Emilien wrote:
Mr. Underhill : Sorry, our posts just crossed
No problem at all, that's what's great about this site. All the information contributed over the years lives here and is easily accessible!
Mr. Underhill wrote:
Emilien wrote:
Mr. Underhill : Sorry, our posts just crossed
No problem at all, that's what's great about this site. All the information contributed over the years lives here and is easily accessible!
Yeah, that's so great ! When I've started my research, I was impressed by all the knowledge I can find here !

And thanks to the last evolutions made to the search tool, it's even more easier. Thanks for that Urulókë

northman wrote:
This set has been for sale for ages...at least a year or more at a buy it now price. I see the dealer reduced and turned it into an auction. Real shame about the box.