an alternate cover for this book.

Next is The Oxford Book of Story Poems compiled by Michael Harrison which contains the Tolkien poem The Man in the Moon Stayed Up Too Late. It was published in 1990 by Oxford University Press. There has been various re-releases of this book with different covers.

Next we have Over the Rainbow: Tales of Fantasy and Imagination, which contains the Riddles in the Dark chapter from the Hobbit. It was published in 1983, this version was published by St Michaels M&S, but it was originally published by Octopus. It is illustrated by Sarah Silcock with various border illustrations.

Next is Masterpieces of Terror and the Supernatural, which contains the original 1938 version of the Riddles in the Dark chapter from the Hobbit. It was first published in 1985 by Doubleday, this version is a paperback published in 1992 by Werner. It has been republished a few times.

Next is Favourite Poems Old and New compiled by Helen Ferris, which contains 2 Tolkien poems Roads Go Ever On And On and Goblin Feet. It was published in 1957 by Doubleday. I have seen a few different cover variations of this book.

Next is Kingdoms of Sorcery edited by Lin Carter, which contains The Bridge of Khazad-dum chapter from the Lord of the Rings. It was published in 1976 by Doubleday.

The last book I have is The Children’s Treasury of Literature edited by Bryna and Louis Untermeyer, which containers the first chapter of The Hobbit. This version was published in 1966 by Golden Pleasure Books, however the book has been re-released multiple times. It was first published in 1962 as a series of books, with the Hobbit chapter in volume 5 subtitled Wonder Lands. It has a lot of interesting illustrations by Robert J Lee including some in colour, shown below.
I cannot find an ISBN for this version but this is the 1972 version
I cannot find an ISBN for this version but this is the 1972 version

Those are all the books I have. I do know of quite a few more, particularly some early books containing the poem Goblin Feet.
Can people post any books they have.
Can people post any books they have.
These were really interesting to see, thanks for sharing Andy. I just stumbled across another (searching in the Internet Archive), which you may well know about.
The original Riddles in the Dark chapter was included in a compilation called Just for Fun, selected by Smith and Hazeltine, and first published in 1948 by Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., Inc (New York).
I don't have it, but there's a 1951 printing on eBay.
The original Riddles in the Dark chapter was included in a compilation called Just for Fun, selected by Smith and Hazeltine, and first published in 1948 by Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., Inc (New York).
I don't have it, but there's a 1951 printing on eBay.