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30 May, 2023
2023-5-30 12:32:54 AM UTC
With the Road Goes Ever On, will it just be a regular hardcover release or will we get a deluxe edition as well? I don't believe we have deluxe of either road goes ever on, or bilbo's las song etc (other smaller poems).
30 May, 2023
2023-5-30 2:28:06 AM UTC

animeno wrote:

With the Road Goes Ever On, will it just be a regular hardcover release or will we get a deluxe edition as well? I don't believe we have deluxe of either road goes ever on, or bilbo's las song etc (other smaller poems).

There’s no deluxe volume in the works at the moment for either. Just the trade hardbacks. Hope springs eternal though.
30 May, 2023
2023-5-30 5:16:18 AM UTC

animeno wrote:

With the Road Goes Ever On, will it just be a regular hardcover release or will we get a deluxe edition as well? I don't believe we have deluxe of either road goes ever on, or bilbo's last song etc (other smaller poems).

The copyright for Bilbo's Last Song is not owned by the Tolkien Estate, but I would love to see a Deluxe Tolkien Poetry book containing all of his poems.
30 May, 2023
2023-5-30 6:04:06 AM UTC
A complete or close to, book of Tolkien’s poetry I’ve hoped about for a few years.
19 Jul, 2023
2023-7-19 4:53:03 PM UTC
Do you have any news about the re-release of the new printing of the RGEO ? Has it been delayed?
19 Jul, 2023
2023-7-19 5:16:32 PM UTC
I thought it was due today, but see it has been moved to July 31st. On the TCG calendar.
19 Jul, 2023
2023-7-19 5:20:50 PM UTC
My understanding is that as this is just a reprinting (not a book release), there won't be a scheduled "date of release", it will just start showing up at retailers as shipments arrive. The last I have heard is that is still expected to be in July, so we've set the date to July 31 in the TCG calendar until we hear more.

19 Jul, 2023
2023-7-19 5:21:06 PM UTC
Oh thanks, I didn't think to look at the calendar, and I was stuck with the idea of a release scheduled for mid-June. I will watch retailers in hope to catch one as soon as possible !
30 Jul, 2023
2023-7-30 12:10:54 PM UTC

Mr. Underhill wrote:

HarperCollins is reprinting The Road Goes Ever On

Book Details:
The Road Goes Ever On
Words by J.R.R. Tolkien
Music by Donald Swann
4th Edition?
Hardback in dustwrapper
Illustrated by J.R.R. Tolkien and Samuel Hanks Bryant

Includes music for nine poems by J.R.R. Tolkien: The Road Goes Ever On, Upon the Hearth the Fire is Red, In the Willow-meads of Tasarinan, In Western Lands, Namárië, I Sit Beside the Fire, Errantry, Bilbo's Last Song and Lúthien Tinúviel. Also includes translations of Namárië and A Elbereth Gilthoniel, together with commentary. A CD will be included with this book. It contains The Road Goes Ever On song cycle performed by Donald Swann, William Elvin and Clive McCrombie.

Quote from the HarperCollins:

  • "It should be exactly the same as the 2002 edition, although the jacket will be matt instead of gloss. No one seems to like glossy covers any more! Stock will be in mid-June and will be released as soon as it arrives, we’re not giving it a new publication date. The last printing was in 2006 and sold out in 2011, by which time Bath Press who had been printing them had closed down. This is officially the fourth printing, and it’s taken rather longer than we ever intended to bring it back into stock. It has gone up from £20 to £25 (not too bad after more than 20 years)"

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The Road Goes Ever On

Harpercollins (2002)

£25.00 HarperCollins (Hardback) - Availability: Click to check
£23.75 (UK Only) - Availability: Click to check
$24.67 Blackwell's (hardback) - Availability: Usually dispatched within 7 days
$34.41 (Hardcover) - Availability: Now
£18.08 (Hardcover) - Availability: Now
€31.13 (Gebundene Ausgabe) - Availability: Now
€19.41 AbeBooks - Availability: Click to check
£18.08 eBay UK - Availability: Click to check

I have asked HarperCollins for an update on this release, as it looks like it is delayed from this month.
1 Aug, 2023
2023-8-1 12:24:31 PM UTC
HC hope that The Road Goes Ever On will be in their warehouses on the 21st August, so should appear for purchase around that date.

The new release is printed in India, and storms in that region have delayed its release.
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